Lets talk about LSEO (Local Search Engine Optimization)
@Smoothmanmjf (5)
Boise, Idaho
May 24, 2015 7:38am CST
Today I would like to talk about LSEO or Local Search Engine Optimization. First let me tell you what that is, LSEO is how search engines now a days ( after the creation of "Pigeon" (Pigeon is a update that alows search engines to use your location and other info it can gather to give you better search results for what you are trying to Search)) get you the information that is sent back to you when you google search something for example. Now I would like to make a pros and cons list for this update in service called "Pigeon". I'm going to do my Pros list first, Now the first obvious one is that because of the update when you search something in a search engine you no longer would have to include things like your city and state. You also would not have to add things like 5 starts only when searching for things like hotels. Another Pro would be that it would save a lot of time and irritation on the user end, this is because things can be searched short and sweet and saves time money and keeps your attention on the things that are important like finding the place your searching for instead of driving past it 4 times while trying to google it. Now for some Cons, I thing that the biggest Con is that somewhere out there everytime you use a search engine your info is being recorded and stored. Information like what you search for and lot, where you are when you search for things. Also with this system its almost like auto pilot for your search engine so if there are better options that the engine wasn't smart enough to fine you will never know about them. So I would love to hear your guys opinions on this and if you want to read a good detailed web page about this I will out a link here ---------

Learn how the big auto repair brands use city and property level pages to appear within organic and Map Pack results in Google.
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