Moradabad, India
July 18, 2014 9:26am CST
At night when we look at the sky, so many twinkling stars are seen but we can not reach there and touch them but every person has the desire to reach there. According to me, it is useless to have such ambition which can not be fulfilled because they are bigger than our earth and so distant that we can never reach there but what we really can do do is to make a small room for us in the hearts of other people which is easier and more important than to reach moon and stars. Only those persons are immortal in the world who have made a particular place in the hearts of common people. WHO ALWAYS LOOK AT THE SKY, SLIP IN THEIR OWN COURTYARD.
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1 response
• Bangalore, India
20 Jul 14
it is right to reach moon and stars is useless ........... it is difficult to make a room in the heart of others
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• Moradabad, India
20 Jul 14
If it is easier how many people have reached the stars and moon by now ? There is always an empty roomin the hearts of the people, but it is our fault that we can not make a room. SOME PEOPLE ARE REJECTED BY US AND SOME REJECT US. THANKS A LOT.
• Shanghai, China
21 Jul 14
I agree with you.Human mind is so complex to apprehend that it is very difficult to walk into someone else's heart. Sometimes you consider his feeling and do something good for him, but he does not understand you
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• Moradabad, India
21 Jul 14
@jim_sun We are human beings. We are born of love and we are always thirsty for real love which is very hard to find today.A great man says- LOVE HUNGRY WILL DIE OF HUNGER. IT IS ALSO TRUE IF WE LOVE SOMEBODY TRUELY, WE WILL GET HIM OR HER HUNDRED PERCENT, IF WE DO NOT GET IN THIS BIRTH , WE WILL GET IN THE NEXT BIRTH. THE WATER OF LOVE CAN NOT BE CUT ASUNDER. Thanks a lot for a lovely comment.
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