Take Help When It's Offered!

@CRK109 (14556)
United States
November 9, 2015 11:13am CST
I know so many very proud women. I suppose that, because of the women's movement, they want to see themselves as strong and never weak. And that can sometimes present problems. The feminist movement came about in order to create equality between men and women in the workplace. Two people doing the same job should make the same amount of money. And yet, things never quite seem to be equal. Women, some women, have taken this notion and decided that they need to be more like men in order to be taken seriously in life. I don't necessarily believe that's true, but it's what I see around me. When a woman goes through a divorce or loses her spouse, if she doesn't have a lot of out outside support, it's a struggle to get things done. But we all have to do what we have to do and we find a way to get things done. There are some women who are just too proud to take help when it's offered to them. And I think that's a shame. For one, there's nothing wrong with getting help. It certaily doesn't mean we are weak. For another thing, some people need to help others and by accepting their help, we are helping them, too! Sounds a bit strange when it's said like that, but I know it's true. I've been on both sides of this story. All I know is that life is better when everyone works together for the common good. Accepting help is a good thing. Giving help is a good thing. At different times in our lives, we will most likely be doing one or the other. And to do it graciously and with a smile is never a bad thing!
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15 responses
@GardenGerty (162755)
• United States
9 Nov 15
There is a reason the Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive. When we give we feel good. I am glad you will accept help when offered. I often wish I could just jump through the computer to help my friends.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Nov 15
me too as all my working life I worked helping others so accepting help now feels very odd to me. as my physical therapist said when getting therapy for my twisted knee we can alwa ys dfo more than we think we cah.
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@maggs224 (2320)
• Alicante, Spain
22 Nov 15
@Hatley I never had any trouble giving but at one time I had a real problem with receiving when others tried to give to me. Not now though, thankfully if someone wants to give me a gift or help I am more than happy to receive it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Nov 15
So by my accepting what i n myeyes is not necessary help i nshowering every other day is helping the care giver, I felt she already has so m ucj todi and I havehelped m yself shower for many many years. But she is very ikind and gentle and I just go along wit it as they seem to thi nk I would be safer if someone was in the bath room with me. I do havea balance problem but I have never falle in the shower so accep tng help is a good thing? okay. lol
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
9 Nov 15
Obviously, she's concerned for your well being. By allowing her to help you, you're making her see if you really do need her help or not. People don't stay where they aren't really needed, so if she realizes that you're really okay on your own, she will stop coming all on her own. Meanwhile, you have some company and, just in case you do need the help, she's there for you.
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@allknowing (142585)
• India
10 Nov 15
Sometimes when one gives that person gets more out of it, in that they feel they are wanted around
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
9 Nov 15
That's wisely said. It's true that we're all likely to be the helper and the one that's helped at one time or another.
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
10 Nov 15
I have had alot of clients that were to proud to ask for help till they were told what it was for so i know alot about that.
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@Freelanzer (10743)
• Canada
9 Nov 15
I think not wanting help has a lot to do with empowerment. I do feel if women get the kind of help they really need they will accept
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@CRK109 (14556)
• United States
9 Nov 15
I suppose it all depends on what the help entails and how desperate for help someone is. I know a woman who just won't accept help from anyone because she thinks it makes her look weak. Problem is, she's only hurting herself.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Nov 15
you are so right and i also used to be the one giving help. now i have to ask for help all the time. its hard but i have no choice
@marguicha (225698)
• Chile
10 Nov 15
I couldnĀ“t agree more! We women are different than men.We should do our share of things, but notnecesarilly the same things that men do. And we should be treated with respect as people. We have much to give and we also are in need of much help, just as everyone.
• Philippines
10 Nov 15
I guess it has something to do with pride. Some women want to prove that they're powerful, and that men and women are equal. Although sometimes they're overdoing it. I guess it's just a sign of respect if you're going to accept help or not because it will eventually come to "it's not you, it's me" situation.
@sofssu (23662)
10 Nov 15
I don't m ind taking help.. I let my husband do all the manly things around the house.. I even refuse to drive.. I make him drive all the time, It makes him feel good. We have enough on our hands without trying to be the man around.
@yalul070 (1713)
• Manila, Philippines
10 Nov 15
there is always some double standard. even if we say that we are close to achieving gender equality, culturally, we still assign different roles to men and women. it is more difficult for women who are trying hard to overcome men or just to survive the harshness of this double standard. i am a peace-loving person, but many times i find myself in the middle of a power struggle. it's tough out there so i have no excuse to be weak. this becomes very sad because sometimes i also need help. but since people see me as strong, they think i can always do things on my own.
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
10 Nov 15
I have to say that was my view. Until I've met my ex-boss. It was obvious that my work was not taken seriously because I was a girl and young. Yet if the same idea was presented by my male peer, it would be endorsed. It's the first time I've encountered discrimination at a work place, and sadly it won't be the last. That's why women everywhere strives to do more.
@JudyEv (348825)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Nov 15
I have always been an advocate of helping others but also accepting whatever it is they offer in return. No-one likes to be beholden to someone else. As you say, there is nothing wrong in accepting help if you need it.
@paigea (36315)
• Canada
23 Dec 15
Accepting help graciously is a valuable skill.
@jstory07 (142596)
• Roseburg, Oregon
9 Nov 15
I take help when I need it and I offer help when someone else needs it.