The Journey of Life: Happy Dogs, What Really Made Them Be?
By Belekoy
@Belekoy (28)
Manila, Philippines
September 9, 2014 2:27pm CST
The Journey of Life: Happy Dogs, What Really Made Them Be?
My more than 30 years on living with my canine buddies, past and present. I was always fascinated what made them to be so happy that always made me also delighted seeing them. I initially thought it was their looks and moves that made them do smile and be happy. But there is something still more and beyond their physical attributes that made them lovable and purely happy.
Happy. A name I have chosen when my father asked me to name him. He was our first dog, me and my family had a far long time ago, more than 30 years as I vividly recall. He was almost the same age s my youngest brother. My brother is now 34. I remember it was because I find him so happy wagging his tail and wiggling his body that made me thought of his name. He was the center of me and all my family’s’ activities for the next 30 years of our lives. As we all go with what our lives through the years and as I reminisce the moments on the life of the longest dog buddy who have survived and shared with our lives, I recalled how each of these aspects played a great deal on what really made them genuinely happy.
Touching and petting. From the moment we wake up and Happy, our dog comes to each one of us wagging his tail and tucking his head on our legs and hands. We always give him the ritual of running our hands on his head or on his body.
Hugs and Talks. Whenever we all lie on the floor to watch TV, study, or just about any activity in the house, he would rush and sit or lie beside us. And we always reciprocate with either a hug or some pet talk asking him how was he during the day or any talks just to get him through the notion of wagging his tail, licking or nudging us anywhere in our bodies.
Playyyyyyyyyy! And as soon as everyone was settled and okay. It is like a cue that it’s going to be play time. If we are all on the floor, we roll, we tug and pull ourselves together as we talk and laugh about things that happened for the day. And if rolling and tugging ain’t enough and there was still time for an outdoor play, we go out the lawn and play some more with a ball, a stick or a Frisbee. And the day ends with all of us having a great day with everybody with our canine buddy.
Food and Treats. A day wouldn’t be complete with his food eating, potty and any kind of treats but as every dog’s fetish, a chunky bone left from my mom’s cooking was always a delight to him.
YOU. In the later part of our lives, when everyone has to find our own destiny and the house becomes less and less with people inside. He grew weary and dull. When my father has to go somewhere off to another country to work and provide for our college education. When one by one of us got to have and raise our own families and what was left in the house was my mother and youngest brother. The loud noise of barking and laughter also grew thin. It will only resume when each of us find our way back home during our visits and when everyone was around on family occasions and holiday visits. Until one summer about three years ago, mom called to broke a news we all don’t want to hear. Our beloved canine buddy have left us. Mom found him one morning in his crib stiff and lifeless. Mom said he seems extra dull and lonely and hardly eating his meals for the past couple of days. But she has seen him seem to be chasing a mouse in the lawn the night before he died. Although all of us were saddened by his passing. Father uttered that it might have been his time since our Happy is over 30 years and must have been too tired from his journey of giving us endless laughter and happiness and most importantly his unconditional love for us all. A friend psychologist told me that the gradual depression from the last years weakens him when one by one of us leaves the house and him getting less and less physical activity and attention adding up to his getting old. My friend further told me that our dog have made us his way of life and without us all his lifelong buddies, he was left with no other choice but to accept his loneliness without us. My Vet mentioned: YOU are his pack, his team, his family and without YOU, he cease to exist.
Journey of life. Having a pet animal is just like having another member of the family, we grow with them, we live with them, and we experience and share the JOURNEY of LIFE with our beloved pets. Celebrate life with them for they are truly an important part of our existence as we are the most important part of their existence too.
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