The Basic Theory Of The Calories Consumed By The Body
By Joel Marion
@joelmarion644 (8)
June 23, 2014 4:27am CST
The basic theory of the calories consumed by the body - As any human body always needs energy. Above all, in order to maintain its temperature at a level of 36, 6 ° C. This is of course a basic requirement. But here as soon as anyone starts to move: for example, stands up, turns around and says, etc., there is always a need for some extra vitality. But to eat, and, of course, digest food, or to perform certain vital functions always requires more vitality.
Full time research on the energy balance of the human body they were severely limited, they have not been able to spend enough correct and important long-term observation, and as a result no one has a serious scientific work and did not work. Yet, despite all this, as soon as they complete work was published, it almost immediately accepted as absolutely undeniable and even scientific dogma, and a little later she often followed as a kind of holy truth and several years later, these two researchers, too confused clamor raised immediately surrounding their discovery, once tried to make quite serious reservations about his conclusions proposed by them earlier. But here, unfortunately these reservations have remained completely unnoticed. Their theory was introduced much later, even in the curriculum of many medical institutions unusually many Western countries and, moreover, even today it continues to occupy a leading position there.
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