I Think I Need to Write My Discussions in Word First

Midland, Michigan
October 24, 2015 4:45pm CST
I was almost done writing about a situation that happened recently with my flower garden that is no more. I uploaded my image and was explaining each photo in the collage when I accidentally clicked on a tab on top of the page, My article/discussion disappeared from site. In the past, when I've done that type of thing on the B site, I was always able to recapture the post by hitting the back arrow on my browser, but it didn't work this time. I looked high and low and it's nowhere in site. I've already decided to copy my posts to Word after writing them, but it looks like maybe I should do it the other way around. How do the rest of you do it? So now I'll need to begin fresh, but I'll probably wait until tomorrow as I should be sleeping. I know, it's only 5:40 EST, but I work again tonight between 11-7:30, just like I did last night. I do get Sunday off for a change, but I plan on going to church and I'm hoping I won't sleep during the service. My daughter is singing with her cousins. I won't forget what my discussion was about since the situation took place over a week ago and it's too raw to forget. I still have a few notifications to work through from my last discussion and I may just peek and make sure I didn't miss anything from earlier ones, but I won't be able to do much of anything until I get up tomorrow. At least I get to sleep at night Sunday night, so I won't have to sleep all day long.
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19 responses
@sofssu (23662)
25 Oct 15
Has happened to me twice already here. On the B site i always used the draft mode to save my posts.. it would be great to have a save as draft feature here. I wish @goaskalice would make a note of this.
4 people like this
25 Oct 15
6 people like this
• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct 15
@GoAskAlice Another thing, while you're taking notes, Alex, would be: it would be nice to have the system begin filling in a person's username once we use the at symbol, @ . When writing a comment to a specific person earlier, I wanted to include someone not in that thread, and had to keep scrolling up to see the specific spelling. Each time I began to type it into the box, my page automatically went back down to the area I was typing in, making it more difficult to get the person's name correct. It took me scrolling up higher more than three times to make sure my spelling was correct. I don't know how difficult the coding is for that particular thing, but I know that other sites already utilize it, so maybe that would be fairly easy?
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 15
@MarshaMusselman I so agree with you on this Marsha, especially with the difficult long names. (At least mine is short!)
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@blitzfrick (2890)
• United States
26 Oct 15
I usually write here at the site and then copy into Word, but really the way to do it securely is to write in Word first and copy to the site. I finally got myself trained to use that process over at B but haven't done it here, at least not yet.
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@LadyDuck (472503)
• Switzerland
25 Oct 15
I never wrote my posts directly, always in write first, so I have also a copy of everything I publish.
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@LadyDuck (472503)
• Switzerland
26 Oct 15
@MarshaMusselman It's always better to save a copy, you can also encounter a transmission glitch and your post is lost.
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• Midland, Michigan
27 Oct 15
@LadyDuck what I always did before was write the post on the site and then copy it before hitting the submit button, that way if a glitch was present I'd still have the copy on my invisible clipboard. When I lost it this time, I wasn't ready to submit it just yet, so I hadn't saved one copy yet.
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@TheHorse (223858)
• Walnut Creek, California
27 Oct 15
I haven't done that here so far.
2 people like this
• United States
25 Oct 15
ah, the night shift...recall those well e'en though 'tis been years 'go since i worked 'em... i dribble my schtuff in the word processor 'n then plant 'em where'er i'm tendin' 'em to live. e'en then, i've been know to delete 'em by oops coz they'd not been saved. once i get 'em posted, i add the url to such to the document so i've got 'em fer all relevant discussions.
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• United States
25 Oct 15
@MarshaMusselman i confess to not missin' all that job jugglin', tendin a family. that lack'f sleep catches up with ya 't the oddest'f times it seems. yes ma'am. ya can e'en save 'em in folders ya make up fer each site. makes it loads easier 's well if'n ya get a wild hair 'n wish to do a deletin' 'f said writin' 't those places.
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• Midland, Michigan
26 Oct 15
@crazyhorseladycx I understand saving to folders, for I do that very thing with all my pictures taken and shared on the various sites. That way I can find specific pictures faster. I'm not longer raising a family, just paying bills and medical bills. One of my daughter's still lives at home, but she works two jobs and pretty much takes care of herself. Once we get the medical bills paid off and out of debt a bit further, maybe I'll be able to either retire from one of the jobs, or work less hours again.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct 15
I worked the night shift off and on twenty years ago when living in North Carolina. I began doing it again on a regular basis last spring when it became available for me to work full-time. At that time I thought that was the only way I'd be able to cashier full-time and run our business. I've learned since that I can manage quite well or even better working second shift after working a few hours cleaning windows. I'm finding I'm actually getting more sleep, for some reason, when I divide up my sleep schedule, for I have to sleep for four hour, get up and go to one job, then sleep for three to four hours again when returning home before working the second job. But that's only for the days when I'm covering vacations and working the night shift and windows in the daytime. ~~~~~~~~ I think your idea sounds like one I should begin implementing. Especially including the url to the saved post after submitting it. That way I'd remember which posts went to each specific site.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Oct 15
I write my posts in One Note before I post them here or on B, that way if they disappear I still have them. The only ones I put in Word are the ones I copyright.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct 15
The thing about your latter comment, Valerie, is that when whe publish here, at the B site or anywhere else, once it's submitted it is copyrighted whether we put those symbols on the post or not. I've used OneNote before, but when my computer was cleaned out last year, I've not found it again. Or at least I don't think I have. I used to use it specifically when editing books for Vivian's publishing house.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Oct 15
@MarshaMusselman I understand about the copyright. Most of the posts I write here or at B are just regular posts and not ones I write in Word. The ones I write in Word I don't want anyone to touch/steal. That's why I put my copyright on them. I've lost a couple OneNotes when my computer crashed. I wasn't able to retrieve them.
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@kborman (84)
• Tyrone, Pennsylvania
25 Oct 15
I used to write everything in Word first, but I have stopped doing that.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct 15
If it was a fluff discussion, then it wouldn't be such a big deal, but it was something I've been wanting to share for a few weeks and I'll need to see how I do second time around and when I can get the time to write it again. Thanks for stopping by my post for a visit. My husband is from PA, but his family home is north of Danville and Bloomsburg, in the mountains. I don't know where Tyrone is. Course, we haven't done any sightseeing in PA either.
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• Midland, Michigan
26 Oct 15
@kborman That's cool. Maybe my husband knows where that is, but he's sleeping currently.
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• Tyrone, Pennsylvania
26 Oct 15
@MarshaMusselman Danville is about an hour and half away from me. I am in between Altoona and State College.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
14 Dec 15
I have always used Microsoft Word to write my discussions before pasting into the site. This allows me to write something and proof read it first and also to compose a discussion whenever it occurs to me and submit it later if required.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
14 Dec 15
@MarshaMusselman I began storing all my posts at Bubblews, but finally stopped and deleted them.
• Midland, Michigan
14 Dec 15
I should do that so I'd have a copy of everything, but I still haven't started doing so. I found out how to locate something after it seems to be lost. That hasn't taken place again since this first time.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
7 Nov 15
I have not had any problems so far. I have not tried to load more than one picture. I am sorry to hear about your garden.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
13 Nov 15
@MarshaMusselman Well it is good to look at it in a positive light. Might be a big blessing in disguise when the seeds you plant come up.
• Midland, Michigan
13 Nov 15
It may have been a blessing in disguise as all my plants and weeds were pulled out, the young man helping me thought they all were weeds. I found the majority of them and replanted them. Now I have a larger empty space to put out the seeds purchased a few years ago that I'd like to see if they'll still grow too. It was hard to plant them previously because I had about as many or more weeds than I had plants. I could tell the difference, but I learned the hard way that not everyone recognized perennials after they've quite blooming.
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@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
26 Oct 15
I hate it when that happens. I tend to write my post and add it to the draft folder at Bubblews, and the system would go down and I would lose my post. It sucks when that happens.
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• Midland, Michigan
5 Nov 15
I never lost a post that I put in the draft folder even if the site went down.
• Preston, England
27 Oct 15
I always have created my posts in Word so I can save them there too
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• Preston, England
5 Nov 15
@MarshaMusselman 've lost 100's of photos through not backing them up sadly
• Midland, Michigan
5 Nov 15
That would be the better way to go, but I've not done that yet either. I may need to make sure I have all my files stored up especially images as I haven't saved them in more than one place in quite a while either.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 15
I always write my posts elsewhere first, and I've never lost a post yet. That must have been so annoying to lose yours.
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• Midland, Michigan
5 Nov 15
Yep, and I have yet to write it over again. I should do that soon, but whether I will or not, we'll see.
@Freelanzer (10743)
• Canada
3 Nov 15
I keep meaning to do so but sometimes I just start writing directly on the site and then copy it. I have lost many posts at the other site but none here yet.
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• Midland, Michigan
5 Nov 15
After losing a few on the other site, I made it a habit to copy the text after writing it before submitting it. Here it took place before that point. I was told how to retrieve it if it ever happened again.
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@DeborahDiane (40372)
• Laguna Woods, California
28 Oct 15
I have just decided to keep my discussions short and to the point. People are more likely to read them and I don't worry if they get lost!
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• Midland, Michigan
28 Oct 15
I'm writing shorter discussions here than I have elsewhere, but somethings need a longer discourse to explain properly.
• Temple, Texas
28 Oct 15
I know the feeling...only for me the trouble I've had is just my tabbie flat out won't coopereate at ALL sometimes...like, it won't even let me type, or randomly wants to close out the tab I'm in...usually a sign I need to reboot cuz I hardly ever do that.
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• Midland, Michigan
5 Nov 15
I don't reboot mine enough either.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
24 Oct 15
It has been a while since I had access to Word, but since my computer has been repaired I do. I would write for various sites in Word first, and save it, or delete it after I posted it.
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@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 15
I always copy the discussions after I have posted, unless when I have some ideas that I want to write down but not publish yet, then I'd have them written down first. But I think you are right, it should be better to write in Word first, so you won't miss them.
• United States
25 Oct 15
I always write in Word first and then post it. I've lost too many posts I worked hard on and learned the hard way to save it first
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct 15
What I got in the habit of doing before was to write my post in the spot provided, but copy it right before posting/submitting. Then if it didn't get published, I could paste it into another 'write' box. But this time something happened way before I was ready to copy for submission.
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
24 Oct 15
It's so frustrating when things like that happen.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct 15
It is that. Especially when it was a fluke. I can usually retrieve posts that don't go through, but that's when it's the sites mistake not my own.
@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
27 Oct 15
I've done that too both here and there so I do write them first and copy and past them to the writing place on the site. I know how you feel, I've only lost one here but it can be re-written too. It night even be more interesting the second writing...
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