India ranks a dismal 73rd out of 74 nations in PISA.

Pune, India
September 27, 2015 4:56am CST
Program for International Student Assessment. India is supposed to be smart right? Indians are ruling silicon valley, they are making governors, advisers and scientists and entrepreneurs around the world to countries and organizations! Yet 3 out of 4 teachers here can't solve % problems from class V txtbooks and less than half of our children in class V can read a paragraph or solve a simple sum from class II txtbook. What is the matter and how do we address this terrible performance?!
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6 responses
• Preston, England
27 Sep 15
your government should learn from the countries that fared better in the tests, if they are reliable results anyway. There are more than 75 nations so why were the rest not even tested?
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• India
27 Sep 15
@Kchitij2007 Now I know Tamil Nadu is proud of its educational scene.....
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• Preston, England
27 Sep 15
@Kchitij2007 many countries may have fared worse than India and in expecting bad results, they declined to enter. India has accepted its need to improve which should be highly praised.
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• Pune, India
27 Sep 15
Arthur the test is a voluntary one. You have to choose to be in it. Like after taking the test in 2011, India sat out of them just to save itself the humiliation again. These scores are of that period only and just came to my knowledge now. Also, only two states of India were allowed to take the test- Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
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• India
28 Sep 15
I think we our system needs a reform. If someone is not able to solve a problem or read a paragraph, it doesn't mean he/she is not intelligent. It's just that we don't apply what we learn, in our everyday life and eventually we tend to forget things. In our current system of education, which according to me also includes parents and society, children are put under the impression that one must 'score' well to get a good job and settle in life. There is very little or no emphasis on learning, knowledge and awareness. It's all about marks, job, money and a well settled life. That trend is what has made students flood Engineering institutions and in turn, has made money-minded self-proclaimed educationalists flood the country with their worthless institutions. This has also made many children to develop the habit of mugging up subjects without even understanding a thing. Such students do score well in exams but fail in life. Parents must encourage their children to pursue their passion and interest. Of course, they don't mean any harm to us. But thinking that they are guiding us in the right path, they actually are ruining a whole new generation. Basic education is a must to understand things around us. But forcing feeding stuff which doesn't interest a student is not helping anyone.
• Pune, India
28 Sep 15
I guess i agree with you there and the fact that we need to overhaul this system in a very fundamental manner. Its just that, this is such a huge task that no politician or even Boards ( ICSE, CBSE, etc ) are up for it! Things are easier for them to continue the way they are and i find that dismaying. Quick changes are needed if we are to remain competitive on a global level.
@mkrnex (785)
• Bangalore, India
28 Sep 15
@Kchitij2007 We are competitive. We are producing engineers to the IT hub in America. They trust the Indians more as Indians are considered hard workers. Primary is not a benchmark to measure. As my sister bloomed after her schools. Now she is even selected for national level student research program! Can you believe! I couldn't imagining her primary level !!
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• Pune, India
28 Sep 15
@mkrnex Wow! That is great news! Our best wishes to her.
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
27 Sep 15
It is not only the teachers. Even I may not be able to do those.
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• Pune, India
27 Sep 15
That is because you are not a teacher, you don't need to be able to solve them. But only 4% of wanna-be teachers pass the Teacher Eligibility Tests ( TETs ). IF you have the future of 240 million school children at hand. This is the quality of staff that is entrusted to deliver?
@allknowing (142711)
• India
27 Sep 15
It is always better that you give a reference in the form of links when you make such statements.
@allknowing (142711)
• India
27 Sep 15
@Kchitij2007 Actually we should not bother about this rank for the simple reason what one learns in schools is mere mugging. Today's students are exposed to so much outside of classrooms. In a few years' time the entire approach to schooling will change and it should. Those who are shining as you have mentioned in your post have had access to more than what they learnt in school. Indians are an intelligent lot. What is lacking is the contents in a syllabus which is boring to say the least. Children should have fun learning and not wait for the bell to ring.
• Pune, India
27 Sep 15
good idea @allknowing! just that i didn't see fellow myLotters doing it in their discussions so never did it myself. Will do so now
India has fared miserably in the PISA learning aptitude tests. Are we turning into an unintelligent nation?
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• Pune, India
27 Sep 15
@allknowing I wish that were true, but there are students everywhere that get bored ( i know i did ) still there is a level beyond which your knowledge should not fall under any circumstances. What's the point of being a 10th grade student if you can't even solve 5th grade sums? Just because you were bored of studies? For whatever reasons, we bettered just Kyrgyzstan! For a nation boasting of a 7.5% GDP gr and aiming to be a super power some day. This is a damning analysis of its future generation. Our teaching standards, the whole edu system needs to change. Fast!
@mkrnex (785)
• Bangalore, India
27 Sep 15
About teacher problem, it is going on from a long time. The salary for the teacher provided in school is very low. Why would a good,intelligent person would want to enter teaching profession when he can earn 10 times of it going abroad or any other field. This results in good for nothing people entering teaching profession, completing good for nothing degrees. Now coming to students, I don't believe that. It may be done with a sample size and need not be true. In some parts it may be true,while in some parts it need not. And it depends on schools too. When the size of population is large with quality of schools low, this will happen. But the quantity of top students in India is more than quantity of top students in any other country easily. This is also a fact. Another reason is which language are you talking about. I guess English. Mate English is still not popular in rural parts of India. When I was in school , my region mother tongue was Tulu and Kannada. So English was obviously tough at the beginning as it is a foreign language. In home too no one knows English for guidance. The mathematics book will be in English, to make it tough for some. Lastly everyone don't like school or mathematics. As the sampe size increases, the ratio of school haters too increases. There are many facts too consider. By the way all my friends who couldn't read or speak English have mastered it now. And they are doing their own business , some are into music field. So not able to solve problems, unable to read are not a factor in my view. As everything changes according to his own need.
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• Pune, India
27 Sep 15
Teacher problem- after the last pay commission there salaries haven't been that bad, also i am not talking about Ph.D. profsm i'm talking about simple primary grade teachers who aren't able to solve Class V problems! What are they doing teaching? 1 out of 4 teachers in India is on leave and 1 in 2 is found not teaching! 4% clear the TETs! The sample size and other parameters are properly controled for each country that is the reason PISA has gained the trust and recognition that it has. Again, we are not comparing top students of Univs and IITs, IIMs ( they form a negligent fraction of the total student pop ). Plus, you are just telling what the problem is that we need to address in the first place! Ofcourse we are low on quality, that's why we lost so horribly! 75 nations took the test, do you think they all had their mother tongue as English? Does that mean we are better at it than just Kyrgyzstan ( which came 75th )? Plus, the test is based on the basics of the standard ( or maybe even lower to compromise for the lack of it being an official language ) the children are in and therefore you are required to know at least that much right? But still no, we don't. School haters? is there even such a thing? How are we then to take on the world if we haven't been able to imbibe in our children the essence and importance of schooling? TN kids are supposed to be smart ( like all south indians , ISRO is full of them ) yet we came 73rd in science ( HP came last! ) and 74th in Maths. Nothing can be the excuse for such deplorable performance. Hopefully the HRD ministry will wake up and realize its not new IITs or IIMs that we need. Its the overhauling of the plagued edu system!
• India
27 Sep 15
Now when @mkrnex said past students are doing good in business etc., I somehow don't find this result anymore important. Yes, education system needs an overhaul, but I would rather not have the shaming be the driving factor behind it. :) That because the country needs better education all for itself, not for some silly competitions.
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• Pune, India
28 Sep 15
@hora_fugit It wasn't a competition, it was an assessment test. A neutral third-party, reliable assessment test that is meant to be an indicator on a global level of the academic reach and performance of kids. @mkrnex has cited personal examples. These tests were taken in just two states, not even the worst states were involved ( UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, etc ). Imagine what our rank would have been then. This is meant to be a wake-up call for us. Sadly, Mrs. Irani is too engrossed in opening IITs and IIMs when the trouble lies in imparting basic primary education.
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 15
Honestly I am astonished by this news? Is it true? Hard to believe!
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• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 15
@Kchitij2007 Yes, I have read it but found it hard to swallow!
• Pune, India
28 Sep 15
@SHARINGPARTHA Isn't Truth always is?
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• Pune, India
28 Sep 15
There was a TOI report on this in sunday's edition. check it out.