The 14th anniversary of 9/11. The event that changed the world forever.

September 11, 2015 5:01am CST
Fourteen years ago, a normal Tuesday morning in USA turned into a battlefield within a blink of an eye. Four passenger airliners became weapons in the hands of lunatic terrorists. The visuals of the planes colliding with the World Trade Centre and their subsequent collapse seemed to be too horrifying and appalling, that it resembled more like the movie Independence Day than real news channel. But the real thing was more terrifying than any movie could be. Another plane hit the Pentagon causing the same destruction. The fourth plane was moving towards Washington DC, the White House in all probability. Had it not been for the superhuman level of bravery of the passengers, another historical landmark of American would have turned to dust. In the aftermath of this event, everyone realised how devastating an act of terrorism could be. Terror had a new name - al-Qaeda. Almost 3000 innocent souls perished in the attacks. There were hundreds of fire-fighters and police officers who died while saving the lives of others. The Americans came forward to help in saving people, donating blood, giving financial assistance and supporting the families who were grieving the loss of their beloved ones. These are the real heroes. True humanity overcame the hate and violence of the terrorists.
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