Don't ignore the symptoms not to go to hemorrhage and perforation
@healthcarefitnes (15)
Adamsville, Alabama
August 22, 2014 1:37am CST
According to the development of disease pain acquires character shifting (Burke) and to the back. Because of impaired digestion appear burping, being sick, and sometimes vomiting. With time more frequently occurs coupled with constipation pain in colon and bloating.
Even at this stage of the disease very ill continue stubbornly to ignore poor condition. They hope the luck-I s and will pass.
No, I'm not going to pass!
Ulcers are not excluded internal bleeding-they are one of the most disturbing symptoms requiring immediate, contact a physician.
Let us remind that in older people these symptoms may indicate a tumor.
Patients with ulcers do not suffer from a lack of appetite. On the contrary, in some of them the appetite is increased by exacerbation s. An important indicator for disease are burping and heartburn, which usually occur 2-3 hours after eating.
Besides the main signs of disease and secondary
often suffer from periodontitis or excessive deposition of tartar.
Patients with stomach ulcer noticeably weaken. Another symptom may be nose.
But the worst part is when disease is asymptomatic. Then, at any time, it can spread deep into the stomach walls and cause bleeding. And from the bleeding ulcer is perforated to your fingertips. So don't wait, hurry up for review.
Avoid disease factors
What should be avoided in order to decrease the dangers of ulcer? This may occur under any of the following adverse factors:
-prolonged or frequently repeated stresses;
-genetic predisposition-an inherited abnormal acidity of gastric juice, blood group a;
-chronic gastritis and tendonitis (inflammation of the duodenum);
-disturbed diet-irregular, with large interruptions. Or sudden change of the menu;
-rush the cigarettes and strong alcoholic beverages;
-the intake of certain medicinal preparations-aspirin, indomitable, and others.
All of the above leads to mutation . As a result, arise varieties (strains) that are hazardous to humans. They greatly increase the acidity of gastric juice, causing inflammation of the gastric mucosa. So begins . And if not treated, sooner or later, you will develop and ulcer-a chronic inflammatory disease of the stomach with the alternation of periods of exacerbation and remissions. Mucosa l ulcers form (cells simply degrade). Often this disorder affects the duodenum.

On examination, the ophthalmologist observes corneal edema, shallow anterior chamber of the affected eye and dilated pupil irregular shape (elongated vertically oval shifted upward and outward), there is no reaction to light.
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