General Antonio Luna

Davao, Philippines
October 1, 2015 3:58am CST
I only knew Gen. Antonio Luna during my elementary and high school days. I wasn't aware of his great contribution during his time until I watched the movie Heneral Luna. From there, I've realized how passionate he was to bring democracy of our country. I've seen his struggles and pain during the movie but somehow gave some sort of happiness since until the end of his life he fought for what believes is right although he was killed just because of pride and greed of some other people. Traitor people will never have place in heaven. hehe. I hope I can be like him who will fight no matter what it takes as long as you are on the right track.
1 response
• Charlotte, North Carolina
1 Oct 15
I've seen the movie and it's amazing. The chracters included, the cast who portrayed them, the location used, scripting, the sequence, everything was shot beautifully for me. About his story, it's astonishing to know someone who loved the Philippines that much. I didn't pay much attention to him when we were studying his story back in high school but with this movie, I saw him in a different light.
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• Davao, Philippines
2 Oct 15
I feel you. lol I didn't know who General Luna was until I saw the movie. Very informative and inspiring at the same time.
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• Charlotte, North Carolina
2 Oct 15
@Ragnarok8 True. I even heard that there will be 2 more movies because it's gonna be a trilogy. The 2nd movie is going to be about Gregorio Del Pilar and the last one is going to be about Manuel Quezon. It's nice to know the Philippines can still make quality movies.