Exercise Changes Muscles In Real Time
By MistyJhones
@eat4fat (4)
August 16, 2014 6:45am CST
However, for a few years is known the double helix containing the genetic instructions, can adapt quickly to the demands of the environment. So fast, that occurs in "real time".
This adaptation is achieved by "superficial" modifications that do not alter what was written in the DNA, but the form in which it is read. To understand us, it would amount to something as well as put tipped in one sentence. But a special tipped which then can be removed. This biological tipped are sticky molecules known as methyl groups, which are attached to the DNA and cover part of the signs indicating how to make proteins.
When we exercise, what happens is precisely the opposite, remove the biological tipped (methyl groups) and instructions are visible in the DNA. And the Swedish Institute researchers have discovered that changes in methylation are the first to occur after exercise.
The discoveries point to that skeletal muscle DNA extracted from a person who has carried out an exercise during a short period of time has fewer groups than methyl before physical activity. Disturbances arise in areas that act as spaces of "dockage" for different molecules called transcription factors, whose mission is to stimulate genes required for the adaptation of the muscles to exercise.
The participating researchers, led by the Karolina Institute (Sweden), evaluated the influence of physical exercise on the DNA of healthy people, although not accustomed to the activity. They then extracted a sample of muscle mass and put the muscles contracting in Petri dishes. Thus they discovered that there was loss of methyl groups and therefore you could read instructions genetics which remained hidden before exercise.
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