How to Deal with Mold and Moisture in Your Home?

June 11, 2014 5:01am CST
It’s been a few weeks now and you’ve been noticing something strange. There are gray water-spots appearing on your ceiling, and the kids have been getting more colds lately. You think there might be mold growing in your house, and sure enough when you climb into your attic crawl space you find mold growing in the wet patches left behind from a leaking pipe. You’re very concerned and you ask yourself. What does this mean for my home? Well there is certainly no getting around it. Mold is natural fact of life and is found all over the place outside your door, but that doesn’t mean you should tolerate it growing inside your home too. A little problem at first with mold can quickly become a monster of a problem for any homeowner. Not only can the moisture cause untold damage to the structural integrity of your home, but the mold poses severe health threats that at best will mean allergy problems and colds and at worse can land you in the hospital. Moisture and mold in your home must be dealt with as quickly as possible. If you happen to find a surplus of moisture and mold inside of your home, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to get at the root of the problem, and protect your home and family. Look for the signs: Are there wet spots on your ceiling or on other places around your home? Mold and moisture go hand and hand, so wherever undo moisture is in your home mold is bound to follow. If you happen to find mold inside your home, act quickly. Mold damages whatever surface it’s growing on and the longer you leave it the more you’ll have to pay later. One of the best ways to protect any home against this type of damage is with proper insulation. People have been retrofitting their homes with foam insulation in Kansas to protection against this home destroyer. Spray foam has a greater density, making it an incredibly strong material to defend against mold and moisture. The damage can be extensive, not only can it’s eat away at wood and stone, but it can destroy the structural form of your home, forcing you to have to do a full home remodel. If this is the case then call a contractor to take a look at the damage and begin the clean-up process. Don’t let mold and moisture destroy your home and happiness.
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