Medication and It's Side Affects

United States
October 20, 2015 4:15pm CST
I am not one for taking medication at all. I try to find other means to go about things. For example, I am an anemic and suppose to take 250mg of iron each day. Which I had good intention in when starting it, but it slowly died away. I decided simply to eat more foods with iron and do away with the pills. However, it always flabbergasts me, when I will be watching TV and a commercial comes on advertising a new medication to help with whatever. Then it goes in the long list of it's side affects. Which I know they have to let you know about. I mean, for those with asthma can take this medication but it can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, etc. Ok, so you those who might have asthma might talk to their doctor about it, which is another thing the commercials suggests. There have been some though, where what a person might have doesn't even come close to what the risk of side affects that can happen. Have you ever decided to take alternative actions to help with something instead of medication?
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14 responses
@GardenGerty (161545)
• United States
20 Oct 15
I pretty much avoid medication due to having no insurance, but I am going to have to give in soon and take some. I cannot get my blood sugar under control. I do raisins and spinach and broccoli for iron. Everyone is always shocked that neither hubby nor I take prescriptions at our age.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
I can understand that medication can be quite outrageous especially when you don't have insurance to cover the cost. I simply just don't like taking medication, and when I did have the mind to do so, I would more often then not forget to take it. So it wasn't doing me much good. Well, fish and shrimp is high in iron so those are the things I will eat more of. I couldn't even begin to know what can help lower blood sugar. Perhaps doing a search on it?
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• United States
20 Oct 15
@sugartoes That is my sentiments exactly. I am not one for self harming myself so no way would I willing take something that can be 10 times worst for me, to help aid me in something quite minor. I pretty much live with a headache, and I like you will barely take Advil. I'm just not one for pills. Even my vitamins I take, I do in 'gummy form'. I know, it might sound stupid, but I am more opt to take them, if I view them more as a candy then a medication. Yes, I will admit, I am a bit weird.
• United States
20 Oct 15
@sugartoes Wow, I would never have thought there was someone else who was like me when it comes to the 'gummy'. Oh why, thank you. That was very kind of you to say. I do have my quirks and can easily point them out.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
21 Oct 15
I avoid medicines as much as possible, but I have chronic kidney disease, which causes high blood pressure that can't be controlled without some sort of intervention. Sometimes medicine is needed, but if it's not critical, I don't take it. I have tried so many bp pills and they all have side effects.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
Yes, some conditions, medication can't be avoided. Yes, my hubby has been taking BP meds since he was 18. They seem to want to change them every 2-3 years. 3 years ago they put him on one and he started blacking out, when one of those blackouts had him in the ER with his head split wide open. They changed the meds again. I am just not one for taking pills, especially if they have an alternative that can do the same thing.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
21 Oct 15
I pretty much tried alternate medicine - from Indian doctors and even went to spend 3 months at one of those renowned Yoga Gurus who says on Tele that he can cure any ailment. The results? Nothing special and almost the same - xyz precautions, xyz diet plan, xyz medicines and ABC yoga. Continue for life. Heck! My alopath does not have so many add ons and I am much happy with him. And no, after falling onto the bed just for wrong medications from these "Indian Doctors" I have no desire to ever return back to them. I know I am consuming poison, but yes, I am still walking and able to do some earnings. My experience with doctors is - 99% of doctors know nothing about your ailments and even if they know the right and precise medications to cure you, they will never ever prescribe those to you. You are just a source of their lifestyles.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
Well, I will admit, I am not a fan of doctors to start with. However, this is a personal thing of mine. But yes, so many times they want to prescribe this that and the other, and it doesn't even come close to helping with what you have. I don't know for a fact, but I have always wondered if Doctor's get a % kick back off the stuff they prescribe.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
21 Oct 15
@TexanTornado I know a bunch here who do get a share. They would give you medications that would be available only at a store or two (and you can ask the doctor too about which is that chemist shop). If they need you to get some checkups done, everyone has his/her own "brand" where you would be needed to go and "wait" for the doctor to show up. If you get the checkups done at other places, the doctors would say, no, this is wrong, I did not need this to be done. I wanted it done that way and blah blah.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
@thesids Really? I always thought it, but never had it confirmed nor asked. It really doesn't surprise me though if it's true. Yes, most all doctors have certain medication list they dispense out. I always see those ummm not sure what you call them (sales reps?), where they come to introduce new medications to the doctors, to see if they would like samples, etc.
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@rebelann (113136)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Oct 15
I have always maintained that a holistic approach is the best. Meds are far more dangerous than helpful, I recall a woman I worked with was on meds for a heart condition so because of the meds she had to screen all the foods she'd want to eat to make sure none had Vitamin K as that could trigger a heart attack. This is why I avoid doctors and meds, I figure what I don't know might kill me but I'd go out happy
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@rebelann (113136)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Oct 15
Exactly @TexanTornado I simply stick to an organic diet and eat healthy foods. I don't do supplements because that could have too much of a "good" thing in em. Did you know you can get iron if you use cast iron pots n pans?
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• United States
22 Oct 15
@rebelann Well, I don't eat organic, but I do tend to find foods that I will that hey say are high in what I need. Yes, I had read that some where. I'm just not a fan of leaning them.
• United States
22 Oct 15
I have to agree with you there. And so many times it's the case. Or they prescribe something that triggers something else, so they have to prescribe another med to prevent that, and soon you have 6-10 pills to take. Oh wow, now you really sound like me. I had one of my brothers call from Tennessee last month and ask how I was doing, and my reply was, 'Doing good. If I don't go to a doctor then I don't know if anything is wrong with me, and I am good with that.'
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
21 Oct 15
well iron supplements aren't really meds, heh, but if you can do that, good for you! I still have to take D, and something for my thyriod, not a lot of foods that can up T3-5 enough to cut that one out.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
The ones I am suppose to take are prescription, so I would say they are meds. It's not off the shelf iron pills. No, I grant you, like I said their are some conditions that medication is needed.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
@Jessicalynnt No worries. Yes, what I was given is a prescription. Was told that the over the counter stuff isn't the same. I filled one bottle (60) of the 3 bottle prescription. Was suppose to take it 2 times a day. Glad you can just get over the counter.
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• Centralia, Missouri
21 Oct 15
@TexanTornado my apologies, I didn't realize you could even get a prescription. I have to take D, but so far, am lucky with over the counter.
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• Midland, Michigan
29 Oct 15
I don't think the majority of side effects bother the normal person, they just don't know who it will bother. I read those also and sometimes reconsider taking whatever it is I'm on, but for certain things there just isn't any other option. I began one this week that I'll be on for three months. It's taking care of something I've tried to manage myself and didn't even know something was wrong until recently. My care isn't cutting it, so I had to resort to pills. My problem is that I will forget to take them eventually unless I see results soon enough. I do take turmeric and cinnamon in pill form for my joints and I notice a marked difference when I remember to take them. I tried putting turmeric in my foods, but couldn't manage that for very long.
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• United States
29 Oct 15
Yes, you do have a point there. I just think some of the 'side effects' freak me out enough to not want to be on it, to be that statistic if you will. Although as you pointed out, sometimes we have to take medication cause nothing else will work. I know what you mean about forgetting to take it. I have that problem with my vitamins. I don't think I ever had turmeric. Is it strong tasting? I mean you said you put it in your food, but couldn't manage it for long.
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• United States
30 Oct 15
@MarshaMusselman Oh ok. No, I never had curry, so I wouldn't have the first clue. I do understand the fact that it's hard to hide the taste. Yeah, it would seem that cinnamon would be a more pleasant taste.
• Midland, Michigan
30 Oct 15
@TexanTornado turmeric is one main ingredient of curry, if you've ever had that before. I can eat turmeric in rice and a bit in eggs and that's about it. It's got a strong taste and you can't hide it. For me it doesn't much compliment the foods I'm cooking it with like cinnamon can. cinnamon I'd be happy to eat on many things.
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@sofssu (23662)
21 Oct 15
I don't usually take supplements.. I always go to food sources. Nature is better than chemical treatments.. but then there are certain ailments where you have to resort to medicines. I need to take a lot of calcium.. I cannot drink that much milk or eat cheese or cream or whatever to boost it however, I have reduced the dosage and increased my calcium intake through natural food and take vitamin D to help better calcium absorption.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
I too prefer using food sources if at all possible. However as you said, there are some things that only medication will help. Yeah, I guess you can only eat and drink so much of something.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
@sofssu I have to agree with you there. It might not 100% proof, but it seems to work for me.
@sofssu (23662)
21 Oct 15
@TexanTornado I feel if we could eat healthier food which is close to nature we could avoid most of these deficiencies. However, we hardly get much in its natural or close to its natural state.
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@marlina (154130)
• Canada
22 Oct 15
There are some conditions that do require medications. I have no choice. The pills makers have no choice in listing the side effects. They are scary but they do say "may" occur.
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• United States
22 Oct 15
Yes, you are absolutely right about that. I'm not saying there isn't. I was more or less referring to things that can be handled with alternatives such as using herbs, food, drink, I think that would be the way to go.
@LadyDuck (472386)
• Switzerland
21 Oct 15
I try to avoid any kind of medications, they all have a long list of side effects and I prefer to find a way to replace the medication by natural healing methods.
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• United States
21 Oct 15
See that is me. My mind works in the aspect of I want to cure/heal what is wrong with me, not bring on more ailments.
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@Tampa_girl7 (50953)
• United States
23 Oct 15
I do my best to stay medication free.
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• United States
23 Oct 15
That is me completely.
@gudheart (12659)
21 Oct 15
I am always scared about the side effects of medication which is why I hate taking antibiotics in particular!
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• United States
21 Oct 15
Me too.. And speaking of antibiotics, I was given them when I had my wisdom teeth extracted and had an allergenic reaction to it.. Was rushed to the ER. My dentist tells me, I never heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to it before, it must have been something you ate. I almost went unglued on her, with 4 teeth removed my mouth swollen. I hadn't eaten anything!
@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
21 Oct 15
I investigate a lot of home remedies and natural alternatives to medicine. A friend of mine said he fired his doctor and took this route and it has worked out fine for him. I was on 11 medications a year ago and felt like I was always in a haze. Due to unfortunate circumstances a year ago, I was left without medical or prescription health care, so I was forced off of my meds I take one over the counter non prescription medicine. At this point if I sign up for medical insurance it will be a $500.00 fine. My husband and I do not qualify for government healthcare and cannot afford private healthcare, so I seek alternative solutions.
• United States
21 Oct 15
See that is what I do. I search up home remedies to see find things that I can do, eat, drink that would replace having to take medication. Oh no, I am sorry to hear of your predicament. It is tough when you need something and can't afford it. Yes, alternatives can help a great deal. I wish you the best of luck.
@DeborahDiane (40345)
• Laguna Woods, California
25 Oct 15
I try to avoid medications as much as I can, although there are some I have to take. When you hear the side effects, they sound pretty scary.
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• United States
25 Oct 15
Yes, some people have no real choice but to take medication. It's those side affects that always have me bewildered.
@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
19 Dec 15
I used to avoid them all together until i started one that nearly saved my life. So now I'm a little bit more open to them then i was before