How to Improve Posture
@cornwellclinic (9)
Edmond, Oklahoma
June 12, 2014 10:29am CST
We all know the basics of posture and how to achieve the pretty posture body we have all grown to love! But do we really? We know how to stand up straight and sit up straight but is that posture? We walk standing straight but for some reason our legs and hips are killing us by the end of the day.
We drive sitting up straight for our hour long commute and by the time we get home our back is hurting so bad we just want to lay down. What are we doing so wrong?
The first and most important part of posture whether you are standing, sitting or even driving is the find your center. This can be different for everyone but the key is to find yours. This can also take some time to remember and reposition. But you will find it and when you do you will know it and most likely never forget it. The feeling of your body being centered will take all of the pain away. Of course, with anything it will take some time for the full effect but you will notice a difference.
You’ll want to make sure you’ve achieved the right posture stances for sitting, standing and such. In order to achieve proper posture, you need guidance from a medical professional. Dr. Cornwell is an Edmond chiropractor who helps people achieve proper posture for health backs and spines.
Stretching can also help in the pain relief as well as finding your center. Yoga is an amazing stretching exercise that will help in finding your center as well as balancing the stressful life we all live. Stretching exercises like yoga help with so very many aspects of posture.
The third and most important way to improve your posture is to practice. Once you find your center and use the exercises to help your body become more limber and feel the pain less often you should want to practice posture all day every day. Remember practice makes perfect and with out the practice you may never find the full relief you are looking for.
Correcting your posture is not only important to ensure a pain free life but it is also very important to your health. Your posture ensure your entire body has plenty of room to grow and expand and not have multiple organs on top of one another. Lets try and keep it that way or take it back to that option! You will either continue to love a pain free life or grow to love it!

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