Look Your Best With Red Wine
By Molly Golden
@GoldenGirlMolly (7)
Rapid City, South Dakota
October 26, 2015 12:38pm CST
I'm going to brag for a minute: People often say I look young for age 32. I get carded almost every time I'm in a bar or restaurant, and I love it. Who wouldn't?
When friends ask me what my skin care routine is, I tell them, "Vitamin E cream from Sam's Club, and red wine." I'm not joking about the wine part. It's no secret that a lot of women love drinking wine in their yoga pants, and I'm proud to be one of them. You always hear that there are health benefits in red wine, and I've found that to be true.
Red wine is chock-full of the anti-oxidant resveratrol. Studies with mice who were given resveratrol show that it helped them fight obesity and diabetes, precursors to heart disease. Studies also show that resveratrol reduces signs of aging by eliminating free radicals in the body.
Since starting my nightly red wine routine, I've definitely noticed fewer fine lines and wrinkles around my mouth and eyes. I encourage my friends to drink responsibly, but to listen to their own bodies. For some people, one glass of wine does the trick. For me, it's more like three. My blood pressure has also lowered since I started drinking red wine. Cheers to that!
To be fair, though, you can also take resveratrol in supplement form--and grape juice has many of the same anti-aging and heart health benefits as red wine. So for those who don't like the taste of Merlot, there are other options.
You can also run a bath and pour the wine directly into the tub, as soaking in wine benefits the skin just as much as drinking it. Wine bath? Yes, please.
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