It's Labor Day Friday, Kim Davis Is In Jail Special Celebration Edition

@xander6464 (44856)
Wapello, Iowa
September 4, 2015 12:04pm CST
*** Author's Note: I know as well as you do that Kim Davis is not a Christian. I believe in God more than she does. She's just a wannabe lazy martyr who's planning on getting rich by selling books and the movie rights to her life story (Which may not work out very well since her fan base is dying at the rate of about 3000 a day) but it's more entertaining to just believe her story so play along and have fun. *** Let's start the Labor Day Weekend with the most hilarious and morally uplifting story of the week: EXCLUSIVE: Kentucky Clerk: 'This is a fight worth fighting.' Since a lot of you don't have time to click and read long articles, let me show you the funniest part, "Davis has refused to issue marriages licenses for two months since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. She argues that her Christian faith should exempt her from signing the licenses." That's right, folks. She's another lazy Republican who refuses to do her job...Because she claims she's Christian. And as we all know, according to Christian mythology, Jesus wants everyone to be hateful and filled with spite. What? Jesus taught the opposite and this shiftless piece of Conservative trash is going to rot in Hell for all eternity? Right after she gets done rotting in jail here for disobeying a judge's order? See? This is why I always invite theological experts like you because I always miss the finer points like that. Just in case you haven't gotten enough joy out of Kim Davis' self inflicted pain and suffering yet, here's a video that highlights her hypocrisy as well as her stupidity: How Many Times Has This Defender of Traditional Marriage Been Married? Now we need to shift gears and stop taking pleasure in Kim's misery by taking pleasure in all the misery of all the angry bitter old clingers who support her. People like mt my friend Jim down at the Nazi Station. He was fiy to be tied yesterday because AMERICA IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN!!!!!! That poor girl went to jail because she believes in Jesus! Who's going to break the news to Jim? I will! Oh, don't be disappointed. Someday when you grow up and get your own Blog, you can deflate the self-righteous and absolutely wrong Christians. If there are any still alive at that point. In the meantime, I'm going to be the one who says: Hey, Jim! She is not in jail because she's Christian! She's in jail because she won't do her job and apparently it was easier to do it that way than to just fire her. Goodness. Some days, I just love Blogging because I get to say things like that. And then I get to follow them up with things like this: Maybe if you Conservative people weren't so lazy and always looking for a handout, you could keep a job! But, if you want to believe that she's in jail because she's a Christian, that's fine. I love that fantasy, too. I'm smart enough to know it's only a fantasy but otherwise we're on the same page. You know what else I really like? Our Justice System. Well, not most of the time but today I do. At least the portion of it that put Kim Davis in jail. So I guess you could say that I really only like about .01% of our Justice System but I like it a whole lot. It has provided an awesome start to out three day weekend. That was fun but now, to show there's no hard feelings, this, the Theme Drink that Fifi, my Sommelier, invented for tonight is dedicated to Jim and all you other old bitter angry clingers out there who are mad because it isn't 1650 anymore: ============================== Jail Celebration Ingredients: 2 1/2 parts Gold rum 1 part Brandy 1 part Triple sec 1 part Lemon juice 5 drops Orange bitters Mixing instructions: In a cocktail shaker add ingredients and fill with ice. Shake with gusto for half a minute, and pour/strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon peel, or lime peel if you use fresh lime juice. ============================== I know what you're expecting now but I promised Gidget, my Spiritual Adviser, that I wouldn't make any jokes like that. You, however, made no such promise, so feel free to speculate all you want about all the various marriages Kim Davis will have in prison as well as all the premarital Lesbian sex she will have and how that will or won't affect her position on Gay Marriage and Christianity. Karma can be very entertaining, can't it? While you're doing that, let's get tonight's Featured Party Game started: Binders Full Of Girls And Boys Playing Jailhouse Rock. In case you're wondering, the Jailhouse Rock here isn't the song. It's another kind of rocking that many people consider more fun than music. If I were to say any more than that, I'd have to issue a Spoiler Alert so I'm going to end this one right here. Here Are The Links:
Kim Davis, the Rowan county clerk who has deemed herself the arbiter of what is right and what's wrong in a marriage has been married four separate times. Ac...
4 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
15 Sep 15
Actually, she's a lazy Democrat who refuses to do her job, who was jailed by a Republican judge who understood his job. The irony.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
16 Sep 15
@xander6464 Of course she's wrong. I'm a Libertarian, we're kinda not real big on the whole denial of basic civil liberties and equal protection under the law thing.
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@xander6464 (44856)
• Wapello, Iowa
20 Sep 15
@xfahctor X, you should despise Kim Davis then. If you were really a Libertarian, you wouldn't be on her side.
@xander6464 (44856)
• Wapello, Iowa
15 Sep 15
Ah, so you're admitting that she was totally wrong. This is a breakthrough! And yes, Republicans don't have a monopoly on stupid lazy people, it just seems that way. It's also why Republicans starting with Mike Huckabee, worship her.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
7 Sep 15
She has the Constitutional right to do what she did...Her rights did not stop with her job....She is following both the US Constitution, and the Kentucky Constitution.... She is standing by Gods law... She is doing what the people of Kentucky voted her in to in n Carolina they also passed a law a little different than Kentucky but it says that the Judges in n. Carolina have the right to refuse to marry Homosexual couples if they choose...and more states will follow... As for her being is a sin...but it is a forgivable Sin the same as Homosexuality is....and when she accepted Christ she was forgiven... Why are obams, and the other officials not in Jail right along with her for breaking our laws..Because they refuse to and ignore the immigration laws...and why are the people at planned parenthood not in jail for selling baby parts....They are free because they are not christian....Kim davis is in Jail because she is Christian... You are happy because she is in jail...but do or say nothing about the others... Christians will start waking up and taking a stand because of Kim Davis...She did what God asked her to do... Breaking mans law means Jail, breaking Gods law means separation from God...I also would rather be in jail... Now lets start arresting the rest of the law breakers and lets start at the top with Obama, then the Governors of the sanctuary city's...then lets get the body part sellers....Then all the people that broke the law to come here... That will just be the start to cleaning up this country...and make it a better place to live.....all the law breakers need to be held accountable for their actions.. Lets stop picking and choosing which law breakers are jailed..Every one of them should go to jail.....
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
8 Sep 15
@TwoEms So is the Presidents, and the Governors, and anyone else that is in public office...But you do not see any of them being arrested...and you see no out rage because Obama is breaking, and ignoring our laws....and yes the biggest waste of our tax dollars is because of Obama ignoring the Immigration Laws, millions, and millions of dollars wasted..and it is more that just a annoyance it is something that is completely destroying this country.. And it is not only the tax dollars wasted, but Americans are being raped, and killed because of it.......We need to start at the top...and all the ignorant people that are allowing this too go on need to get educated and start speaking out.. So why is Obama allowed to cherry pick his own public.and decide what laws he is going to follow...and why are so many ignorant people allowing him to do it....only a very few of us are even speaking out about it...and the rest are allowing it to happen.....The only reason people are yelling about Kim and why she is in Jail is because she is Christian........and she is refusing on religious grounds....... Kim Davis took a oath to up hold the Constitution of the state of Kentucky.....She was voted in to office by the people of Kentucky....The people of Kentucky VOTED and 70 percent of them said they wanted marriage to be between one man and one woman...They voted against Homosexual marriage....Kim Davis is following the will of the people of Kentucky..... Kim Davis is exercising her Constitutional right to her religion, and no body has the right to take that away from her.....NO BODY...She does not lose her right because of her Job...If her second amendment right is taken away from her because of this everyone is going to lose it too.... This case is not over yet and we will just have too see what happens with it....
@TwoEms (37)
• United States
8 Sep 15
@dlr297 You are grossly misled about immigration policies in this country. Trump is an idiot: The separation of church and state is in our Constitution. Religion does not belong in the Davis case. She is the one imposing her religious beliefs on the LGBT community. She is wrong in this case.
His basic beliefs and prescriptions about immigration are way off base.
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@TwoEms (37)
• United States
8 Sep 15
Kim Davis' job is to serve 'the public'. She can't define her own cherry-picked public. Ignorant people like her, and all those who support her, are unnecessary annoyances, a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
@loki1982 (780)
• Dallas, Texas
4 Sep 15
I don't know her personally, and i doubt you do either, so judging her from what you have heard or seen in the media is spotty at best. I am all for the LGBT community to have rights, but I also feel she has the right to refuse to issue licenses if she doesn't believe in it. Why does someone else's rights trump her rights? Its a touchy subject and there is no way everyone will ever be happy.
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@xander6464 (44856)
• Wapello, Iowa
4 Sep 15
You're totally missing the point, She can believe whatever she wants. She can say whatever she wants, But as long it is her job to issue marriage licenses, that's what she must do. This has nothing to with rights or beliefs...But I am glad that so many people think it does cause I love people thinking that you can go to jail for being a Christian. Maybe someday it will be that way.
@TwoEms (37)
• United States
9 Sep 15
Religious impositions n the workplace...
Religion does not belong in a public service job. Period.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
15 Sep 15
@xander6464 You are the one missing the point....The constitution says she can exercise her religion, and nobody has the right to stop her..Or to bully her to go against it....Her rights do not stop because of her Job....Her Other Constitutional right is the freedom of speech she can say what she wants too.... This case has everything to do with rights, and beliefs.....and yes she went to jail because of her Christian beliefs......and she was let out because she was right......
@TwoEms (37)
• United States
15 Sep 15
Link to where I got these memes:
@xander6464 (44856)
• Wapello, Iowa
15 Sep 15
@TwoEms I LOVE those!
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@TwoEms (37)
• United States
15 Sep 15
and this
@TwoEms (37)
• United States
15 Sep 15
and this
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