Can't We All Get Along?

United States
August 26, 2015 10:33am CST
I have read a few discussions talking about the 'block' feature. I have yet to use this feature. I guess I have yet to have a reason to. However, I know of some that have blocked people because they didn't like their answers or in one case I heard about, it was due to spamming. Now, the spamming I can see for the most part. However, to my understanding their is a 'report' feature, if they are to be reported, then they would be banned!? So no need to really block them either. With 1000s of people making up the community of myLot not everyone will think alike, or have the same taste in discussions. That is just the nature of the game. However, as I asked in the title this age long adage, 'Can't we all just get along?'
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28 responses
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
26 Aug 15
It wouldn't be hard to get along if we all just tried hard to. I don't mind it if someone disagrees with me, as that is their perogative, but to be mean and hateful about it is another. I onlly used the block feature once, and it because the person just got mean and was so hateful, that he was spewing venom, and just didn't like anything or anyone else had to say. I don't mind debating, but arguing is where I draw the line.
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@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
26 Aug 15
@TexanTornado That person that was arguing with everyone that commented, was very close minded. He thought he was right and everyone was wrong. He just didn't respect anyones opinion at all, but we had to accept his, and that just isn't right.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
I would say for me personally, I get along with most anyone. Now some might not like my ways, and all the have to do is say so, and I could leave them along. Or if I don't like theirs, I tend not to interact with them. Yes, I agree with you, a debate isn't a bad thing, I don't mind getting into one, if I have a mind to and feel strong about something. However, I won't sit and entertain a closed minded person. I just have no time for it. There is that great thing called an 'X', to simply close out.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
@rosekiss No, that a person like you described can ruin the fun for many, and it's totally wrong. The sad apart about it, we bound to run into them. Especially when dealing with 1000s, but I have learned if you don't entertaining them they will get bored and leave.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Aug 15
You know, even a comment you don't like or disagree with is going to earn you money, so why quibble? Argue, debate, mollify, agree to disagree - whatever. It's all about people interacting with one another. And let's face it - a bunch of comments that all say things like "nice post", "I agree", "how nice", is going to get boring fast! I would only block someone who was abusive and maybe not even then. It's the internet, all sorts of people are on it. We have to accept that we will run into people we don't like now and then. That's life, right?
8 people like this
• United States
26 Aug 15
Ah yes, you do have some valid points. I guess for me personally, if I don't care for someone, I tend to stay clear of them. Both real time and online. I have better things to do with my time. I come online to have fun, interact and enjoy it with the people I do get along with. Which I guess was my point in my discussion. Why bother blocking someone if you don't like them, or cant get along, simply go about your business. On the flip side; as you said, even if you disagree you still earn money, so if you block, you also losing potential money. *shrugs*
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• United States
26 Aug 15
Nope, I refuse to get along, and you can't make me.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
@TexanTornado On a serious note, I originally did not like the block feature, but now I think I have changed my mind about it. If I understand the way we earn on here now, I don't earn for my actions and you don't earn for yours but you earn for my interaction with you and vice versa. Therefore, if we do not interact, then neither of us earns. I am fine with that. If you could affect only my earnings by blocking me, then I don't think it is fair. If you affect both our earnings, then that is fair, because many are here for the earnings, so that should eliminate some of the abuse of the feature if they realize that they are affecting their own earnings as well. Besides, why would I want to help you earn money and interact with you if you don't like me and don't want me around.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
And that is your right! I won't stop you.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
@purplealabaster Ok, I am not sure I follow your second paragraph. If they block you, they affect their own earnings not yours, for you aren't interacting with them. Thinks about it some more. Unless you mean it's one less discussion you can participate on? Hmmm Yes, I am confused now. I do agree with you totally on your last sentence. I myself prefer to interact with people I do get along with.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
26 Aug 15
Fortunately we all do get along quite well, in fact, very well. But then, there just comes one bad day/moment which ruins the day, the relationship. On the earlier version of MyLot, we did not have a block feature. There was only the report button using which a discussion/a response or a comment could be reported. Personally, this increases the tasks to do for the Team behind the scenes. Consider this - there is no disagreement or anything between us here, and still I can or anyone else can report this response. Admin un-necessarily gets the message and has to hop on to this place , read understand and then forget all about it as there is practically nothing on this comment to take any action against. Agreed, we are all sensible here and would not normally do such a reporting. But then, there can be this possibility. Another scenario - what is normal at my part of the world might not go well with you and similarly, what is a normal word for you might be an abuse to me. Remember, we all are from different communities, countries and we all have our own guiding lines. Now, it would be unfair to expect the Admin to be knowledgeable of each and every custom, tradition, word on this planet. So sometimes, such issues go unattended and also sometimes the action taken doesnt go well with the people concerned. I dont know the basic reasoning for inclusion of this Block feature but, I think the above two reasons are quite good and easy to understand.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
26 Aug 15
@TexanTornado I would never want you to get into a situation where you would be forced to used block. Even I have never done that as I know the way out. "Close the tab and move on" thing Probably they will get rid of it sometime. As things stand at the moment, there are many tasks that they should attend to and I am sure this "block" feature too might be on their to-do list. For the history, yes, it does not matter, but I mentioned ll of that just to help you have an idea of the why it was introduced. Yes, they could block via IPs but they did not. Normally, not all countries and members of this site have static IPs.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
Ok, I read what you wrote and I understand what you are saying about the 'report' and the work it would cause for the admin. However there is such a thing as to simply ignore, stop entertaining the person/people, etc. This is in regards to people having a difference of opinion. Now the spamming, then yes, I could see using the block feature until admin could deal with it, from the stand point in which you gave.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
@thesids I hear what you are saying loud and clear. Perhaps, because I haven't run into a situation yet.. (key word yet) where I felt the need to block, that I couldn't just simply ignore and go about my business. I have no clue about the before, middle and now.. All I am a witness to is the now. So the info in which you state is insightful. Actually, you can block per ISP. If mylot has the capability. I know on the sites I owned I could.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
26 Aug 15
I don't intend to block any active member here, except eventually trolls and spammers. I share the same opinion than thesids : removing this blocking feature would cause more work for admins here, and it is not bad to have it to be able to block quickly a troll. Ideally, we should not have it, like in the old myLot, to be able to discuss about everything. The problem is that some members are not mature enough, and some others have a psychopathic behavior : they cannot kill, then they block. It is better to let them their blocking toy.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
26 Aug 15
@TexanTornado Those are toy blocks. It is a good analogy
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• United States
26 Aug 15
@topffer Well, thank you.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
Yes, you make a very valid point in your statement. The maturity level of some people, can be a bit childish. I mean their is a difference between joking around and having a good time, with those that just wish to be immature pains. Blocking toys? Are those with the ABCs on then? I had those when I was a toddler.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
27 Aug 15
I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way. As for myself, I haven't used the block feature and I doubt I ever will. If someone disagrees with me, then we will just have to agree to disagree.
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• United States
27 Aug 15
True, everybody is different. I have to second your statement.
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• United States
28 Aug 15
@simone10 Yes, I have ran across a situation like that on here, a week or 2 ago. I simply stopped posting to it and went about my business.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
28 Aug 15
@TexanTornado Some people don't know how to let things go and insist that you agree with their point of view.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Aug 15
Thank you so much for asking this question. I was wondering the same thing.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
30 Aug 15
@TexanTornado I try to do the same as well.
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• United States
30 Aug 15
@sacmom Yes, I have noticed that about you.
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• United States
29 Aug 15
I guess I live in my own little world, cause I try to get along with everyone.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
26 Aug 15
Let me think about it??..ok i thought and figured it would be in my best interest to get a long lil doggie...oh you meant for me to along with everyone? that is different..why would i if we all have different interests? Otherwise we would all be writing the same discussions and what fun is that?..Do you like me?..No, Do You Like me?
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
27 Aug 15
@TexanTornado ..I agree..sometimes that is the best way to just be cordial!!
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• United States
27 Aug 15
I can get along with someone with different interest, beliefs, thoughts, and opinions then me. I don't have to be a carbon copy of someone to get along with them. Perhaps, being cordial is a better word?
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• United States
27 Aug 15
@Rosekitty For me it is.
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@maclanis (2406)
• Belgium
26 Aug 15
If everyone had the same opinion, the discussions would probably be quite boring. It saddens me to hear that people are blocking others because they disagree with them. To me, having a discussion means hearing new opinions, and some of them will disagree with yours. Perhaps you will even change your mind about something because of what someone else says. Other opinions will definitely make you think. Sadly, some people just want to be heard and are stuck in their own viewpoints. They don't accept an opinion that differs from their own... I wish we could get along and just have interesting discussions. I think people can get along just fine even if they disagree about something.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
29 Aug 15
I like discussions too maybe too much. I really do appreciate different viewpoints because it allows me to see another perspective other than my own. But it is challenge sometimes understanding the other unless you know them well of course.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
That is it exactly. We all have our own beliefs, thoughts, and opinions. I find part of the interaction is getting to know about others, learn things from others, and get others opinions. Or that is what I think of when I think of about a place like this. So why get in a huff and block someone when they don't share exactly like you. For example: Me and hubby don't agree on everything 24/7, but we still happily married, and going on to the next day. I haven't locked him out yet, cause he doesn't agree that I am smarter than him. The last part was a joke.
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• United States
29 Aug 15
@Bluedoll Not sure I understand what you mean you when you say, 'it's challenging understanding the other unless you know them well'. Isn't a discussion and different viewpoints a way to get to know them?
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
27 Aug 15
I will use the block if more or less i have gauged the mylotter to be a spammer basing on his /her discussions or even comments.
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• United States
27 Aug 15
I understand. Don't forget there is also the 'delete' option if they are spamming your discussion.
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@rebelann (113173)
• El Paso, Texas
26 Aug 15
I once used the block feature on Bubblews because the jerk wouldn't stop taunting me about whatever it was ..... Holy cow, now I can't even remember what the fool did to tick me off but he has since been removed. As for getting along, well you're right, we can choose what to comment on so why let what someone writes bother you, you really don't have to read it.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
They have a block feature at Bubblews? See how much I paid attention to that. I will have to go over and look now. Well, as I said we won't all agree on everything and there are times where we we will disagree, but I don't think disagreeing with someone's opinion warrants blocking someone. Now, if it's a discussion I didn't care for from the get go, then no I won't bother even commenting, cause then I know it will only lead to a dispute.
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26 Aug 15
I understand that some people don't agree with others, but if you don't agree, it is best just to skip the discussion and move on instead of commenting.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
See that is my view on it also. To simply move along to something of which you can relate to.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
It is a nice sentiment to all get along dear friend and for the most part we can. There is a rare instance when I would choose to block or report, but rare and for good reason.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
@TexanTornado Yes it is a good option but hopefully it will be rarely used TT. Glad you have not encountered.
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• United States
26 Aug 15
Yes, the sentiment is a good one. I have yet to use either. Maybe I have just been lucky thus far.
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@sofssu (23662)
27 Aug 15
Honestly speaking we can mentally block out people we want to. It's better to agree to disagree go on and on about personal dislikes. It starts making things a little uncomfortable for the community.. it may so happen that others could unknowing be dragged into such discussions. I personally keep away from all that because I am here to have a good time. Life has enough struggles already .. why add some more.. Let us have some fun now.. lighten up already .
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• United States
27 Aug 15
You make a good point here. I have accidentally gotten into the middle of a disagreement like that. I know some people that have a sarcastic sense of humor and joke around a lot, which is what I thought was happening, when in fact they really were having a heated argument.
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• United States
27 Aug 15
Very well said my friend. I guess I use the word 'ignore' where you state 'mentally block'. You make a very valid point, to avoid such discussions that can lead to an outbreak of negativity. Ok, I know I need to lose a few pounds.. No need for you to tell me.. (hence the lighten up).. Just teasing you.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
14 Sep 15
The 'Block' feature does have some legitimate uses and I understand that people may want to block people who are harassing them and are doing it subtly in such a way that it may not appear to be harassment to an outsider (or the moderator). There are also those people who hold strong views on a particular controversial subject and do not want to associate with those who hold an opposing view (pace the 'Creationists', if you know what I mean!) On the other hand, there are so many ways in which this feature can be abused and work against the fellowship spirit in MyLot and there are also so many ways in which it doesn't work in the way people think it ought to work that I very much believe that it should be dropped entirely. You are right, of course: It is natural that not everyone can get along perfectly with everyone else and, indeed, if we did so perfectly we should probably not need a discussion site at all! However, it is when differences of opinion become thorns in people's sides and lead to violent altercation that it become necessary to ask, "WHY can't we all just get along?" In my view, a BLOCK button is never a good answer. The basic rules of the site clearly list the things that are not allowed and several of them are to do with "getting along". Maybe the rule should be that, if a person can't learn to get along with others here (or try to, at least, even if it means ignoring them) then perhaps MyLot is not really the place that person should be.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
14 Sep 15
@TexanTornado The powers that be seem to be very open to suggestions this time around. They want the site to be a good experience for all and I'm sure that they're taking note of many discussions and comments. Several people have discovered that the Block feature is not all that they feel it should be and have said so in several discussions. No, we don't want to tell them how they should run the site but they do need (and have asked) to know whether things are working for us and, often, where improvements would make it better.
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• United States
14 Sep 15
Thank you for your words of wisdom. I understand why the 'block' feature was placed, which the concept is a good one, the carrying out or perhaps the word I am looking for is purpose, it kind of misses it mark. Not even sure that is the correct word. I think it all comes down to the fact of, 'to each their own'. I won't tell mylot how to run their site or what to do, for they have done a good job with it. I simply don't understand a few things surrounding it, but hey, I can go with the flow.
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• United States
14 Sep 15
@owlwings I think that is great that the owners (powers that be) are taking heed from the population/users/community. It means that they want the best for all, which for anything to really work, that is the way it would have to be. In truth, I really have no complaints. For the most part, I think the powers that be did an excellent job. I am also well aware, that not everything/everyone can be catered to. As you said they wish for the community to let them know, and that is one of the best thing any place could do, cause it clearly shows it cares about it's users.
@GardenGerty (161927)
• United States
24 Sep 15
Certain times of day I find myself reporting spam, and I only blocked one person and that person was stalking me and getting creepy.
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• United States
24 Sep 15
I think I have only ran across spam once thus far, and only cause someone pointed it. Oh no, sorry you were subjected to such. No one enjoys being stalked.
@allknowing (140043)
• India
27 Aug 15
It is just like in real life where you may not hate a person but prefer to keep that person away because you are not comfortable. Here the block feature is not what it should be and Admin is looking into it.
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@allknowing (140043)
• India
27 Aug 15
@TexanTornado In a areal life situation you have the freedom to removoe that brick wall but not here. Once you are blocked you can do nothing unless the blocker decides to unblock you. I think the block feature should be removed and the individual can decide to stay away if they wish, reporting if any hurts are hurled at them. Blocking only stops a person from interacting with the blocker but as you say if one is blocked because of spamming that should be reported as blocking will not stop that person from spamming the community.
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• United States
27 Aug 15
Hmmm I hear what you are saying, and in a way it makes sense. In another way it doesn't. Just an example: If I'm not comfortable with someone I would stay away from them and vice versa, I wouldn't build a brick wall around them. I'm not saying you are wrong by any means.
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• United States
27 Aug 15
@allknowing Very well said, and yes I have to agree with your logic. That is the way I see it.
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
27 Aug 15
I don't think there is a need for me to use that feature. I am hoping about it
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• United States
27 Aug 15
I can't say I would never use it. I was taught never to say never. I just never had a need for it, and hopefully I won't.
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@LadyDuck (472426)
• Switzerland
27 Aug 15
Of course we can't all get along, we must be prepared to accept nice comments or critics. I have not yet used the block button.
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• United States
27 Aug 15
True, we have to be able to accept the good with the bad, but that doesn't mean drastic measures have to be taken.
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• Hyderabad, India
27 Aug 15
NO,i think literally we cant along....
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• United States
27 Aug 15
For the most part you are right. But those I don't, I can ignore, so basically I am still getting along with them, by having nothing to do with them.
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• Hyderabad, India
27 Aug 15
@TexanTornado Good Point