When I Grow Up

United States
September 8, 2015 10:25am CST
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a nurse. The thought of helping others always appealed to me. It was however short lived. As soon as my brother dropped a jigsaw clean through his foot, I realized being a nurse wasn't for me. I couldn't handle the sight of all the blood. So then I thought, I would be a teacher. To help kids to learn and grow. That too was short lived when I realized I couldn't deal with a multitude of unruly kids who a lot of the times were unappreciative. (Not that I was one mind ya, I'm an angel). As I got older, I decided I would become a paralegal. I could help families and kids. Then as I learned more about how the system worked, I realized that wouldn't work for me either. I just didn't have the temperament for it. More than likely, I would have been the one sitting in jail. It eventually turned out I became a homemaker. My need to help others was granted to me, and it's a job I grew to love. What did you want to be when you grew up? What are you presently doing or ended up doing?
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15 responses
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
8 Sep 15
A stripper..cause they can flirt and tease and do anything and still bring home the bacon to their loved ones.. really have you seen the money they make?..i told my daughter if i was years younger i would do that..i have no shame..I'm an angel too
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
8 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I can dance and have fun..well i did..right now i'd be lucky if i found a barber shop pole
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Sep 15
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• United States
8 Sep 15
OMG!! Leave it to you to come up with such an answer. So Can you dance?? You have to be able to dance and gyrate or you won't make all that much. Oh and you no where near close to being an angel.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Sep 15
My first dream was to become an Engine Driver in the Railways. That was when I was a kid. I loved being on the train. Every Summers we would go to the hometown of my Grandparents (about 1200 kilometers) and I loved it. As I grew, I realized, I cannot become one of the Drivers because they stay in a very small space in the Engine. So I should be the one who checks the Tickets on the train. Or better, a man in the Pantry. By the time I was 15, I dreamt of being an Astronaut. Financial crisis. Could not pursue it even after securing a scholarship. I never had thought that I would be a teacher. But call it destiny, my first job was that of a teacher and I really loved it. Today, as I stay at home, I do want to get back to some place where I would be able to teach. It is the best profession as per me.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I used to teach Computers - Programming to be specific. I have taught students from high school to even the in-service professionals and even spent 6 months at the Army Academy. My wife is a school teacher and has done her master's and MTech in IT. She is currently pursuing her PHd. I could not even complete a degree course due to financial constraints at some time or other family constraints at another. Eventually, I decided to remain the one with my graduation in Political Sciences.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I was deeply upset about the missed opportunity. Another one they did not allow me was to join the Army. After my class Xth, I had secretly filled up the forms and even passed the medicals. But then, parents had to be told. I could not just run away. And they were real furious. Being the eldest son in the family, in Indian conditions, is not always the best thing to happen.
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• United States
8 Sep 15
Oh that sounds nice. I have never been on a train, (well, except the small choo-choo train at a theme park). I always wanted to travel by train. An astronaut huh? That is quite interesting. I'm so glad that you enjoyed being a teacher. What grade/field did you teach in? What about becoming a professor?
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@sofssu (23662)
8 Sep 15
I wanted to be a doctor.. but then our financial situation at that time wasn't really good and i had to give up on the dream. I studied to be a mental health professional but Moved to HR and now I am a SAHM. I teach a Bible study group. and work with teens.
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• United States
8 Sep 15
Aww I am sorry you had to give up on your dream, but it seems like you were still able to help others also. I think that is the most important thing. I myself never wanted the extra 8-12 years of school. We couldn't afford it anyways.
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@sofssu (23662)
8 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I did the next best thing.. I was happy until some basic ideology clashes occurred in my thought life. I am happy to see my son fulfilling my dream. I studied at the university until I was 25 one course after the other working aprt time.
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• United States
8 Sep 15
@sofssu Oh I understand. Yeah, isn't that great. Hopefully it is his dream too, and not just doing it cause it was yours. No way! I had 3 kids at that age.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
9 Sep 15
I wanted to be a teacher, nurse, vet. I ended up working in the medical billing department for over 30 years.
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• United States
9 Sep 15
It seems you still ended up in the 'medical' field. Which is great, if it suits you?
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
9 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I loved it but haven't been able to work since 2009 due to health issues.
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• United States
11 Sep 15
@simone10 Awwww I'm sorry to hear that.
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@gudheart (12659)
9 Sep 15
When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet lol. I am now older and am in Finance, so life has a way of changing lanes lol
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• United States
9 Sep 15
You are so right about that. Life does change, and we have to change with it.
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• United States
9 Sep 15
@gudheart I can understand and relate to that. But it doesn't seem you lack that much brain if you in finance.
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@gudheart (12659)
9 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I would have loved to have done something in the medical profession like my sister, but I don't have the brains for that LOL
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• United States
10 Sep 15
my dream was to be a vet 'n fear i couldn't afford such, so went to pre-law. loved it 'til i saw the 'other side' 'f that corrupt system 'n greed. 'fore i fell ill, i was livin' my 2nd dream - trainin' horses 'n playin' 'round with cattle.
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• United States
10 Sep 15
Ok excuse my ignorance here but I have to ask cause. I truly don't know. Does it cost more to be a vet then it does pre- law? I just assumed being a lawyer would be more expensive. Oh yeah the 'true' side to it all. I'm so glad you h ave a chance to live your dream even if it was your second one. I think you took to it just fine.
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• United States
14 Sep 15
@crazyhorseladycx OMG are you serious?? I thought it was like a 2 year program. Shows you how much I know. In truth, I never looked into it. I do understand what you mean though. I sure hope your health does return and you can d the things that brought you so much enjoyment. It sounds like you still do, just perhaps not as much as you would like to..
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• United States
10 Sep 15
@TexanTornado oh yes ma'am. takes 'bout 14 years 'f schoolin' to be a vet 'n only 4 to be a lawyer. 'least it did back 'n those days. i'm fortunate that i got to live it 's well, although much shorter 'n i'd'f liked. perhaps the health 'll return 'nough though that i can get back into the trainin' side 't least. i dunno though, the older i get the more i thud 'nstead 'f bouncin'
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@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
9 Sep 15
Let's see: ballerina, actress/entertainer, legal secretary, social worker, mom. I made it to mom. I was never going to be 1.office worker 2. nurse 3. teacher , mom said I would never be a waitress or carhop. I did not learn to drive until I was 20, could not keep a standard vehicle running. Well in this order I was a 1. office worker, 2. waitress 3. bus driver-stick shift 5 speed with split rear axle. 4.Took care of a terminally ill husband. 5. I was a para educator for preschool kids (they called me "teacher") 6. Certified Nursing Assistant, Med aid. Activity Aid, Social Services Designee. 7. Direct Support Professional and program coordinator for the adult disabled. (teacher, nurse, friend, transportation.) I always seem to have caregiving in place. I am married for a second time. At this time I am not employed.
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• United States
9 Sep 15
Oh wow, so everything you wasn't going to be, is what you were. Funny how things like that happen. Seems like you were a nonstop working machine and helped in the aid of a lot of people. Good for you.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
8 Sep 15
I have always wanted to be a writer. I was in elementary school and I wanted to be a fiction writer. I am afraid that it has not turned out the way I wanted it to.
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• United States
8 Sep 15
Very nice. Oh but you still have time. Are you currently writing (fiction that is)?
@joygracia (1325)
• Philippines
8 Sep 15
I also wanted to work in a medical field when I was young because I really like science subject. Indeed, I was able to graduate as a nurse but a later found out it is never an easy task. I somehow wished I had tried other courses like IT or hotel and management. I could have a more comfortable job.
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@joygracia (1325)
• Philippines
8 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I hope I can but I think I have limited time to do that because I'm the bread winner in my family now.
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• United States
8 Sep 15
Yes, being a nurse you have to work 12 hours shifts, basically standing up the whole time. Which I don't think I would have had a problem with, if I could have gotten pass the blood. Maybe it's not too late to study the courses in which you mention?
• United States
8 Sep 15
@joygracia Oh, ok, I understand. Yes, that would make a difference.
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@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
9 Sep 15
i wanted to be a mermaid blame Ariel i just loved the sea and it'd be nice to talk to sea animals too too bad there's no way i can be one
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@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
10 Sep 15
@TexanTornado yeah, i would have befriended Ursula she's cool, when she's not trying to take over the sea kingdom
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• United States
10 Sep 15
@lady1993 and just exactly when wouldn't she be trying to take over?
• United States
9 Sep 15
Awww that is so sweet. I think she worked her magic on quite a fewof the female population. But don't forget about Ursula.
@cahaya1983 (11116)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 15
I wanted to be so many things. I remember my first ambition was to be an architect. Then I changed it to being a lawyer. Next was accountant, I think. I ended up studying IT and a few years later switched to freelance writing/editing.
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• United States
9 Sep 15
I think a lot of people want to reach for the stars, and as they age realization hits, and things change. Oh now seems like you in a great profession, that is if you enjoy it.
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• United States
14 Sep 15
@cahaya1983 That is absolutely great.
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@cahaya1983 (11116)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 15
@TexanTornado I do! I've always loved reading and writing and I don't have plans to switch paths anymore.
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• New Delhi, India
9 Sep 15
I wanted to become a singer. I uesd to spend long hours singing. But for some reasons that dream could not materialize. I had been teaching for about eight years but teaching is not my passion. I left the job after I had my first child. i have recently completed a course on interior designing. I am passionate about it.
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• United States
9 Sep 15
A singer huh? Any particular genre? I can easily enough understand not having the passion for something. You have to love what you do, to want to do it. I hope the interior design world treats you good.
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• United States
14 Sep 15
@Bhattacharjee Oh that is cool. Great! One should always do the things that they love.
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• New Delhi, India
9 Sep 15
@TexanTornado Its Indian Bengali Music. Its called Rabindra Sangeet. I won't give up on interior designing.I absolutely love it.
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• Avenel, New Jersey
9 Sep 15
omg i want your job!!!! like most people, i went through a bunch of dreams as a kid/teenager. i know at one point or another i wanted to be a writer, a singer, and a teacher. ive been through a few jobs since i graduated college and havent quite found my niche yet. i would love to be a stay at home mom, but that isnt inthe cards just yet, so i have to find something to do in the meantime/that i can do at home when i eventually have kids.
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• United States
10 Sep 15
It's a job I truly loved. Yes, the kid/ teenager aspiration we all seemed to have, then we grow up. Hopefully you find your niche in life, or perhaps get yourself through until you can be that stay at home mom.
• Bandung, Indonesia
9 Sep 15
I wanted to be a doctor.. but then our financial situation at that time wasn't really good and i had to give up on the dream. now I am engineering. I work field.
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• United States
9 Sep 15
It does seem financial issues affects a lot of people. Being an Engineer isn't a bad occupation to have.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Sep 15
I wanted to be Judy Garland, but it was already taken. So, I am just a nobody on social media sites instead.
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• United States
8 Sep 15
Oh that is too funny. Ok, you wanted to be Judy Garland herself, or did you want to play Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz? Both roles I think would be pretty cool. Now, I wouldn't say you are a nobody, for you are somebody.