Tom Cruise Went Straight from High-School to Hollywood?

Young Tom Cruise
@mythociate (21432)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 24, 2015 9:19am CST
I somehow had it 'in my head' that Tom Cruise (star of "Top Gun," star/producer of the recent "MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE"-franchise) went to 'seminary' (Catholic priest-school). But a recent episode of Reelz' Celebrity Damage Control revealed---nope, straight from high-school to Hollywood, joining The Church of Scientology (and rising in its ranks) to work-through his childhood-resentment and -dyslexia. I'm wondering why I ever thought he had been a seminary-scholar
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3 responses
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
10 Apr 16
I remember seeing him for the first time and thinking that he was so "cute".
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
25 Sep 15
Greetings, Harry Jude! That's quite awesome, actually. If we stop to look at some celebrities, we'll find there are lots of "geniuses" among them. People who are really extraordinary and who could beat life in a way that we thought we would only see in the movies. Tom Cruise is a great actor, indeed. A real star. Also seems to be somebody very intelligent. It isn't much of a shock to me to know that he went straight from school to Hollywood. I mean, that's pretty incredible, yes, but he seems like somebody that deserves it! Have a nice time!
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
24 Sep 15
He's handsome and puts on a good act. The illuminiti scooped him up fast.