Has your temperament changed as you have grown older?

By sofs
@sofssu (23662)
November 1, 2015 9:28pm CST
I've seen some people sobering down and becoming mellow with age. I have seen others get very nit picky and nosy as they grow older.. they really seem bad tempered and difficult to live with. My friend's father belonged to this group and he made her life miserable until she left the country. I have personally changed a lot, I was one of those people who was quick to get angry. Now I am cool, nothing really much upsets me.. even it it does I am over it in a short while. I am glad to have learned from experiences and changed myself. I keep working on my different traits hoping to be as pleasant and happy as possible. Have you changed and how?
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22 responses
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
2 Nov 15
I cannot say that I have changed very much at all. I am now old and grumpy instead of young and grumpy.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
2 Nov 15
@sofssu Oh no, I am perfectly happy with being a grumpy old man.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@Asylum are you happy with that? or are you contemplating on making some changes?
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
2 Nov 15
I have become a lot less career-motivated and materialistic as I've got older. These days I really don't care about possessions or career progression. It's all about time now!!
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@WorDazza That is wonderful. I guess many of us do that.. I quit my job so I can take care of my children.. It was a heart ache to give up that position then. Now, i consider that one of the best decisions of my life.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
2 Nov 15
@sofssu There will certainly be no heart ache on my part when I get to press the big red "retirement" button!!!
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@WorDazza I am glad you look at it that way.. I am looking forward to my husbands retirement too.. though its years away. I am keen on traveling around the world then.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
2 Nov 15
I don't think I have changed much over the years or at least I don't think so.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
2 Nov 15
@sofssu Thank you, some people change for the better some change for the worst and some don't.
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@kevin1877uk some are super complacent.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@kevin1877uk I am glad you find yourself good enough to remain the same.. I hope I could say that of myself.
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@valmnz (17097)
• New Zealand
2 Nov 15
Like @jstory07 I have relaxed and become more easy going. Life is much more fun now
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@valmnz That it sure is when we have that attitude.
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@valmnz (17097)
• New Zealand
2 Nov 15
@sofssu I think we sometimes need to reach a certain stage in life to realise that!
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• Canada
2 Nov 15
@valmnz Getting older does put some things into perspective.
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
2 Nov 15
Yes, I have noticed some changes in my behavior.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@fufurinha would you care to explain how or in what ways?
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@fufurinha You ignore them or do you get worked up about them?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
2 Nov 15
@sofssu I noticed that I don't have the same patience for some people now. And for some attitudes.
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
2 Nov 15
Im more nervy than I used to be, anxious a lot more, but dont get more upset I dont think than I used too
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@Jessicalynnt I would expect people to become more confident .. lucky for you you don't get upset though.
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• Centralia, Missouri
2 Nov 15
@sofssu I can fake confident better, but am actually less, mainly because i have panic attacks now, and used to not.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@Jessicalynnt Hmm that doesn't sound too good.. Hope your medication helps. Have you tried CBT?
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
3 Nov 15
Little by little every day, Jesus is changing me. Indeed, God has changed me a lot! I used to be so hot tempered but my constant reading of the Bible taught me to be more patient. When I am tempted to burst I always remember what the psalmist said, " even a fool when he holds his peace is counted wise".
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
3 Nov 15
@sofssu Exactly!
@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@salonga we have so much in common.. I was a little short tempered too.. I couldn't stand people doing wrong to others I would fight with such people.. But God. His word has changed me so much.. I can 'be still and know that He is God.'
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
2 Nov 15
I am more mellow about certain things but at the same time I get angry over other things that did not bother me in the past. My older kids tell me that I have become a sap because they see the twins or Lil Keith do something that if they had done when they were younger, I would have tore their rumps up. My oldest son comments on that frequently.
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@Shellyann36 I guess you have become tolerant with age. I am very different in the way I treat my younger son.. age and experience add up i guess.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
One thing that changed in me , is that i got quick tempered . Though , it's rare and i am trying to really control it . Would you believe i always pray that i will grow old to be a cool headed grandmother .
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
2 Nov 15
@sofssu Yes that is true . My husband too has gotten cranky . I always tell him and laugh at him when he is that . He stops.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@SIMPLYD These changes happen in most of us.. what is importnat is to be aware of them and act accordingly.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@SIMPLYD With a little bit of awareness we can all be happy and kind as we grow old.
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@Beatburn (4286)
• Philippines
3 Nov 15
I think I have sobered up. Once in a while I still see my temperamental self though and I have to admit it's not a pretty sight.
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@Beatburn I guess we all need to change no one is really perfect. Hopefully you take the drivers seat on your emotions sooner than later.
@cahaya1983 (11116)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 15
I think our outlook on life as we grow older and also the kind of lifestyle we have might influence our temperament. I hope I'll be as calm, patient and happy when I grow old as I am now!
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@cahaya1983 Yeah changes could happen both ways.. life experiences add to them.. Mom did have a tough life and it did change her.. yes being aware and helping ourselves is important.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@cahaya1983 That is wonderful .. hope you remain the same. I saw my mom getting more and more of a complainer and unhappy though she was calm, smart and independent in her younger days. I decided that it could never to be that way for me.. I quickly started to make the changes as I saw myself becoming like her in some ways.
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@cahaya1983 (11116)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 15
@sofssu Yeah I've seen people who get grumpier when they grow older, and I think it's actually pretty common. It's good to take that initiative to make changes, at least you're aware of it early.
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• Canada
2 Nov 15
I think I have more confidence than I did when I was younger. I was so shy and uncertain of myself. I have also learned to look at others with more love. Being a mother is responsible for that.
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@Sheilamarie78 That is wonderful. I agree we become more confident as with our achievements and experiences in life. I believe being able to see others in love is a most wonderful change. I would have to say motherhood does bring about changes in most of us for the better.
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
2 Nov 15
I don't see any significant change as far as my temperament is concerned. I am still temperamental! Just kidding. My temperament has not changed but my hearing on my left ear is diminishing with no possible of return except buying a new hearing aid!
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@antonbunot Do you enjjoy being who you are temperamentally? Hope you get yourself a hearing aid.. and hear the world better.
@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
2 Nov 15
I haven't seen in changes in myself. But I have seen changes in my fiance. He used to be really shy, and now he has been more outgoing. He's also less angry.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@JESSY3236 That is commendable.. do you have a part to play in the those changes?
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@JESSY3236 Being there for him could help him some more.. I am sure he will surely come out of this.
@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
3 Nov 15
@sofssu Maybe I did. I'm still concerned shy though. But I also think maybe with his mother dying helped too.
@allknowing (142033)
• India
2 Nov 15
I was kind of a spoilt child in the family and that did have an effect on me in that I had to make a lot of adjustments to face life.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@allknowing Did that call for many changes in attitude and temperament? Its okay if you'd rather not answer it.
@silvermist (19702)
• India
2 Nov 15
Yes,with age we all become mellow and tolerant.I too have become more easy going I suppose.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
I don't think everyone changes that way.. I am happy for you . I am going that way to.
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@jstory07 (142366)
• Roseburg, Oregon
2 Nov 15
I got more easy going as I got older. Hardly anything brothers me.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@jstory07 I wish everyone grows more friendly and easy going. Good on you.
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
2 Nov 15
No, I do not believe I have changed a lot during the years. I have always been quiet and patient, I do not get angry easily.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@LadyDuck Good on you.. if you have been good there is no need to change.
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• United States
2 Nov 15
I'm trying very hard to mellow out as I age but there is one person who can successfully push my buttons and cause me to get angry almost instantly
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Nov 15
@Marilynda1225 I hope he/she doesn't live with you.. it would be even more difficult to make the changes while you are in the fire.
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
2 Nov 15
Yes, I've changed and I'm sure I'll continue to change.
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@sofssu (23662)
2 Nov 15
@boiboing Most of us change? Are these changes making you happier?