Understanding this Planet
@mon777key (9)
Groningen, Netherlands
April 12, 2015 3:08pm CST
Millions of years ago the earth was a True Light planet which is a planet without mind-energy and the beings living at that time experienced peace and harmony.
However,the earth now is a multidimensional planet with localized and non-localized timelines. These timelines have an emotional basis in origin, so everyone´s perspective in this reality is different since we all have different emotions. This earth is part of the Virtual Reality which is creating illusions.
Technical Information
This earth is a Virtual Reality which can be switched on/off resp. 1/0. The term 1/0 can be explained if you consider this planet as a sine wave with a very high frequency. So, when the sine wave intersects the x-axis, this reality is in a freeze mode. At this point the Universal Travellers aka Aliens, ET´s, Dark Forces, evil entities through emotions and pain. This reality has been created by them and also controlled by them to steal True Light.
Why are they stealing?
The reason why the Universal Travellers are doing this because they like to steal True Light particles which are forever energizing.
These activities will create fear, anger and strive in the DNA of the people.
DNA is the mind body, the Universal Travellers gave us to potentialize our emotions. Only through emotions, pain,anger these beings will suck the ´´lifeforce´´ out of us. This will lead to many diseases known and unknown to humankind.
Listing of Issues
-Emotional Body
- Entities
-Feeling Body
-Trauma body
-Sensory Body from 49th generation to current moment.
-Abduction Trauma Body from 49th generation to current moment.
-Depression Body from 49th generation to current moment
- Pain Body
- Empathy Body
-Sadness Body from 49th generation to current moment
-Infinite Sadness Body from 49th generation to current moment.
-Judgment Body from 49th generation to current moment.
-Being overwhelmedfrom 49th generation to current moment
- Poverty Body from 49th generation to current moment.
- Victim Body from 49th generation to current moment. - Courage from 49th generation to current moment.
- Desire/Wanting from 49th generation to current moment
- Food Addiction from 49th generation to current moment
- Problematic Event from 49th generation to current moment
- Relationships from 49th generation to current moment
- Guilt from 49th generation to current moment
- Worry about work, ascension, health from 49th generation to current moment
- Panic Attacks from 49th generation to current moment
- Media/News/Event Trauma Removal
- ET Industrial Underground affiliations such as cording, contracts, abductions from current to 49th generation
- Comparison Clearing from 49th generation to current moment
- Abandonment from 49th generation to current moment
- Betrayal from 49th generation to current moment
- Entity Slime Energy Layer and Alien Entity Slime Layer, both from 49th generation to current moment
-Alien Energetic Web Coat from 2,000,000bc to current moment
-Alien Energetic Slime Body Coat from 2,000,000bc to current moment
- Barcode or crystal which is responsible for twisting- and misalinging spiritual bodies and/or physical bodies
- Alien Poisons, Alien Slime , Alien DNA, Alien Blood, Alien Products, Alien Skin, Alien Fluids (pee, blood, lymph) , Living Aliens, Sick Aliens, Dea Universal Travellers their Waste Products, their Weapons & Carcasses from 49th generation to current moment
- Darkness Energy Layer which is blocking True Ascension from 20000000bc to current moment
- ´´Bars´´ which are blocking True Ascension from 20000000bc to current moment
- Barcode with a Darkness Energy Layer which is blocking True Ascension from 20000000bc to current moment
- Dead Universal Travellers from Timeline crashes from 49th generation to current moment
-Darkside Mind Control Transmission Energies and Darkside Practitioner from 49th to current moment
-Remove energetic ‘’vows’’
-Astral Energies
- Religious Indoctrination from 49th generation to current moment
- Akashic Records from 49th generation to current moment
- Shrunken Heads from 49th generation to current moment
- Galactic Federation Affiliations from 49th generation to current moment
- Martyr from 49th generation to current moment
- Education from 49th generation to current moment
- Cultural Enslavement from 49th generation to current moment
- God Connection from 49th generation to current moment
- Curses, hexes and spells from 49th generation to current moment
- Bites and Stings Clearing
- Entities and Alien Entities from 49th generation to current moment
- Alien Entity Slime Energy and remove Entity Slime Energy from 49th generation to current moment
- Alien Parasitic Lifeform Slime Energy from all alien parasitic species
- Orbs from 49th generation to current moment suchas Red Orbs Shutting My Biological System Down and Remove also Orbs which are interfacing/blocking my energetic bodies/real spirit/real physical body.
- Tracking Barcode from 500000bc to current moment
- Tracking Device from 500000bc to current moment
- Alien Head Connector from 500000bc to current moment
- Implants from 500000BC to current moment which are responsible for body movements
-Implants from 500000bc to current moment which are amplifying fear/anxiety/extreme anxiety from 49th generation to current moment
- Energetic Negative Objects from 1980 to current moment
- Spirit and/or Body Obstructions from 500000BC to current moment
- Spirit and/or Body Layers created from Darkness from 500000BC to current moment
- Robotical and Mechanical Programs and Artificial Intelligence from 49th generation to current moment
- Energetic Restrictions from 2000000BC to current moment which look like’’strings’’, ‘’chains’’, ‘’ropes’’ and ‘’cubes’’
- Earth Based Discordant Odd Harmonic Frequencies Disconnection,
- Earth Based Odd Harmonic ‘’Energetic Attachments’’ Removal, ‘’Planetary’’ Off-planet Odd Harmonic Frequencies Disconnection,
- Planetary Based Odd Harmonic ‘’Energetic Attachments’’ Removal,
-‘’Alien’’ On-Planet Odd Harmonic Frequencies Disconnection,
-‘’Alien’’ On-Planet Odd Harmonic ‘’Energetic Attachments’’ Removal,
- ‘’Alien’’Off -Planet Odd Harmonic Frequencies Disconnection,
-‘’Alien’’ Off-Planet Odd Harmonic ‘’Energetic Attachments’’ Removal.
- Align/Balance/Integrate Even Harmonic Light Frequencies/ Even Harmonic Frequencies Light Infusion/Cellular Spirit Light Infusion
- Inharmonious Color and Sound Frequencies
- Blood from 49th generation to current moment
- Mind Matrix Energy from 490,000bc to current moment
- Mind Interference Body from 49th generation to current moment
- Mental Body such as worry from 49th generation to current moment
- Cellular Mental Body such as worry from 49th generation to current moment
- Remove mindloop #1 such as repetitive thoughts from 49th generation to current moment
- Remove mindloop #2 such as Birth Mind Programs from 49th generation to current moment
- Reversal Codes that cause Disease/Death from 49th generation to current moment
- Alien Mind Hypnosis & Their Codes from 49th generation to current moment
- Darkness To Light Clearing from 200000000bc to current moment
- Planetary Cording from 49th generation to current moment and also cording such as: Moon, Star, Asteroids, Comets, Stargates, Portals,Websites, Crystal Skull +satellite timeline crash + gray skies timeline crash, All from 49th generation to current moment
- alien skull cording from 49th generation to current moment
- Energetic Places Cording from 49th generation to current moment
- Earth Grid Line Cording from 49th generation to current moment
- Family Imprinting /Cording from 49th generation to current moment
- Alien Cording from 49th generation to current moment
- Alien Parasitic Lifeform Cording from unknown and known species from 49th generation to current moment
- Energetic People Cording from 49th generation to current moment
- Barcodes from alien races and known barcodes.
-Alien Parasitic Lifeforms known and unknown and also shapeshifters.
- Alien Race Attack On-planet and Off-Planet.
- Natal Codes/Programming Codes/Tracking Codes.
- Core Belief/DNA Belief/History Belief/Supported Belief.
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