Why so serious DC?

September 7, 2015 5:04am CST
First things first, I am not a Marvel Fanboy who would just gobble up any crass movie that has MARVEL stamped all over it. On the contrary, I was one of those who were not impressed by the Avengers: Age of Ultron. Sure it had the same primary cast members reprising their roles that we loved so much in the first Avengers movie and was filled to the brim with massive slow-mo CGI destruction setpieces. But even then, watching the second outing of the superhero team surprisingly became a tedious job. Sure, the film had its moments, but they were far too few (loved the Thor’s hammer lifting competition though). Now that we are done with the debunking of that movie, lets look at the topic for which you actually clicked on this link. The internet was on fire as soon as people got the sniff of the Batman V Superman trailer’s leak. And soon we had the official trailer coming out in glorious HD. If you are reading this, that means you have checked out the trailer (if not what on earth are you waiting for??). The DC universe has all geared up for a massive project culminating (atleast for now) in the Justice League movies. The trailer showed glimpses of what we can expect from the movie – badass action, explosive confrontations, a cool standoff between the two towering figures, Wonderwoman, lots of easter eggs, a menacing Batman, a buffed up batsuit (even probably a dead Robin??). I know there will be a great number of dissenters to my opinion but I need to tell that when I watched the trailer, I felt like the makers of the movie were deliberately making it a bit too dark and gritty. I know that this is not Guardians of the Galaxy to take a light-hearted approach but can’t it be a little more colourful atleast. This movie is far more serious than an adventure of a bunch of space outlaws. Yeah I know it has Batman in it so it needs to be dark but to this extent? Most of the trailer is draped in shades of black with just a couple of scenes in broad daylight. To make the Batman even more sinister looking his cowl has a scowl (ha ha that rhymes. Okay its not that funny).The man to be blamed for this is Christopher Nolan who acts as the executive Producer for this movie. With his Batman Begins he single handedly changed the genre of Superhero movies. Earlier most of the movies in this genre used to be flashy, family friendly and colourful, excluding Tim Burton’s Batman (that movie made Batman way more cooler than the Adam West era) and Joel Schumacher’s Batman and Robin (it killed Batman. Period). Nolan brought back the elements of Tim Burton’s Batman to his Dark Knight Trilogy and perfected it to make one of the finest trilogies ever. His movies were dark, brooding, philosophical masterpieces and made Batman cool again. His no nonsense approach to the movies gave it a place in the highest strata of cinema. And then came the 2013 movie Man Of Steel. Superman had already had a lame reboot in 2006’s Superman Returns and people hoped that the new movie would also turn the fate of its titular Hero like Batman Begins did. But that was not to be. Instead of a kickass movie what we got was a massive gore fest, lot of super powered fistfights and apocalyptic destruction on a grand scale (seriously millions would have died in the final Metropolis showdown, so exactly was saved??). The movie polarised people, they either loved it or hated it. This movie was probably made to continue in the same vein as the previous Batman movies but it didn’t work out so well. Henry Cavill was a good casting choice but even his rippling muscles could not bring the same gravitas. All I wanted to know from Zach Snyder was ‘WHY SO SERIOUS?”. Have you noticed that ever since the Batman v Superman movie was announced all the attention has been showered upon the new Batman? Why? The answer is Christoper Nolan. He placed Batman on such a high pedestal that Zack may find it hard to fill Nolan’s shoes. But let me not discourage you. Maybe this dark tone may work out excellently to give us all a phenomenal movie for which we have waited for so long and whatever I wrote will be considered as a nonsensical blabbering of a mad guy. I know the Dark Knight is the best Superhero movie ever and I LOVE IT!!!! But the DC guys need to cut some slack regarding their dark and brooding atmosphere. You may want to create a gritty universe in contrast to the MCU but don’t ruin the movies for the fans. If executed properly this movie may be a milestone, or else it would be a gravestone for the DC Universe. I have faith that the movie would be great, its just the anxiety on an eager fan. I am keeping my fingers crossed. By the way did you check out the new Suicide Squad Trailer? Jared Leto is awesome as Joker. Now no issues with that.
1 response
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
26 Jul 16
The understanding is that "Superman Returns" sucked because it was too light-hearted and campy, so they thought that giving Superman the realistic "grim and gritty" treatment would help. Another complaint was that Superman Returns was boring because he didn't fight a Super Villain. But even that is bullcrap, why? BECAUSE HIS ARCH-ENEMY WAS THE ANTAGONIST IN SUPERMAN RETURNS!!! LEX-FLIPPING-LUTHOR!!!!! The man is a genius, he could've done a Hell of a lot better than a Kryptonite Island. Release crooks from prison, build a laser cannon and hold Metropolis for ransom, SOMETHING!!!! We didn't NEED a super villain that rivaled Superman, not when Returns was supposed to be a love-letter to the Richard Donner Films! But Warner Bros. And HollyWood will never get it. Not when box office numbers and certain select criticisms are their guidelines.