Jesus Honored Women But The Men Did Not Take It Seriously

United States
August 12, 2015 8:06am CST
This is no slam against men! No just human nature! As a matter of fact "man" in its original meaning includes female.. I once told hubby I'm a female man, but he didn't quite get it! The women were the first Jesus showed himself to after his resurrection. Did you know that? The slightly differing accounts are, of course, towards the end of the gospels. Which were, in that day and age of course, written by men. But it's said Mark and perhaps one or two of the others heard the account from Mary, mother of Jesus, and, or Mary Magdalene, one of the women who followed Jesus and was at the grave early that morning. When reading the gospel accounts it's easy to see the men didn't put much stock in what the women were reporting. Even though Jesus had told them he was going to be killed and would rise. If you had been there, what would you have thought?
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8 responses
@sofssu (23662)
21 Aug 15
Jesus first revealed himself as the messiah to a Samaritan woman, not his disciples. That in itself is amazing. The fact that he had so many women disciples even in high places gets a mention in a really disguised sort of way.. I guess it had more to do with their culture too.
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• United States
21 Aug 15
yes, I totally agree! And it's not given much credit..
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Aug 15
It seems pretty clear that people can hear, and can read and can even see without understanding or believing. Jesus told them of His real mission on earth, but some were disappointed that He didn't fulfill the mission they wanted Him to accomplish. The women went there to mourn. Why did none of the men show up to mourn at the tomb? Were they too disappointed in how it all turned out? Had they imagined some other victorious scenario in which they were the important players? But the fact that it was only the women seems important to me, because at that time, a woman's testimony was considered to carry little weight. Perhaps that is why there were two of them? And if you wanted to make something up, you'd have placed men at the scene to testify of it. I think the fact that God chose two women to reveal the resurrection to is significant for many reasons and rather proves it is true simply because it would not have been a smart move to use women to testify to a lie. They were not considered to be important as witnesses in that time period.
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• United States
12 Aug 15
VeRy interesting! I never thought of it in that way, but I can see how true that is!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Nov 15
I like women and would have no problem believing them. I think that Jesus even revealed himself as the Messiah in John chapter 4 first to a woman. Jesus had no problem with women.
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@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
17 Aug 15
It is hard to imagine how I would have reacted in a very different era. Usually, I am a very skeptical person.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
21 Aug 15
I would have believed immediately when he said that .
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
13 Aug 15
In talking about 'inter-gender' matters like this, it becomes necessary to imagine that one is oneself a non-gendered alien creature ... so that one can say, "It seems that the female is a more-emotion-based creature, while the male is more 'practical' (more 'what's the situation?' than 'how does the situation make me feel). "It seems that the females' 'feelings' had even more power to them than Jesus' very teachings (Did not Jesus say 'Our God is the God of the Living'?)! While the male disciples were OBEDIENT, the women were dragged into the Tar-Pit of Mourning!"
• United States
14 Aug 15
I agree with that somewhat, male and female react differently (some, that is, not all women are emotional) and perhaps the men were in hiding.. they were rather doubting Thomas' too..
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
14 Aug 15
@flowerchilde I would rather think that they were working. Or praying IN THE WAY THAT JESUS HAD INSTRUCTED "go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." And for the men then. 'Paying lament in memorium' to Jesus would be like 'people today staging a memorial-service for Osama bin Laden (the leader of the terrorists made infamous that September 11th at the World Trade Center).'
@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Aug 16
It's hard to say. I probably would have been skeptical and knowing my nature, would have gone to see for myself.
@Shiva49 (27018)
• Singapore
16 Oct 18
One of my dreams is to be present in some form when great personalities strode our planet. That would give me a bird's eye view of what really unfolded and how our history was recorded - the reality and the hype. I think we will all get some inkling of them at least later - siva