Eleven health hazards caused by pests
By Lisa Glenn
@LisaGlenn (1)
New Delhi, India
June 18, 2014 4:32am CST
Pests are the carriage for damages. They are characterized by inflicting great harms to human concerns including health. Few diseases that can be caused by pests are:
1. Dengue fever :
The fever is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. They tend to bite during daytime and are constantly thriving in number due to unhygienic surroundings which is the main reason for uncontrolled expansion of the mosquito in urban areas. Acute fever, severe headache, muscle and joint pain, extreme fatigue, rashes and sometimes hemorrhaging of the gums or nose are symptomatic of the fever. Infected people at times are not able to dodge the death. The insect is mainly spotted in tropical and subtropical areas in large volume. There is no particular cure for the infection as it is caused by up to four viruses, thus it is difficult to suggest a one single vaccine.
2. Malaria:
Malaria is one of the leading causes of death among children below the age of five. The infection is spread by Female Anopheles mosquito. Our blood becomes the energy drink for the insect. They feed on the human blood to lay eggs. Person bitten by the mosquito is infected by the symptoms such as high fever, headache, nausea and diarrhea, although symptoms may vary from person to person. Quinine or chloroquine are the drugs that are used to treat malaria. But if left untreated malaria can be fatal.
3. Yellow fever:
Aedes and Haemogogus mosquitoes are held responsible for the transmission of fever which is spread by their saliva. Infection causes flue like illness, high body temperature, relates to jaundice and can obstruct the function of vital organs. White portion of the eye and the skin turns yellow once infected by yellow fever. Vaccination involves only single injection and becomes effective in ten days. Such deadly diseases call for the destruction of mosquitoes.
4. Encephalitis:
Although most infected people bear no symptoms, however small proportion may suffer headache, high fever, convulsions and coma. The disease is mainly characterized by swelling in the brain. Mosquitoes, ticks or other insect bites are one of the major reasons for the spread of disease. Herpes simplex virus is the root-cause for encephalitis. The hazared can take a sever turn in all the ages. Variants of encephalitis also characterized by symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, irritability, seizures (or fits), and drowsiness
5. Sleeping sickness:
The sickness is carried by tsetse fly and is also called trypanosomiasis. Major symptoms are fever, headaches, joint pain and extreme exhaustion. If not treated in time, the diseased may face physical degeneration, and die in six to nine months.
6. Leishmaniasis:
Female sand fly is the carrier of the parasite that causes the infection. The disease is spread over eight five countries, from tropics to European countinent. Sand fly feeds on human blood to nourish its eggs, and this is how it transfers the parasite into the human body. There are two types of Leishmaniasis:
a) Cutaneous:
Body from outside gets effected and develops sores, leaving permanent scars on the skin
b) Visceral:
Signs of visceral Leishmaniasis are fever anemia and swelling of internal organs, which can even lead to death.
7. Lyme disease:
This is another common health hazard spread by the insects. It is a bacterial infection spread by deer tick. When deer tick bites you it transmits the bacteria into blood stream. Infected person suffers from skin rash and even paralysis, if the problem is not detected at early stages. If caught in time antibiotics can be injected to fight the bacteria.
8. Dysentery:
It is a parasite infection and is spread by flies. Flies which hover on the food in our house are prolific over trash and dunk. Dysentery affects large intestine and is typically signified by diarrhea and stomach cramps. Dysentery can also be carried by cockroaches. Cockroaches, although not a reason for the spread of particular disease, but do lead to certain health hazards like cholera and those caused by water and food contamination. These vermin stay alive on moisture, feces and dunk, rotten stuff, trash which lead to their proliferation.
9. Salmonella:
Flies also carry salmonella. Typical symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and high temperatures. Some variants of the salmonella are also carried by rats.
10. Leprosy:
Person suffering from leprosy initially bears numbness on patches of skin & paralyzing muscles. At later stages skin starts rotting. The symptoms take a very long time to appear which makes it very hard for the disease for get caught early stages. And by the time symptoms appear it already too late. Cure involves use of antibiotics like, dapsone, rifampin, macrolides, and minocycline. However, inflation is treated with aspirin, prednisone, or thalidomide.
11. Rat bite fever:
A person suffers rat fever when he/she is bitten by an infected rat. However rat droppings can also be the reason for the transfer of fever to humans. Warning signs are chills, fever, joint pain, rash, and an open sore at the bitten area.
12. Leptospirosis:
Headaches, high fever, muscle aches, vomiting, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), abdominal pain, etc. are the hazards commonly induced by leptospirosis. If not cured, sometimes kidney failure can also occur and even death is possible.
1 response
@KieraMcLean (75)
• Birmingham, England
13 Oct 14
Well shared. People must aware of the safe and healthy living ways and stay away from the pest in a better ways.