post ads and get wealthy
By apcarl
@apcarl (4)
United States
July 13, 2014 12:57am CST
Hello friends I have found the coolest site called project payday. now many of you have have heard of this program. but i am here to tell you its legit. all you need to do is post ads. where do you post ads. go to and put in free online classified sites. and you will get a bunch try those and see what happens. also you will need to create your own ads. you can do this 1 st you need a link so go and copy the link they give you under refferals in your back office. and scroll down and you will see a link. copy the link and put it in a url website shortner. it will shorten your url than use that to promote with. now what about the ads. create something that you think will be best suited. you could put earn a extra income posting ads. than put the link in the website. and create the ad.and you are done. also use what we talked about. with looking for classifieds on google. one more thing. i forgot to add. you will need to fill out a trial offer. dont worry most of these are free. or cost 1 dollar or more but you can cancel at anytime before your trial is up and everything will be given back to you. so you cancel you get your dollar back. its real simple.
well thats it for now i have left my link in the post please go to my link and look around. you dont have to join. if you dont want to. but when you put in your email and password you are able to look around and understand the proccess. well thats it for now enjoy your night i am going to take a shower than going to bed. tfn tata for now -Carl
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