Don't You Hate It when Your Disagreement with an Opening Line 'Ruins the Rest of the Message for You'?

Monthly Letters from Old Brother Kenny
@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 20, 2015 12:21pm CST
(or 'ruins YOU for the rest of the message' ) I'm sure I've done it here numerous times (thinking maybe it'll inspire interaction ... which I think MyLot wants more than 'a bunch of college-essays & poems'), and now I see how people's minds are clouded by a 'wrong statement' (too clouded to see through the first statement to my explanation of 'how it's a little BOTH wrong AND right'). For instance: I'll often say something like 'the Holy Bible is not the Word of God' or 'same-sex marriage is not a sin' or 'school is not education,' and most people's minds are too clouded by that to do anything but "charge through" with Bible-quotes or school-learnings aimed at THOSE as if THEY are my arguments (failing to address the ACTUAL arguments, of which the above-statements are merely 'subjects'---in the essay-outline of 'Subject, Argument (1 per paragraph if there are more than one), Conclusion.') But the example that opened my eyes to the mind-clouding of disagreement was this: in one of Ol` Brother Kenny's letters, he started out by telling us partners that his ministry has been especially marvelous recently and says "I know it's been because of the prayers of my Partners." ... and that 'clouds my mind' because GOD DOESN'T CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE PRAY FOR SOMETHING. And if he thinks that's how God works ... well, I'm glad his god wasn't around to create the world (or else it never would've gotten DONE! ... nobody to pray for it). And if I hadn't cleared that 'cloud' from my mind, I wouldn't have ... seen how wrong THE REST OF HIS LETTER was (stay tuned). The same way, I'm not here to 'repeat what you already know' to you (and so I don't think any of you are either!) I'm here to express the "right" opinion (which should usually mean that any differing opinion is "wrong," and so I need to 'correct' you ... and hopefully you think you need to 'correct' me, and I hope to 'correct you on that' ... and hopefully you think you need to 'correct me on my incorrect correcting,' and I ... etc)
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2 responses
• Austin, Texas
5 Sep 15
So? You disgree with Ol' Brother Kenny's assertion that the "prayers of the righteous availeth much" because he got that idea from the Bible? Or ... ??? Not sure I get the point you're trying to make. Who is Ol' Brother Kenny? An evangelist?
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
7 Sep 15
I didn't say that the prayers 'do nothing,' just that ... that's not how they work. Brother Kenny even SAID how prayer works, in the Six I's: "I See, I Will, I Take It, I Have It, I Thank You for It, and I Forgive Aught I Have Against Any." Prayer DOES avail much ... TO THE PERSON PRAYING IT! My prayer for you doesn't increase your chance of good fortune (from God) unless I'm the one with the key to the safe.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 Sep 15
@cmoneyspinner Do you think God needs our approval to do nice things for the people who need them?
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• Austin, Texas
7 Sep 15
praying hands
@mythociate - Based on your comments not sure Ol' Brother Kenny has any writings that I want to read. Can't go along with what you're saying though because then the scriptures that encourage saints to pray for one another wouldn't make sense. If I follow your logic, why should anybody pray FOR anybody? Jesus prayed FOR His disciples. It was a specific prayer. He wasn't praying for Himself. WHY? I guess by your understanding, Jesus had or has the key to the safe. (???) Besides that Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and set an example to follow with His own prayer life. Christians don't need another example from anybody on praying, a prayer life, etc. We are told to pray for each other. Directing prayers to the throne of God on behalf of others that have no effect is pointless. Just a bunch of folks mumbling words for nothing! (O.o) Prayer is not mumbling. Prayer is communicating with God. These are my thoughts. Back to you.
@gregario888 (1276)
• Aurangabad, India
20 Aug 15
There are few 'hot' discussions taking place here. Unlike other social media sites, where things are pretty different. I like this go-easy approach. People do not appreciate dissent, or they do misconstrue it, at times. Either ways, it ticks them off.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
21 Aug 15
Yeah, but aren't they more-inclined to respond to 'defend their beliefs'?
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• Aurangabad, India
21 Aug 15
@mythociate So far I haven't run into some 'heavy flak' discussions, here. One may be able to form a good opinion, if it so happens. But I am looking forward to such discussions, you have to attack, as well as defend, to make any discussion worth the trouble.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
21 Aug 15
@gregario888 You might look at the 'Interesting' or 'Hot' discussions to see if there are any 'battlegrounds' developing (and not the 'top rated' ones so much ... although, maybe ...)
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