Choosing the Right Lumber for the Framing of Roof
Enid, Oklahoma
June 11, 2014 6:45am CST
Framing a home is a relatively common job, and contrary to popular belief, it’s something that a person can do with relative ease on his or her own. It’s important to know which kinds of lumber are necessary for which kind of framing, though.
For non-load-bearing walls it’s possible to make do with simple spruce-pine-fir 2 by 4 boards. All this lumber has to hold up is the weight of the framing material, which isn’t very much given that it’s typically nothing more than drywall. However, this kind of lumber will be completely unsuitable for heavier, weightier tasks.
The load-bearing walls of a home should be framed in strong boards that have been treated and tested for the purpose. Douglas fir boards are one example of a kind of lumber that’s ideal for this sort of framing task. Southern Yellow Pine Heartwood is also ideal, because the heartwood is the strong core of the tree, as opposed to the weaker, softer bark wood that’s near the outside of the tree.
When discussing framing in areas of dampness it’s important to look for pressure-treated wood that will resist moisture and rot. If the framing is taking place out of doors for instance, such as on a patio or deck then the wood will certainly need to be properly treated. The same is true of boards that are going to be in contact with the concrete in the basement or on the foundation of the house as well, though. Concrete is porous, and the temperature changes can quickly lead to water damage and rot in wood that isn’t treated. This can lead to weak framing, which causes a domino effect throughout the home unless the rotted boards are replaced.
Timberlake Truss Works in Oklahoma helps homeowners and contractors select the choicest lumber for the framing of roof with wood trusses in OK. The team always selects the best wood for the job, otherwise quality is compromised and the home won’t be as structurally sound.
There are so many different options when it comes to framing a home that it’s important to always check and see what’s available and necessary. Buying new boards is an option, but recycled wood that has yet to outlive its usefulness is also a helpful way to frame walls while saving money at the same time. No matter the project, it’s important to consider all of the options before deciding to buy one kind of wood for framing.

Timberlake TrussworksWood Trusses Enid OklahomaHomeTrussesServicesGalleryAboutContact UsWe custom cut our trusses from excellent lumber, for a sturdy fit every time. We start with hem-fir, the best, straightest lumber on the market. Our cutting process is
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