Search Engines History: What Started It All?

United States
June 20, 2014 2:55am CST
I'm going to give you a rundown of the entire history of search engines. Let’s start with a list from first to last of some of the very search engines that started it all off. 1. Archie This was the first search engine established in 1990. 2. Veronica and Jughead This was an archive of file names and titles established in 1991 3. VLib This was a virtual library setup by Berners Lee. 4. Excite Sold in 1999 for 6.5 billion dollars. Bankruptcy led them to sell again for 10 million in 2001. 5. Primitive Web Search Searching the web just was not what is now. Search engines like this remind you of how far we have come with technology. 6. Infoseek Now the webmasters could submit pages in real time. This web search took off in 1994. 7. Yahoo Search Founders David Filo and Jerry Yang made the yahoo directory in 1994. They didn't really work on their search engine until 2002. 8. Google Google is still a primitive search engine. This is one of the most highly used search engines, and was founded in 1996 by Larry and Sergey. 9. Jeeves This was launched in April of 1997. The name actually used to be Teoma until 2005 when it was bought by the owner of 10. Msn I honestly didn't even know that msn had a search feature. It could not have been that successful. Furthermore, they did launch a search engine in 1998. 11. Bing This is actually a follow up on msn; hence, this engine is a rebranding of the windows live search. I wanted to say that search engines came from our yearning for knowledge, and from those who want to share their knowledge. I know this because I have made desperate attempts for search for solution after solution myself. That's when it dawned on me that I could be making money sharing my knowledge with you. Had it not been for search engines, you would not be reading this article right now. And for the top search engine for locating inmates and prisoners is Slammer Search. Contrary to popular belief, Slammer Search is better than Google for finding an inmate in the prison system. Not sure if it’s true? Give it a try -
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