Scratching my head over this idea

@GardenGerty (160294)
United States
August 6, 2015 2:34pm CST
Most people I know who have any health problem, any disability, would give anything to be healthy, but then I just now read about "transabled" people. People who in their minds are handicapped or disabled. Evidently some even deliberately cripple them selves or manage to get an amputation or even blind themselves. The article on Facebook said that both the disabled community and the transgendered community distrust and dislike these people. The disabled feel that these are people trying to steal benefits from those who need them. The transgendered think the stigma of these people being mentally ill reflects on them as transgendered and make it less likely for them to become accepted. They think that by comparison the general population considers any "trans" to be mental illness.
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8 responses
@glasser3 (354)
• Hibbing, Minnesota
6 Aug 15
I seen a show on the ID channel about a guy who was Transabled and went so far as to go out of the country to an unlicensed surgeon to get his leg amputated at the knee. He ended up dying as he was dropped off at a hotel and left by himself and he ended up with gangrene. Kinda scary to think that someone would go to that extreme but I suppose its a sickness just like anything else even though it seems crazy to you or I.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
6 Aug 15
So much potential for being hurt. I do not have television, so I had never heard of this until today.
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@glasser3 (354)
• Hibbing, Minnesota
6 Aug 15
@GardenGerty I hadn't either till I seen that show. I don't pay the DirectTv bill or we wouldn't either. Its somewhat fascinating and scary all at once.
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• Austin, Texas
6 Aug 15
Oh my! What you describe is disturbing. Never heard of it. However, what “non-transabled” (???) think or feel about “transabled” (???) people is neither here nor here. You're talking about people who - at the extreme - will intentionally disable themselves. This is serious!! Clearly there is a mental health issue and these people who are ill need proper medical attention and treatment. Call them “trans-disabled”. Who cares? Get them help!!
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
6 Aug 15
Unfortunately we cannot get people "mental health help" against their will. We can have them committed after they have proven themselves to be a danger to themself or others. By that time they have already injured themselves. Yes, it seems very sick, and I agree that they need help, and I do not know how often someone with this disorder will say of their own will "this is not right" and seek out help.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
7 Aug 15
@cmoneyspinner Shall I say "been there, done that"? Nothing so severe. I also tend to have friends with mental health issues. My mother said I attracted them. Maybe I do.
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• Austin, Texas
6 Aug 15
@GardenGerty - A person with mental health problems keeps family and friends on edge all the time. You never know what to expect. It's hard to deal with. Not impossible but real hard. Love gives you the strength. For me, prayer is essential. You keep the faith and hope for better days until or unless there is no more reason to do so.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Aug 15
I have written about the "transabled" on another site. Doctors think that these people might have some mis-wiring in the brain that makes them feel that the offending body part is not really part of them, the brain rejects it as belonging to the person. It is very much a mental illness, just as much as any other problem with brain wiring such as schizophrenia, etc. I do think it means we should look at the possible treatments for any instance in which the mind is convinced of something that is easily proved incorrect by reality. That arm does belong on that person's body, they were not meant to be an amputee. Perhaps there are other situations that have a similar basis in the brain.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
7 Aug 15
Yes, it is something that has gone wrong, just as anorexia and bulimia and other eating disorders. I think the more we know about mental health, the more we need to know. I had never heard of this before.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
7 Aug 15
I have never heard of that name before you wrote here..such a shame to feel you need to do things harming just to make money..well besides coming here and posting things like we are..hahah
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
7 Aug 15
It may be for money, it may be for attention. I had not heard of this before either. I had heard of another serious mental illness that was health related called Munchhausen by proxy. It is scary too..
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
7 Aug 15
I read an article about a transabled man who cut off one his hands. Afterwards he said that his body finally felt normal. It is hard to understand why some people feel that way. I think that it sounds like a mental illness.
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@Lolaze (5093)
• St. Louis, Missouri
7 Aug 15
I stumbled upon some things about these people before. I think it is very odd, but then, there are people who think someone being transsexual is very odd. If they choose to live as disabled, I don't think they should get disability benefits like those who are disabled through no choice of their own, but if they want to live that way its there choice I guess.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
7 Aug 15
Yes, this is not something that people deserve to be financially supported in. If it is from a mental health issue, maybe their mental health issues would qualify them for disability, but a chosen disability should not.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Aug 15
good Lord! Ho9w awful! I have never heard of anything like this before.They sound seriously sick!
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
7 Aug 15
Yes, and it took me totally by surprise when I read it, and then tried to wrap my brain around it.
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@phoonk (341)
• India
7 Aug 15
Didn't know about it.
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@GardenGerty (160294)
• United States
7 Aug 15
It was news to me as well.
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@phoonk (341)
• India
7 Aug 15
@GardenGerty This is very pathetic; right? I mean, I really hope these diseases should be ripped off from the world. God help the victims.