Smile! Your Dog Deserve it
By Belekoy
@Belekoy (28)
Manila, Philippines
September 9, 2014 2:22pm CST
How would you feel if you see and noticed your adorable dog smiling at you? Don’t you get ecstatic and excited? Yes, our pets can sometimes smile too! Most of us seldom see those teeny weeny pearly white teeth because most of us are too busy to ever notice them or hardly do we really know they do smile sometimes. So the next time you catch your pet dog smile, be happy about it and smile back too, your pooch deserve it! They deserve to also see a smile from us as a welcome treat for their effort to make us always happy.
Our pet smiles on us to show appreciation for the care and attention we’re giving them. Flashing those teeny weeny teeth does not only reveal how happy they were but it could sometimes be a way to check on their health too. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society about 2/3 of dogs at the age of three to four will show signs of oral diseases and would badly need dental care treatment. We may not notice it but like us humans, bacteria also thrives in their mouth which could later get into their blood stream and affect their vital organs and basically their body as a whole. Our pet dogs rarely cannot show us they are already feeling chronic pain inside, because dogs have this nature to endure chronic pain and it is natural for them to hide their weaknesses. They continue to wag their tails, they will continue to stick with us despite the pain they are feeling inside. So we are bound to regularly check on them. Below are some areas and things you need to check if your pet dogs are suffering from oral diseases and other mouth conditions:
Breath analysing - Try to sniff into your dog’s mouth, if you seem to smell something foul in their breath and if you noticed they have trouble eating or swallowing, chances are they have some kind of oral illnesses we need to check further with our Vets.
Drool analysing - Excessive drooling especially if their drool are not the regular coloration of their saliva indicates some serious activity not only in their mouth but probably in the entire body system of your dog.
Tooth breakages and fractures - abscesses maybe the result of a developed infection in your dog’s gum due to teeth breakages and fractures. Tooth extraction maybe needed by your dog especially if pus have already developed in the tooth area.
Plaque & Tartar – Like us humans, our dog can also develop plaque and tartar in their teeth. Plaque are home for bacteria. An effective way of removing plaque on teeth is regular teeth brushing. Dogs also need regular brushing of their teeth to stop proliferation of bacteria which can bring illnesses and diseases. When brushing your dog’s teeth use only toothpaste and brushes meant for them. Regular human toothpaste are not advisable and are often toxic making their oral conditions worse instead of making them feel better. Giving regular Milkotein Treat Bars and Chews will help prevent plaques and remove tartars in their teeth and mouth.
Allergies – Most food allergies are caused by meat and grain proteins. Milkotein ’s highest level of milk protein can prevent bacteria build up that causes these harmful food allergies.
Cyst or nodes on gums and tongue – Look for anything that may look like a cyst, lymph nodes or lumps on their gums, on top and the bottom of their tongue. – These could be serious tumors that have developed in relation to the mouth or some of their internal organs.
Don’t let these conditions left untreated for sometimes they could be irreversible and could be fatal and severe to our dogs. Our pet dogs also need proper oral hygiene to keep them away from illnesses and diseases which can also pose dangers to us humans since we get to bond with them most of the time especially kids who adorably love to kiss and hug them. They need us to check on these conditions and help them avoid from further suffering.
Milkotein is a brilliant way to avoid dental conditions like plaques and tartars. Giving your dog Milkotein help combat and keep off those ugly tartar and plaque that can cause their teeth to weaken and house bacteria that causes illnesses and diseases. Milkotein contains the highest level of protein for your dogs. The bars are as hard as the real bone treat but packed with over 77% of the highest essential level of protein, low fat, low calorie all natural premium food treat that could make your dog lean and fit. And since Milkotein is an all-natural food treat, it has no artificial colors, flavors and no binding agent added. Milkotein is also soy free, gluten-free and grain-free yet amazingly hard as a bone and long lasting yummy and delightful treat.
So, the next time you noticed their smile, be sure to smile back at them for they are expressing delight and reciprocating our tender loving care for them. Instead, capture the moment with your camera and share it with your family, friends and to the world. And what fitting time would it be than now that we are celebrating and observing the Pet Smile Month. Flash those pet smiles along with your smiles to the world and experience pure happiness and joy courtesy of our adorable loyal friend. Be sure to give them Milkotein Food Treat Bars and Chews to help you capture that amazingly perfect healthy smile!

How would you feel if you see and noticed your adorable dog smiling at you? Don’t you get ecstatic and excited? Yes, our pets can sometimes smile too! Most of us seldom see those teeny weeny pearly white teeth because most of us are too busy to ever notice
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