Girl Meets Boy (A Series of Short Stories)
Everett, Washington
July 28, 2014 3:05pm CST
Runaway Bride
“Jenny are you ready to go?” She heard her father whisper in her ear beneath her veil. Jenny inhaled sharply and couldn’t answer. The last month flashed through her mind like it had happened yesterday. She faded out from her father’s voice, and drifted into her own thoughts.
“What are we going to do?” Spoke the man that made Jenny’s heart thump a million miles a minute. He caressed her arm that lay across his bare chest. “The wedding is in a couple of weeks. I’m not sure what to do. I want to run away and be with you forever.” Jenny replied as she lifted her head to look up at him. “Well let’s do it then!” He said with much enthusiasm. They both embraced each other, and made love softly once again with the fireplace glowing tenderly. Jenny couldn’t help with fact that she received not one bit of attention or love from the man she was to be married to before long. This man that kissed her neck and more as he inched down her unclothed body gave her everything a woman like her needed to feel.
A week before the wedding Jenny had no idea what her plans were to break the news to her fiancé. You would think that because she loves another man so strongly that it wouldn’t be that big of deal. Well actually it makes it ten times worse when they fiancé you want to break up with is widely popular New York City lawyer.
“Hi honey!” A deep voice boomed when she came into the living room. “How was work?” He asked. Jenny placed her purse on the side table next to the couch where he was sitting. “It was alright. I’m glad the day is over.” He wrapped his arm around her neck and began to kiss her passionately. Jenny pulled away saying, “Do you mind if I take a shower first?” He looked taken aback, but replied, “Uh yeah of course.” She closed the white bathroom door quietly, and propped up against the door. How in the world was she going to tell him?
But the next day Jenny received possibly the worst news a bride to be who didn’t want to be was told by her fiancé. “I can’t believe he moved the date to tomorrow! Does John suspect something?!” Henry stormed through his loft pacing back and forth. Jenny picked at her nails nervously, and replied, “Well I wouldn’t be surprised if he did suspect something, because there is something he should be worried about. We had an affair Henry, and we’re in love.” He looked up at her and stopped his pacing. Henry walked over to where she was sitting, and grabbed her soft hands. “I will do anything to be with you.” This of course made everything much worse.
On the day of wedding Jenny snuck away from her in laws and her family. They were in this bicker about which cousin should be her flower girl. So it was perfect timing for her to slip out quietly. “John told me this morning that he knows.” Jenny whispered discreetly on her cell phone in the church closet. “How did he react?” Henry asked sounding nervous. “He threatened me Henry. He said if I left him he would find a way to get rid of me and you.” Jenny replied beginning to cry. “Don’t cry.” He said with affection. “Here’s what we’ll do…” Henry began to say but the connection was interfered, and her cell phone ended the call. “Sh!$!” Jenny spoke out loud. She quickly left the stuffy closet and glanced at her phone to see if the service had come back on. The signal bars still had not popped up. Jenny bit her lower lip, and went back to the dressing room.
So here she was back at the double doors waiting for them to swing open to present her in a Vera Wang ball gown. Her heart raced, and her palms were sweating beneath her bouquet of red roses. Jenny’s father spoke to her again, “Are you ready?” It took her a few moments to reply but she finally spoke. “Yes.” Her father nodded, and the doors opened slowly while the music began to play. Everyone turned to look at her while they all stood up. Jenny and her father walked gracefully upon the white cloth, and red rose petals. Jenny glanced up and saw Henry the best man staring deeply into her eyes with softness. Then she glanced at John the husband she was supposed to marry who glowered at her. Jenny took a deep inhale and turned around to announce something she should have said a month ago.
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