Help The Christmas T.V. Adverts Have Started

@mrtoffee (1522)
November 4, 2015 2:28pm CST
Wow it's only the 4th of November and the Christmas T.V. adverts have already started. I'm sorry but for me that is far to soon, I mean Christmas is nearly two months away, we really don't need to be bombarded by it now. What do you guys think, is it to early forbade Christmas adverts or is it about right?
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1 response
@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
Ah they are already driving me mad. I love Christmas don't get me wrong, but it is just November.
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@mrtoffee (1522)
11 Nov 15
I am the same as you @mrsg1981 Christmas is an awesome time of year, but it really does not need to start in November as by the time we get to the big day all the adults have had enough and the kids are over hyped.
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
@mrtoffee Exactly that. It needs to be put back into December where it belongs. I do my present shopping in November, but that is just to keep it easier on the bank balance with it being spread out.
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@mrtoffee (1522)
11 Nov 15
@mrsg1981 we buy little bits as the year goes on to keep the costs down, but as for getting into the Christmassy spirit we generally don't do anything till the start of December, one month of Christmas hype is enough for me.
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