Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One
@moorefuneral (15)
June 27, 2014 1:03am CST
While death is just a part of life there are a lot of emotions that come along with death. There are a lot of emotions that most people encounter when facing the idea of a death of a loved one. Once the death occurs all emotions seem to mix and normally the family is just numb for a while.
Typically, during the entire funeral process the family is there, but not so much. The family is not sure what direction they are supposed to be going and is not sure of the role they are supposed to be playing. Normally “lost” is the first response to the loss of a loved one.
It seems that after the funeral is when the real emotion and pain comes into play. After the rat race, so to speak, is over and no one is pulling the family in a thousand different directions is when the emotion sets in. This is when the idea and the reality hits the family. Some people get really mad and some get really sad while others are a mixture of a lot of emotions.
There is a phase that most people have to go through with many, many emotions. This just seems to be the starting point. A wise doctor once said, "for the first year after the death of a loved one, you will be the person who lost their loved one". This is a time when there is no wrong emotion, however, there are a lot of emotions that most people never experience until this time in their life and for that reason are not sure what the emotion is and a better question when will they stop feeling this way.
Death is a part of life, it really is. With that being said, until you experience the death of a loved one there is no way of knowing how you will feel or how you will react and how you will cope with the loss. This is one part of your life that cannot be planned out. It cannot be staged or any thing else for that matter. It has to be dealt with. How you choose to react is up to you, but there are always people who can help.
At Moore Funeral Homes in Tulsa, OK, counselors are always available for counseling. Family members are best off speaking with a professional if they are not handling loss well. It’s best to share emotions, thoughts and personal feelings with someone who is trained to handle all of those and provide guidance -

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