Good Day, Hello, Hi, Guten Tag and Hola to name but a few

@mrsg1981 (133)
Exeter, England
November 10, 2015 3:02pm CST
Evening (forgive me and take my appropriate greeting if you aren't in the UK) to you all on this exciting (new to me) site, myself and my husband @djgarner86 were very active members on a similar site to this, we had great fun, made lots of new friends, learned lots of new things and generally just enjoyed talking about our day to day lives, ponderings, worries, good and bad things. Then it all went a bit pear shaped, a lot of fake accounts appeared, lots of stolen posts, lots of confusion. Well basically, we lost our love for posting everything. Then we heard about this site and how much friendlier, down to earth, genuine it is. So we thought, what the heck, lets give it a try. What have we got to lose? So here I am, introducing myself. Natasha - the wife of Daniel, mother of 3 lovely kiddies, photographer, a passion for cooking, making things, growing vegetables (more on that soon), being the best wife I can be (I hope Mr G??), and other stuff that I am sure I will bore you with soon.
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8 responses
@rebelann (112328)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Nov 15
You'll find the forum here fun, just jump into any discussion that peaks your curiosity and have a go. You might find this blog by owlwings helpful to get you started:
A quick user guide to MyLot with answers to some Frequently Asked Questions, a short history of MyLot and other notes Pages Useful Links Welcome to MyLot MyLot is a social site which rewards you for taking part in discussions. There are members from all ov
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@rebelann (112328)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Nov 15
You are so welcome @mrsg1981 nice to meet you as well
@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
Thank you for sharing that, I will have a good read this evening. Nice to meet you.
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
11 Nov 15
Welcome to MyLot! I'm sure that you'll find it every bit as good as the previous site used to be. @rebelann has kindly given you the link to my Welcome page, where you'll find most of the essential information about MyLot. In addition, perhaps I should mention that there are no restrictions on the number of discussions you may start or the number of words/characters you have to use, though common sense will probably show you how many or how few discussions are manageable!
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
Thank you @Owlwings I am looking forward to working my way around the site and settle in. We have plenty of free time in the evenings so that is when I will be most active.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Nov 15
Welcome to myLot - to both of you! This is a great community and very active. I am sure you wil find it rewarding in many ways. Best of all, the admin is very responsive and open.
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
That sounds fab, I love the interaction. No point talking to yourself is there lol. Nice to meet you :)
@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
10 Nov 15
Welcome aboard, I've already met Daniel. I gather you were on Bubblews - what were you called over there? Forgive me if you'd rather not tell, but I've just found out that someone I have been communicating with here is someone I knew quite well there. Anyway, I'm sure you'll love it here.
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
Hi Jabo, I was on bubblews with the same username as I have now I think, I will double check. My husband definitely did have the same. I hope so, I am looking forward to chatting to everyone.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
10 Nov 15
Welcome to this site! I'm also an emigrant from bubblews.
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
Thank you :) it seems a lot of people are.
• United States
10 Nov 15
I am a photographer as well! Happy to meet you!
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
11 Nov 15
Ah that is brilliant, what sort of photography do you do? I mainly do baby and small children studio portrait photography but I enjoy landscape and macro. Nice to meet you too,
@marguicha (220158)
• Chile
11 Nov 15
Welcome to mylot, dear. I can see we share many interests such as cooking and gardening. I am in Spring and I´m eating lots of kale that survived Winter. Besides the old one, new seedlings appeared without my planting them So today I will probably place some of them in rows and eat the rest as raw veggies. I hope we see each other soon here to share recipes and daily happenings.
• Exeter, England
10 Nov 15
There is some great active REAL people on here @mrsg1981 so hopefully it'll be much better than Bubblews!
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
10 Nov 15
I really hope so, as I can't stand fake people blurghhhh!
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