Do you live with a TV remote control hog?

@poehere (15123)
French Polynesia
November 9, 2015 7:49pm CST
Unfortunately, I feel this is some sort of sickness, control issue, or a guy thing that causes men to hold onto the TV remote control. My partner is a control freak when it comes to the TV and what shows are playing. He has to have the remote in his hands at all times and throws a fit when you ask for it. Even when he falls asleep he has to hold on to the TV remote and you can’t take it away from him. I have removed it from his hands in the past and he wakes up demanding it back. Basically I have given up on watching any TV in our house because all that seems to ever play is a documentary that he has seen 100 times before. I am sick of watching these and listening to them play in he background. Now I download all of my films and programs I love to watch and play them on my computer. Do you live with a guy like this? What do you do when your partner hogs the remote? I can’t seem to find a way to stop this from happening and it is getting worse as the days pass. Any ideas? Image source:
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21 responses
@sofssu (23662)
10 Nov 15
We hardly watch any TV.. I personally watch the news at times with him.. but nothing more..Hubby watches football at times.. But our Tv is off most of the time than on. The boys also hardly watch TV. I sometimes feel its a waste paying the satellite guys so much money.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
My partner can have the TV on all day long when he is home. Drives me crazy I am not a TV person. At times I think he is deaf too because he has to turn it up so loud and I have to tell him to turn it down all the time. I wish the TV would break sometime and then it would be gone.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
@Auntylou His is documentaries that I swear were on a 100 times. Nothing new and always the same. Now if it was a good film or something it would be different then we could both watch it. I saw some good films on a few times and was getting into them and boom the channel changed and I was angry.
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
10 Nov 15
Mine loves wrestling and I cannot stand all those loudmouthed men
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Nov 15
a lot of men are like that. can you get your own tv in a room? thats what i would do or get another man. lol
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
The way the satellite is set up adding a second TV to the dish with another box interferes with both boxes. So that is why I gave away the smaller TV to my god daughter for her room. I just think that he needs to learn to share and not be selfish over a stupid TV set.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
10 Nov 15
What is nice with my husband is he lets me watch my soaps and he watches when i am already asleep .
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
That is so nice of him. Not mine he has to have complete control of the TV. Now I just pay a download site and can download anything I want from there for a small monthly fee. It is great and I can watch what I want when I want now. I don't watch a lot of TV but when it's late I like to watch one or two shows to relax and go to sleep.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
10 Nov 15
@poehere Yes, it is so nice when before finally going to bed you both get get to watch a tv show specially a funny one . We do that on weekends so we can oversleep the next day .
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
@SIMPLYD Not with him. He has to watch documentaries that he has seen 100 times before. I get so board with them I just download my films and watch them on the giant computer screen I set up in my room. I leave him in the living room with the TV. Seems to work out fine like this.
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• United States
10 Nov 15
We both are and we each have our own TV - no problems!
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• United States
10 Nov 15
@poehere Even when I was single I had two TVs one in the living room and one in the bed room.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
@AbbyGreenhill I think the only time my daughter and I had 2 TV's in a house was when we were in Canada and the place we were staying had a few TV's around and one in each room. I was so use to not having a TV around it took some time to get use to having one around and watching a few shows on it. My daughter was easy and she normally liked what I did so it make it simple for us to watch a show before sleeping in our room.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
Well sounds like that has taken care of the problem. I don't think we need 2 TV's in our home. I think the one in the living room is more than enough.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Nov 15
No remote problems here. My son and I each have our own TV. Is he controlling in any other area of your life? It sounds like your relationship will soon be in the past tense.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
I really don't think so we have been together for 17 years and just over a remote it is no reason to give up a good thing. I can work around it. I just hate how selfish he is over a remote. I think it is sort of childish that is all.
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@Auntylou (4264)
• Oxford, England
10 Nov 15
Yes my partner likes to be in control and used sometimes to turn off what I was watching. So rude! Nowadays I watch on my computer!
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
Wow you have the same problem as me. Now I watch it on my computer too. I have disconnected the WiFi signal off the box so he only has the channels on the satellite dish and I can now watch what I want and he can have the rest. I don't watch a lot of TV but now and then I like to see a good film. So the download site I pay for is a great way to see stuff he can't
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
10 Nov 15
While I don't have this problem,as I am a widow. Do you have a tv in another room? When my husband was alive we pretty much watched all the same shows,but if we wanted to watch something else we went into another room. I don't think you can change him now. Just gotta try and make the best of it I guess.I feel bad for you tho.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
Here we need to run our TV on a satellite dish to get the signal. So we basically have only 1 TV set up for this because of the price of the decoder box and the services on the islands. I basically gave up on this one a few years back and decided to find a nice download site where it had a monthly fee and I could download anything I wanted. I find this much better because I no longer have to wait forever for a film to come on the TV and I can watch a lot of stuff that isn't offered here. .
• United States
10 Nov 15
I am sorry this is the way it is for you Ann. I cant say I have that problem here. My son is the only man in this house and he knows not to mess with me haha
• United States
10 Nov 15
@poehere Yes glad you told him to live with it.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
@TiarasOceanView Before our god daughter lived right next door and we saw her daily. Then they moved quite a distance from us because they build a new house. Now we are lucky to see her a few days every now and then when school is on vacation. So I feel like she is a guest in our home and she should be able to watch a little TV at night. I don't let her watch TV during the day or turn it on first thing when she wakes up. I let her normally watch her program around 5 or so while I am cooking dinner. Then after she has a few shows she loves to see so I told him to suck it up and let her watch them.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
That is so funny. I gave up on the TV a long time back. I let him have it now because it does keep peace within the house. I sort of like now that I can download some stuff I like now and then and when and if I want to follow or see a show I have a computer set up to do this one with. So far it is working out fine and he has the TV and I get to have peace and quiet. It just bothered me when our god daughter was here and how he wanted to be selfish with the TV and not allow her to see a few programs she wanted to watch. In the end she was able to see them because I told him it is only for a few days and live with it.
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• Austin, Texas
25 Nov 15
That's so funny! You sound like you're describing my home situation. I have to sneak the remote control away from my husband when he falls asleep. It must be a guy thing.
• Austin, Texas
25 Nov 15
@poehere - Hilarious!
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
25 Nov 15
It sounds like it. You should try to find the remote when he sleeping on it. At times I get so mad I roll him off the couch so I can find it.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
25 Nov 15
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
10 Nov 15
My husband does that too, but I don't mind most of the programmes he's watching. I'm usually on the computer so not taking a lot of notice anyway.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
I have learned over the years to ignore it but he is getting worse. Especially when our god daughter was here for a week. He was selfish with the TV until I put my foot down. I made him let her watch what she wanted to see. He was not happy at all.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
10 Nov 15
my kids are bad about changing the channel like yesterday I went to change the channel because they weren't watching it and the little one turned around quit playing her air hockey game and said hey I'm watching that! Our son used to do the same two rooms away and if you changed it he would hear it and come running saying I was watching that! good luck
@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
10 Nov 15
@poehere we have a tv in each bedroom because when we had one tv it caused a problem over what we wanted to watch so now everyone can watch their shows without having to wait or miss them and hope for a rerun
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
WOW that one is amazing. I never had to worry much about TV's in the house and my daughter watching a lot of TV all the time. I guess I am happy for this one and glad we didn't live in places that had TV's in the rooms or homes we were staying in. My job took me to many places and some places we lived never had a TV there for us. So this made it very nice. I guess people are starting to get a habit of having a TV on all the time. I still like it when mine is off.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
@lokisdad Yes this is one way to do it. But you see here the way our house is laid out it would be very hard to put a TV in each room. So basically the best place for the TV is right where it is and this means that the two of us living here should find a better way to share it. So basically I am not a major TV person and I only like to see a film now and then so I give it to him and allow him to be very selfish. But when I do want to see a film I don't like how he takes the remote and changes it right in a good part and channel surfs around and then puts it back on. That is so rude.
@mom210 (9118)
• United States
10 Nov 15
Okay, I think you need another TV, this is crazy you should be able to watch tv.
@mom210 (9118)
• United States
13 Nov 15
@poehere We were doing that for awhile but, we have starting down loading to much and getting charged extra on the net charge. Wish they had unlimited but where we are, they have DSL and we are peaked.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
13 Nov 15
@mom210 I too have DSL here on the islands and a few years back they offered us unlimited. I jumped on it immediately because I need to download and upload a lot of different things for my clients and I really can handle a limited service. Was glad when they changed this for me.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
We had another TV a few years back and when it's attached to the satellite dish thers was a lot of echoing and noise on both set. One set would talk and then the other so it was sort of like timed delay talking. I got tired of that one and gave the TV to my god daughter. Now I just go to the internet and download films and series to watch on my computer. So much nicer than 2 TV's.
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@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Nov 15
Sorry to hear that,i hope you get a solution
@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
11 Nov 15
@poehere Ha haa sure you have won there and still you can watch yours on comp
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
@Missmwngi That's right because I shut off the single to the TV so it can't stream on there anymore. So now I can just stream to my computer and I am happy.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
Yah I found a nice one. He gets the TV and I stopped paying the expensive satellite programs that he never watches so now all he can have is a few local channels. That was basically all he watched in the first place. So I win.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
10 Nov 15
If you have other room then put another tv so u can watch u want otherwise use internet. I also in this conditiion with my brother but I Told to my mom and I won at that time ha ha
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
I don't want another TV I gave our second one away. I do watch films I download off the Internet. I just feel that guys should learn to share a remove and a TV if you are together in the same space. There has to be a fine line drawn where he can watch his stupid documentaries and later on watch a film or something. I might watch 1 maybe 2 hours of a TV ever few days and only when a good film is playing.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Nov 15
@birjudanak There is only the two of us unless one of our nieces, nephews, or our god daughter come to stay awhile with us. So when they do he can learn he is not alone and can allow the kids to see something they like on TV. It is not so hard to do this one.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
10 Nov 15
@poehere howmany people in your house?
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
11 Nov 15
Your husband must consider refraining from watching TV to get over his weird attachment to the remote control. Maybe he should be busy about other things. My husband and I are not fond of watching TV, if we do, we watch News and that's all, we don't even hold the remote control for long, we just drop it after turning the power on and finding the right channel.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
I personally don't think this one will ever happen,. Before he would walk in the door and put the TV on immediately. Now he is a little better than this and waits a bit longer before he does this. Even at dinner he has to raise the volume and listen to it. If he hears something he runs from the table to go and see it. Now he is bad about a TV and I think this is how it is.
@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
11 Nov 15
I am lucky because my husband likes the same type of shows that I do.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
You sure are. I am sick of the discovery channel type programs and stuff on building motorcycles or even tattoos. I see so much of these they all look the same. A good film now and then sure would be nice. But no fear I can always find a good film from my download site and cuddle up in a nice bed to watch it.
@kevinakash (2084)
• Sri Lanka
11 Nov 15
news is usually watched on TV.other programs are not very smooth at all
• Lucknow, India
11 Nov 15
My dad is a Remote hog!!! He will keep turning channels and even if he is watching something which he likes, he will either keep playing with buttons or he will just keep it in his hand will keep spinning it@@
• Lucknow, India
11 Nov 15
@poehere Haha!!!
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
@Rationalwriter I don't find it all that funny. Maybe I should just change batteries in remote, change around the AV cables, or better yet loose the remote. That is a great idea/
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
Wow sounds exactly like my partner. I can't watch TV with a person like this. I have to get up and leave the room. It drives me crazy to see the channels flipping all the time.
@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
11 Nov 15
Not an issue in this household.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
You are so lucky for this. Here is has always been an issue but lately he seems more controlling than before.
• Otis Orchards, Washington
11 Nov 15
Oh, the joys of living alone! Actually, many, many moons ago I roomed with a woman. We didn't have too much trouble over what we watched. I do remember one time she wanted to watch a movie and I wanted to watch something else. The movie was about a woman who had a brain transplant. I gave in and let her watch the movie. I found myself practically rolling on the floor laughing and she kept saying, "It could happen." I suppose she was right. That movie was on almost 30 years ago so I figured at the time nothing of the sort would ever happen. About a month ago I heard on the news that there was a doctor who wanted to do a brain transplant. Well, I guess it could happen.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
Yes I could see 30 years ago how this was funny. I had a lot of laughs now and then about some of the movies they did. But as time went by some of them have started to become more true. Now go figure that. It is good when two people can decide together on a show and the other doesn't sit there and make faces or noises as the show is on. It sure makes you feel bad that you wanted to see that show.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
11 Nov 15
@RichardMeister That is excellent. I am happy it all worked out for you and you only had time to give in. But anyhow it was still nice of you to give in.
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• Otis Orchards, Washington
11 Nov 15
@poehere That's the only show I remember making any noise about. We usually agreed on what we were going to watch.