Have You Ever Gone to a Foreign Country?

United States
September 16, 2015 2:42pm CST
In 2009 I spent three weeks in the Philippines where I hung out with a bunch of my Filipina friends. I encountered the differences in culture, and thoroughly enjoyed it! I spent a few days in Dumaguete City where I spent a lot of time strolling the famous promenade on the water front. I also got to watch a flower festival parade while I was there and I was so thrilled to have been there at just the right time for that. Back in Manila, I learned how to wash clothes by hand...(something we spoiled Americans seldom have to do but they take it for granted) in the tropical heat...whew. Those Filipinas are tough cookies, let me tell you that. I enjoyed the outdoor markets, and loved riding the tricycles. I didn't much like the jeepneys but still it's cool that I got to have the experience of riding them. Has anyone else ever visited a foreign country? Was it the most memorable experience of your life? I was definitely a traffic stopper while I was there. Literally. I stopped traffic. People would park in the center of the street so I could take their picture. They called me things like, "pretty lady", "beautiful lady"...well...they stopped before they got to gorgeous, thank goodness. That might have blown up my head. And then there were the things the MEN called me.... So, what about it? Do you have any foreign country stories you'd like to share? Proceed....
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4 responses
• Manila, Philippines
16 Sep 15
I'm from the Philippines and I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in our beautiful country. Good thing you were able to experience what its like living here like washing your own clothes, a chore that i really hate! LOL and riding the tricycle and jeepney, which is like the fast and the furious kind of driving! :-) That's what I like most about travelling. You get to experience living outside of your comfort zone. One experience I'll never forget was when i went to Oahu, Hawaii for 5 days. Best 5 days of my life! I was able to try skydiving and literally screamed my heart out!! And the drop was amazing I got to see the beach 10,000 feet above sea level. My tandem instructor was the best! I really love the place, food and the beach :-) Mind you I really wanted to become a Hula girl after visiting the Polynesian Cultural Center. If given the chance i would really like to go back :-)
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• United States
16 Sep 15
That is truly awesome, nikka! This would be me skydiving...-- And upon landing...-- Your country surely IS beautiful. I loved every minute of it...even the stuff that most folks would consider icky, like giant cockroaches and a spider bigger than me (practically). Fast and furious driving is correct. I wondered how they managed to avoid crashing into each other. But somehow they did.
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• Manila, Philippines
17 Sep 15
@Novelangel You have to try it out girl! Skydiving is the best, an experience of a lifetime. Funny thing happened, when my instructor was finished with the orientation I asked him if I pay now or later since he told me that we'll be boarding the aircraft in a few minutes. He told me to just pay after the jump, well that is if I come back alive! Can you believe it? hahaha! That guy was so funny :-) Oh yeah, driving here is pretty challenging. I remember my first driving experience here in Manila. Gosh cars were everywhere and people would just pop up out of nowhere and just cross the street even though it's a highway. And the roaches, that has got to be my ultimate fear! Did you get to see the flying roaches? I hope you didn't.
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• United Kingdom
16 Sep 15
I live in England and have visited France a couple of times. Apart from the differences in language and the public lavatories, Paris felt much like London to me, that is crowded and tourist-oriented. My visits were OK, but I've not been enthused to return or travel further.
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• United States
16 Sep 15
Traveling is tiring, and expensive, but it can create some memories that you never forget. Yes, tourist oriented traveling isn't always fun because of the crowds and stuff, but at least you get to say you've been there. What are the public lavatories like in Paris? In my stop-over in Japan I encountered the traditional squat toilet. I couldn't figure out how to use it so I waited for the western version.
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• United Kingdom
16 Sep 15
Unattractive is probably the best way to describe the lavatories in Paris @Novelangel I spent most of the trip trying to control my bladder and hang on until we got back to the hotel...!
• United States
16 Sep 15
@TGRWorzel Oh wow. That would not be a good situation at all. I've seen lavatories like that here too. Kind of makes you wish you were wearing a diaper or something. Just kidding, of course.
@Beatburn (4286)
• Philippines
14 Dec 15
I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to our country and find that we are warm and welcoming people. Must be our climate. There are other Filipinos in myLot who will also like this post... @hereandthere and @owstalaga are some of them.
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@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
18 Sep 15
My Father was in the forces .. so I have been fortunate to visit many countries.... I have sssoooo many happy memories from each one.... but my favourite... is standing with my mum and dad, on a viewing stage at Bryce Canyon... it was awesome......
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