do you like dark chocolate

October 15, 2015 9:23am CST
I know it's considered really healthy but I really can't stand it. when I was little I used to eat it with sugar because I considered it wasn't sweet enough
2 responses
@SBhargav (44)
• India
28 Oct 15
The trick is to savor it. You cannot munch on it as you do with milk/sweeter ones. Take a bite and let it sit in your mouth until it melts and disappears. Do not chew. Also, start with a lesser cocoa content first to get used to the bittersweet taste. Hope this helps. :) And yes, it is relatively healthy, and it is a guilt free indulgence. Beat that! Warning - It is really addictive once you get going. :)
• Romania
29 Oct 15
I imagine it can get addictive. I will give it a try to your tips and see if this way it tastes better
• India
29 Oct 15
@swissheart Please do! And let me know how it turns out. I will congratulate myself on converting you into a dark chocoholic. :)
@skysnap (20153)
15 Oct 15
I love dark chocolate shake. I personally find it very irresistible. it just tastes so good. i also tried eating different flavor from thai restaurant and it was good too.
• Romania
15 Oct 15
I never tried that. do you do it at home also?