One world government and your money

@peavey (16936)
United States
October 18, 2015 9:06pm CST
Do you think there will ever be one? And if so, will it be good or bad? The Bible tells of a "man of perdition" the "antichrist," the "beast" who will rule the world; of a time when you will have to have the mark of that beast to buy and sell. I wonder if this means a chip or digital mark that give you access to your money, much like a credit/debit card does now. Have you ever thought about that?
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14 responses
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
20 Oct 15
I have thought about it off and on for years. In the 1970's there were many people who felt that Master Card was the "mark of the beast" yet we go on.Cards are easier and more convenient than money or barter.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
20 Oct 15
That's true, they are easier, just as the mark of the beast will be easier and a very logical outcome of international commerce and difficulty keeping personal information safe. It will all make sense, at least at first.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
21 Oct 15
@connierebel Agreed, Connie. They will tell us anything to get us to do what they want. Unfortunately, too many people trust them.
• United States
21 Oct 15
@peavey Just like they are saying now that the new cards with chips in them are safer. There is no way they are really safer, because hackers can get into anything, but it's an excuse to keep people asleep.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
3 Nov 15
One day there will be one real world government and the ruler will be Jesus Christ and probably money will not exist anymore as we really don't need it in God's kingdom which we pray that it comes and hopefully soon. However we have to go through a lot of horrible things before it comes, like an imitation world government that will be disastrous for mankind. Let God's will be done on earth as in heaven!.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Nov 15
I absolutely agree, thank you for stating it so well. The first, imitation government will be cruel for many, although it won't seem that way at first. And, yes, let God's will be done on earth as in heaven! God is with us through everything.
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• Canada
19 Oct 15
Yes, I do think of that. We have to take responsibility and not participate in these things. It's worth working towards a totally different way of operating in this world. Instead of panicking and throwing up our arms, maybe we should develop our skills to take care of ourselves and other people. There is so much work to be done but if we each do what we can . . .
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
22 Oct 15
That's a good way of looking at it. We can't just sit on our hands and do nothing, although I wonder how much good it will do in the long run? Holding it off for a time is worth working toward, though.
@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
19 Oct 15
Hard topic to ponder on. It reminds me people were saying the Obama medical bill will be as such coz you had to had a chip on forehead or on the arm and cannot access medical attention as it will contain your information and so when you don't have it it means you don't have access
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Oct 15
I remember that and I know that sometimes people get worked up about things out of fear. However, when things are prophesied explicitly, it's wise to stay alert to what is happening, in my opinion.
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@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
3 Nov 15
I certainly hope not! Have you ever read The Handmaiden's Tale, or The Handmaid's Tale? It is a little frightening, especially for women.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Nov 15
No, I haven't read it. I will have to look it up! Sounds interesting
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Nov 15
@Pattitude That sounds pretty awful, all right! If the mark of the beast takes effect, it won't be just women who have no power. It will be everyone who does not agree with "the beast."
@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
3 Nov 15
@peavey They made a movie with Faye Dunaway, it was awful, especially if you read the book first. It is a story where women have absolutely no rights at all and no freedom. It is frightening! It's written by Margaret Atwood, and the only women that have freedom were the wealthy or wives of men with power.
• Canada
22 Apr 16
I don't think it would refer to a chip, as Revelation says it is the mark of a man, and speaks of it within the context of numerical value-similar to how the name David in Hebrew equals 14, I believe Revelation implies that it is a mark of allegiance to this personality, and is similar in context to the Emperor Cult and worship of Caesar. Whoever that refers to, it opposes the Rule of Christ, and one would recognize it within that context, as Paul says it sits in the temple of God claiming to be "theos", God-this again is similar in context to the Emperor Cult where Caesar was addressed as "Lord", and hence the early Christian proclimation "Kyrios Iesous", Jesus is Lord, was a defiant statement of allegiance to and affirmation of the deity of Jesus as opposed to Caesar-Revelations ultimate fulfillment, and hence understanding of the mark, should be viewed within this context. As a sidenote, the mark of the Beast which his followers receive in Revelation, is seen in contrast to those Sealed with the Seal of God and have the Name of God and of Christ written on their foreheads.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
22 Apr 16
Interesting, thanks! I always enjoy your input. So you think the "mark of the beast" isn't really a mark on one's person? I understand what you mean about 666 being the numerical value of his name. There are so many views of the end times that it's hard to really know what will happen, except in the broadest sense.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
24 Apr 16
@HebrewGreekStudies Thank you! I remember being confused about whether to take some parts of the Bible literally or metaphorically, then came to the conclusion that it's both. I hadn't actually realized that until now.
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• Canada
24 Apr 16
@peavey You're welcome! Actually, in this case I think it may actually refer to a literal mark, just not a microchip or bar code which some have proposed (though that may be part of it, I think the Text is saying more), but a kind of literal sign of allegiance-ie in the Torah, one was told to write the commandments on their door posts (mezuza) and bind the commandments on their hand as a sign and frontlets between their eyes-some understand this as literal, and some as metaphorical, but see, since the identity of this Beast is something which opposes Christ, it may actually try to literally taking on the part of the prophecy to mock Him, akin to how some use inverted Crosses or what Satanists have referred to as "Black Mass"-but I can not say that with certainty, except the meaning of this being clear, it implies an allegiance to the Beast-in Revelation we do see both symbolism and also a kind of literalness intertwined, like, Jesus is called the Lamb of God and is pictured as a Lamb slain-it's symbol, but also symbolizes a reality, ie that Christ did die for our atonement/ransom. And you are correct, the broadest sense-I think that is actually a good thing, because at various times we have seen various things spring up opposed to Him, and we must be vigilant of a minor fulfillment as well as a major, because in truth, there is really no such thing as "minor apostasy", but rather according to the command of Christ, we must be watchful. The blessing of our Lord be with you always!
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@connierebel (1557)
• United States
20 Oct 15
It's already here. They're just putting on the finishing touches. They've finally come out in the open, especially the so-called pope, Francis. It is definitely all bad. They are actually slowly phasing in the chip, and it's supposed to be implanted in people by 2017.Right now, they are putting it in all the new credit and debit cards, and enhanced drivers licenses.
@skysnap (20153)
19 Oct 15
I think such government will surely turn out to be the wrong one for sure. It is not at all going to be easy to live under it.
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@Tampa_girl7 (51976)
• United States
22 Oct 15
Yes, I have thought about it. It is a scary thought.
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
20 Oct 15
that would truly be a experience
@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
19 Oct 15
Yes...I think about this topic, often. The first time I heard about a New World Order, was about 20 years ago. I kind of thought it was a bit hokey, until, I researched the Bible and started paying attention to Politics and World News. It is a very real possibility. Today, many conspiracy theories are being discovered, that the general public did not know about, until the media exposed them. It is a little frightening to think that 20 years ago, it was being talked about and in todays world, topics like these are more secretive.It seems like a lot the cards are falling into place. Many Christian Leaders I have followed over the last 20 years, believe that we are in the end times and the mark of the beast will be upon us. Probably the mark of the beast will be technological implants or a credit card. Who knows, until it happens.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Oct 15
Do you think it will happen in our lifetime? There was a time when I thought it was "sometime in the far future," but it seems closer and closer now.
• United States
19 Oct 15
I don't need to think about it. I am not a world leader, or even a community leader. I am not gullible enough to believe that my vote actually makes a difference as the outcomes of any major election (anything above your local community) is decided by powerful political forces that work behind the scenes.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Oct 15
Well, I agree to that. I was just wondering if anyone thought about what would happen if everything they bought like food and housing were tied to a chip they had to have.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
19 Oct 15
Lol!like you i am still wondering electronic devices that carry money . Lol! hats off to the technology. May be perhaps in future, a simple storekeeper will start to use ewallet to accept money from public.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Oct 15
It could be kind of scary, if that was the only way to do anything! :)
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@pcunix (210)
• Middleboro, Massachusetts
19 Oct 15
Not about the religious nonsense, but yes, someday we will have one world at peace. Let's hope it is democratic.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Oct 15
Hope all you want. It won't be, at least after awhile. I'm sorry.