Same Sex Marriage: Pros & Cons

Bandung, Indonesia
September 9, 2015 8:42pm CST
Same sex marriage becomes hot topic lately among society around the globe, after U.S legalize it. Pro and contra of legalizing same-sex marriage rise. Some people believe that same-sex marriage can bring several benefits, while others believe that same-sex marriage is forbidden because of reasons. The debate among society about same-sex marriage goes on until now. For those who agree, same sex marriage can brings some benefits. First, marriage is an internationally recognized human right for all people and same-sex marriage is a civil right. Second, marriage is not only for procreation, otherwise infertile couples or couples not wishing to have children would be prevented from marrying, so as same sex marriage. Third, same sex couples is also useful when they adopt orphand who lacks of love. Fourth, marriage provides both physical and psychological health benefits, and banning gay marriage increases rates of psychological disorders. The American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association in Sep. 2007 say "...allowing same-sex couples to marry would give them access to the social support that already facilitates and strengthens heterosexual marriages, with all of the psychological and physical health benefits associated with that support." In other hand, some people who disagree with same sex marriage have some reasons to oppose it. First, the institution of marriage has traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman. Marriage is for procreation and should not be extended to same-sex couples because they cannot produce children together. Second, allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification.Third, children need both a mother and a father. Girls who are raised apart from their fathers are reportedly at higher risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy. Children without a mother are deprived of the emotional security and unique advice that mothers provide. Fourth, gay marriage is contrary to the word of God and is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups. In conclusion, we cannot judge whether same sex marriage is good or bad. It is just like two sides of coins which together has both positive and negative points. The wise way to response to this issue is with strengthening what we believe is good, without trying to oppose the others who has different perspective. I'm confuse.. Please tell me the right one: agree or disasgree?
1 response
• Bandung, Indonesia
10 Sep 15
i agrre,one's desire is different, which can distinguish between good or not is private
• Bandung, Indonesia
10 Sep 15
ente doyan lanang ya?