Does it bother you about the Internet these days?

@mrsg1981 (133)
Exeter, England
November 11, 2015 4:46pm CST
The internet is rapidly changing, our lives are revolving around it. When I think back to 2000 when I first got the internet, and how I had to dial up to get a connection, it wouldn't always work which was frustrating, but it was all we knew, so we dealt with it. Fastforward 15 years and things are massively different. We whizz onto the net, pages load in a tiny moment. Things are at our finger tips. We can ask google anything and get an answer instantly, albeit not always a genuine answer as there is so much false information available along with the genuine facts. I could go on for a long time about everything but my question for the moment is... Does it bother you that every single thing you search now, be it on Amazon, eBay, part of a survey you have just completed (the latter has brought the question upon me), through emails you have clicked .. the list goes on.... that no matter what it is, or what you are looking at, that more often than not within minutes whatever it is you have searched suddenly appears as an advert, on social media, on other sites, heck even on this site? Does it bother you because you feel like you are constantly being watched, surveyed, stalked, not allowed to do anything? Or on a more home life scale that for example, you can't search for something without the risk of a loved one seeing it. Being that if could be a gift for an upcoming birthday, Christmas, other reason. Or that you could be looking for some advice that you don't want others to know about. There is so much I could carry on typing but I don't want to bore you too much. But what are your opinions on this ever growing society of not having no personal data / life / private browsing?
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3 responses
• Philippines
12 Nov 15
The internet can be safely concluded to be a groundbreaking invention which both have advantages and disadvantages. I won't go into much details between them, but personally, it helped me learn more about the world and about other things than if it was not invented, obviously. Regarding privacy, you can configure your browser to make your browsing history private. But the digital mark you leave on the internet can still be seen. But don't be paranoid about that since only ninjas stalk people. Keep calm, they're just ninjas that protect and serve you. Ha ha, kudos~!
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
12 Nov 15
I had to giggle at these ninjas that are stalking us lol.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
12 Nov 15
The watch is increasing even outside our own computers. The world is coming online. I do like your rationalization that privacy is not always about security issues but everyday life. Do we need to be secret agents just to keep our presents out of view?
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
12 Nov 15
It definitely feels like it right now. I am sure we will all get used to it with time and learn to deal with it appropriately.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Nov 15
You would have to set it to block cookies and tracking, etc. Another way is to only search for gift items on an incognito window. You can browse incognito on most browsers.
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@mrsg1981 (133)
• Exeter, England
12 Nov 15
I didn't realise I could do this, I will look into it, thank you.