Do you have hope in your trial?
By Mark
@skymark (7)
Kalispell, Montana
February 11, 2015 2:59am CST
Have you ever wondered why you are going through a big, or hard trial? It is probably because Satan is trying to get your eyes off of God and on your circumstance, what does your horizon look like? is it stormy and full of clouds? Is it hot and full of flames? Is it hard and full of rocks? If you said yes to any of those (or something like it) then maybe you need to change your view point. I know that it is hard when you are in the storm, or surrounded by flames, or lost in a desert. Think back to your previous experience walking as a christian, the road was hard but where you found yourself after the desert was better than you could have imagined. God carried you though a lot, and you came out fine in the end. If not, then chances are that you are still going through it and what God has something he needs to work on still. So how do we do it? How do we "not worry" like Jesus says?
Well for starters, we remember who our god is, he is all omnipresent (everywhere), omnipotent (he has unlimited power) , and omniscient (having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight). What does this mean? He is omnipresent, he is everywhere, he knows where you are at all times, do not think that you are so far off the trail that God cannot see you, because if you take the time to look around you will find that he is standing right next to you. God is omniscient, it means that he knows everything, this also means that everything that he knows now, he has always known and will always know. It means that what is going to happen to you, God knows about it, and will take care of it (or carry you though it) because he loves you and probably already has the plans written out. Oh, you can say, "no way! This thing that I am going though is too big, too much." But I tell you, that God is omnipotent , all powerful, he created everything, he freed Israel by way of 10 miraculous plagues, he carried Noah in and out of a giant sea creature, parted the red sea (and he did a bunch of other things that would take to long to put here). If you believe Genesis 1:1 which says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." then anything else should be a piece of cake. I know, you say, "you don't know what I'm gong through," and I say, "your right I don't, but God does." Our god is the god that numbers the stars and knows them by name, the god that is concerned with every bird in the sky, and every flower on the ground. It is this god, our god who concerns himself with you! Our god is interested in what hurts you, what worries you, what brings tears to you eyes. Our god knows about it, he is aware of it, and he will take care of you so much more that the birds who always have something to eat, and the flowers who are clothed with beautiful pedals. How do I know? Because he said so, by his deeds, and by his prophets, and by his word (the bible).
Once you remember what god we follow, the next step is to actually change your perspective. Your horizon will always look desolate if you continue to focus on the desert in front of you, to change your perspective, you only need to lift your eyes to haven. When you focus on God, you are looking at hope not despair. When you look at God, you are looking past the clouds and not at them. God said this in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Did you catch it? It said "a future and a hope." Keep your eyes on God and you will have a hope for the future. At this point, it should be pretty easy, if not, try telling yourself, that worrying about something will not change the outcome of anything. The secret is to look to God and know that he has your future in his hands. If you are still having troubles let me know, I may be able to help you with the whole "don't worry" thing.
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