Stereotyping:Mankind's Greatest Flaw!
@shreya_6895 (1)
Mumbai, India
March 18, 2015 1:08pm CST
Walking down a street you look at a guy with a budding afro, overgrown stubble, and unkept clothes smoking a Benson and immediately decide that the guy has no future, that he is already doomed?
You my friend, stereotype.
What if the guy is a computer whiz and is out for a much needed cigarette break?
What if that guy is a stressed musician?
What if the guy is a student with an amazing GPA who is working hard to be a doctor or an engineer and is just relaxing?
Okay these may be too much.
How about a quiet girl sitting alone at the end of the class engrossed in her phone, do you decide she’s a loner,a nerd and is scared to talk to people?
What if I told you that girl is the head admin of the page you like on Facebook and she’s the reason you laugh every day?
What if she makes your day with witty posts that you like?
Would talk to her then wouldn’t you?
The crazy girl living next door who likes to party all night but dresses up in all her corporate office glory the next morning with less than 2hours of sleep seems ludicrous ?
But there are so many others who are jealous of her lifestyle.
You think it’s farcical
She thinks its fun.
Someone else thinks it’s ideal.
Look around you, everyone judges.
Quite vividly.
You’ll be surprised at what all people may think about you.
Or not think about you.
Who you think you are, may not be the way someone thinks about you.
This may not be a deep insight, these may be things you might already know.
So why did I?
Because I think we all need to be reminded about this once a while, we can’t believe everything we hear, there are always three sides to the story: yours, theirs and the truth.
And the truth is, our side is never the truth. Well mostly.
So judge a little less and live a little more, go wave to the smoking guy, say Hi to the quiet girl, give a friendly nod to the crazy girl next door.
Who knows, it might make their day.
Or someone else might decide you aren't such a bad person after all
Almost all of us stereotype. NO don’t you deny it.
You do it too.
But someone once said to me, The fist thought that goes through your mind is the way you are conditioned to think. What you think next defines who you are.
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