It Never Really Makes Perfect Sense...
Everett, Washington
July 28, 2014 2:59pm CST
It never really makes perfect sense,
The way it glides with such grace,
But then,
It can stop,
Change direction and still glide on with grace,
How does anyone really know the end of it all?
We have theories, ideas,
But aren’t we somehow in charge of how it ends?
Don’t we have a say?
Why would we let something take complete control?
Yes I understand having faith and all,
But have we forgotten to have faith with the most important thing of all?
Our own individual self?
The universe has faith in us and most of the time we have faith in the universe,
But how could we forget about our self?
I believe there are things that try to take away our sanity,
Confuse us with thoughts that we know in the back of our minds are not our thoughts to begin with,
So if we know that,
Why wouldn’t we try and stop it?
It’s like a virus that sucks out our faith and positivity,
Fills it back up with despair and negativity,
We all have the power and resources to fight back,
It will continue to glide with grace regardless if you’ve chosen the direction or if your letting something else make your path,
I just don’t want to be a prisoner anymore,
My voice will be vocal in my mind,
It’ll be a lot more difficult because of the fact that I’ve let the virus consume my mind,
But I don’t want that as an option to give up,
I just wanna do what feels right,
And right now this is what I feel is right,
Being with Sebastian forever,
Raising our children to the best of our ability,
Becoming a teacher,
And being just me.
I know that the evil tries to confuse us by placing things in front of us and perceiving it as something that we “need” or trying to mess up what positive, loving energy that is around us.
I don’t accept that anymore. I see it for what it really is, confusion and manipulation. That’s all that evil is.
When it’s evil it doesn’t make any sense, but you “think” it’s right.
When its good you just feel it and you feel complete.
I’ve let the evil make room in my life, but now it’s time to evict this toxic parasite. Yes I know that it will always try to “call” or “knock” on my door, but I’m not answering it anymore.
**It’s my life now, and I’m taking charge.**
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