Do you think dreams are random or have meaning?

@gudheart (12659)
September 23, 2015 7:53am CST
I have always thought that dreams have some sort of inner meaning. Not the type that can predict futures, but instead dreams can really tell us a lot about our psychological state. I for example have a lot of stressful dreams about being a lost and not able to find my way back home, or crying from saying goodbye to my college friends. The latter is related to the fact that I never got to say goodbye to my best friends before I left for university and then we lost touch. I have a fear of not being able to find my way home if I get lost on the roads (I know a strange one!). Do you think dreams are random or have meaning?
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22 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
23 Sep 15
I think that some dreams are randomly generated by our thoughts and experiences, some may tell us of our subconscious fears and for me, some are very meaningful and they do tell me important things. Those dreams are rare, they come from God and they always stay with me until I see what it is they were about.
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@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
23 Sep 15
Sigmund Freud wrote whole book the subject ("The Interpretation of Dreams") - but whether you or not agree with everything he said, there is certainly some truth in the notion that dreams say something about you. I agree that using dreams as a form of fortune telling is not such a good idea!
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@gudheart (12659)
23 Sep 15
I studied Psychology so I am aware of him, but not keen on his theories!
@wiLLmaH (8802)
• Singapore, Singapore
24 Sep 15
I believed that too.. That our dreams tell something about us and what we think..
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
24 Sep 15
Carl Jung also did some great analyses of dreams.
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@sofssu (23662)
24 Sep 15
Dreams do have underlying psychological meanings. The mind is at work even while w e sleep , it is often trying to workout the problems we face in life, and bring closure to many events in life that need some kind of closure. Dream are spiritual too. I personally have had spiritual dreams
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
23 Sep 15
I am sure that dreams are never random, they may reflect our stress, our fears and sometimes they warn us about something that is going to happen. I had many "premonitory" dreams, they never failed to show me the truth.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
23 Sep 15
that I agree with
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
25 Sep 15
I think a lot of our dreams do have meaning. I also have a recurring dream where I get lost. I am usually in a mall and I can't find my way out. I'm not sure what that means but I have been meaning to look it up and see.
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• Avenel, New Jersey
23 Sep 15
i agree with you, that stress/emotions can trigger certain dream scenarios. i used to have the dream quite often where i was like uncontrollably clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth so hard they would start falling out. luckily there were no signs that was happening in real life, but in the dream it was awful
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@gudheart (12659)
23 Sep 15
I used to have dreams where my teeth would be falling out too! Strange isn't it.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
25 Sep 15
I do think that some dreams do have meanings. I don't know if they all have one, but I do think they have meaning. They have some psychological meaning of some kind.
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@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
25 Sep 15
i'm not really sure, sometimes they are just a replay of our memories, some say they show our deepest desires. the dreams i remember are about school though
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• United States
24 Sep 15
I think they have great deep meaning.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
I think a little of both, so have meaning and some are due to stress. I learned the latter one in Psychology, but also experience it every semester. Like I have had dreams where I am doing my math or Geology homework, and like my real homework some of it is easy, some of it is difficult. Needless to say, whether the work I do is easy or hard, I find both to be nightmares because I want to sleep without a reminder of doing school work. Oh, and it also plays on your fears. Like I have to drive a good 40 minutes, 4 times a week, from the country to city driving. I don't like city driving and being so close to cars going so fast and the other day I dreamed there was a pickup truck in the right lane and the tire blew. However, it didn't just blow, fragments of the tire were coming at me and I had to avoid hitting the pieces in order to not get a flat tire myself. That couldn't happen (for one, a pickup tire wouldn't blow like that with pieces flying around and two, if one was to hit me, I wouldn't get a flat) yet in my dream, it felt real.
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@gudheart (12659)
21 Oct 15
It can be scary how realistic dreams feel and how we can not realise it is a dream while we are dreaming!
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• United States
21 Oct 15
@gudheart I know, right?
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@gudheart (12659)
21 Oct 15
@Carmelanirel2 I like having dreams when we know we are dreaming!
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@cahaya1983 (11116)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 15
I think they somewhat reflect the kind of thoughts that occupy our minds or the current state of emotion, but sometimes I do see random things and people in my dreams.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
24 Sep 15
Dreams have meanings in that its our unconscious mind attempts to communicate with conscious mind, yet it can only speak through symbols & signs. No its not predictive, it's merely your mind trying to tell you important things. Deciphering your dream can sometime give you the true insight to a tricky situation, thus making it seemingly powerful as a future event "predictor". But no, the unconscious just functions in a totally unique way than rest of our thoughts. Neurologically your brain goes into literately a different wave-length in dream state as it does awake.
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• Quezon City, Philippines
24 Sep 15
In my own opinion dreams are memories that flash into our minds while we are sleeping or it san be something that we want to get in the future but there will come a time that a person might have a bad dream because that person might experience something that he could not forget. That' s why dreams really have a meaning.
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@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
23 Sep 15
I think dreams are usually our brain's way of "sorting the mail." But sometimes God can use dreams to warn us or tell us something. Often, an issue that we can't figure out becomes clear the next morning when our subconscious has had a chance to work on it.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
24 Sep 15
I think that all dreams have a meaning of sorts. Dreaming is a way that the mind sorts through and tries to deal with recent (or sometimes long forgotten) experiences. Most dreams are forgotten as soon as we wake but the really vivid ones which we do remember generally happen in the few seconds before we wake, even if they seem long and complicated. Our minds use symbolism quite a lot, as Freud and Jung both believed. There seem to be some universal symbols which frequently turn up in myths and legends. Perhaps the origin of some of these myths was in some kind of dream or trance-like state?
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@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Sep 15
I think that dreams do have inner meaning. From what I understand of them it is our minds going over what has transpired over the day or series of days. I think they are random in their way and that they have a lot of meaning.
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• United States
23 Sep 15
Dreams definitely have meaning, whether or not they make sense. Sometimes your subconscious comes up with some of the weirdest concepts, but it's not so much the concepts themselves but the symbols you can get from them that matter. I have had dreams of being lost myself and it's a fear of mine too. I have a recurring dream every few years. I dream that my mom, dad, brother, sister and I are all in a car on the way to a craft store. We break down and my parents decide to walk while they let me and my sibilings go wherever as long as we are back at the car. Only thing is that we get lost and can't find our way back. There is a lot more to the dream but this is a dream that appears when I am the most stressed out.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
23 Sep 15
I believe in dreams having a meaning somewhere in ones life. not sure how or where, but i do believe
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@joylol (148)
• Austin, Texas
23 Sep 15
I always think dreams have meaning because they stem from our subconscious and our subconscious could have hidden thoughts that tap into our overall personality.
@Shyamalaa (525)
• Udaipur, India
23 Sep 15
A combination of both, I think.
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