Burning the Candle At Both Ends Lately

United States
October 23, 2015 9:19pm CST
Honestly I don't even know how I am going to write this when I am fighting with my eyelids that want to close. It seems I have become obsessive about finding new ways to earn an income online. I spend every free minute working the 23 new sites I have signed up at. My theory was if I do all of them, then all those pennies will add up. I didn't expect to get so wrapped up in it that I am forgetting meals and not getting enough sleep. Not to mention I totally forgot to come back to MyLot to catch up with you all. Hopefully I will work out a better schedule and be able to get back in here sooner. I need to go put my head down now and get some much needed rest. I will be back as soon as I can and catch up with you all.
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13 responses
@maggs224 (2320)
• Alicante, Spain
24 Oct 15
You do sound like you are burning the candle from both ends and the middle, be careful or you will burn out and then you will not be able to do anything.
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@wiLLmaH (8802)
• Singapore, Singapore
24 Oct 15
Maggs, you are correct. She must take care of herself too. I think she is stretching herself too thin.
3 people like this
• United States
24 Oct 15
Maggs you are so right. I have done this before and I know what can happen. I need to make money for Christmas and a vacation for my family next Summer. The only way we can afford these things is if I make enough pennies. I do need to take some breaks though. Thank you.
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@Tita417 (1228)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
24 Oct 15
Take your rest and you'll feel much better mylot will still be here for you
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@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
24 Oct 15
I used to belong to quite a few sites, but I found that when I closed some of my accounts and focussed just on a few I did better and I felt better. Its great to read a discussion from you, but don't wear yourself too thin on all of those sites!
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@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
25 Oct 15
@Rinderella It is your decision to make, but with me I just found that when I felt like I was being pulled in so many different directions that I was not my happiest. Doing just a couple of sites I am happy, I won't get rich doing this, but I'm not cut out to be rich. I am happy that we've met up on this site and I miss you when you're not around. You want to have fun and make a little, and you'll be surprised at how the little will increase when you're on your A-game.
• United States
24 Oct 15
Julia I know you are right. I thought about that and wondered if it would be worth it to just work a few better or go for it and do many of them. Well it seemed like I was getting nowhere so I decided to dive in and see what happens. I think what I will accomplish is getting older and older, lol! Love talking to you again!
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
25 Oct 15
I think you overdid the sign ups. It would be better to focus only on a few.
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
25 Oct 15
23 sites?? Goodness, no wonder you have no time for us here. Take care of yourself.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
I know I should be ashamed at not being here more. I am doing too much and am going to spend some time like people here are suggesting is weeding them out. There is no time to do all this and I am doing nothing but chasing my own tail so to speak.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
24 Oct 15
Ok my friend. Just take rest and i promise we will meet here tomorrow. It is a great platform to have friends.
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@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
24 Oct 15
Uh oh. Don't overdo it. May I ask which sites you are doing?
2 people like this
• United States
24 Oct 15
Can I mention them on here? I would be glad too. I am doing some you probably do and none of them all that well.
• United States
25 Oct 15
@Rinderella I'm not sure if you're allowed to or not. Maybe you can message me? Just let me know when you do. Sometimes it doesn't always notify me that I got a message
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Oct 15
@Samanthavv I will do that. Tomorrow I will send you a message with the sites on there. I have a notebook with the list in it. To be honest I need to take a break for now.
@cgalavia (1436)
• Philippines
24 Oct 15
I am also sleepy this time yet trying to be here.Good night and have a sound sleep.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Oct 15
mercy sakes, hon! 23 sites?? i can't e'en keep up with this one 'n put 'nother'n the back burner fer a bit jest so i could breath.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
13 Jan 16
Hi, Rindy! I see you posting on FB all the time. I slowed down on there, and it freed up lots of my time. I only stick with a few valid sites. Too many can be overwhelming, and many seem to be connected to the same company. Hope to see you when you get some time, either here or on FB.
@kborman (84)
• Tyrone, Pennsylvania
25 Oct 15
I know how it is burning the candle at both ends - I do this often myself.
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@dianadee (1778)
• South Africa
24 Oct 15
Sites like this can become very addictive and start unbalancing one's life. I also have to check myself on this one too, from time to time!
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• Temple, Texas
25 Oct 15
It sounds to me like you know that what you are doing is not working. If you are working TOO many sites it will make it hard to reach payout in any of them, especially in time for Christmas. Maybe you can spend a few days testing out which ones earn the quickest and determine which ones will get you to redemption the fastest and focus only on those? Perhaps sell something on eBay or Facebook yardsale groups?
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