I'M NOT A KID!!!!!!!!!!
By Bea
@beyabells (21)
Quezon City, Philippines
November 12, 2015 5:27am CST
Why is it that parents want us to be like adults in making decisions and such but they treat us as kids?
I know how ironic that sounds like, but I believe that almost every teenager in this world can relate to what I am saying.
Have you ever experienced a time wherein you wanted to go some place, and it's not that far you know; it's just one taxi away, but your parents won't let you go?
And you properly asked for their permission, you didn't just want to go there without their consent.
But no, they wouldn't let you!!!
And it's not some kind of party with drinks and tons of maniacs lurking around. No it's not like that. It's actually the exact opposite. They even know who you are going with and what time you are coming home.
But no; they insist that you shouldn't go there because you're not yet 18.
WHAT THE HECK alright. Just what the heck.
I am not a kid anymore! Please! They treat me as if I'm a 10 year old asking them if I could go to the mall with my friends. I'm already a teenager, I know what is right and what is wrong. I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING.
I'm not some kind of moron or some disabled person that they always need to look out for.
I know that they're just trying to protect me from what the real world is like but how am I suppose to know what the real world really is if they won't let me see it?
I know that I look like some cranky teenager who nags about her parents not letting her go somewhere alright. It's just that I feel so SUFFOCATED right now. All my life I've been, figuratively speaking; locked inside our house. I felt like a dog who was kept in a short and tight leash. Even until now that I'm in college, they still treat me as if I'm still a kid in elementary school.
All I just want to say is that I want a bit of freedom. I want to explore places I've never been to and meet people I've never talked to before. I want to discover by myself how things in the real world really happens. I WANT TO LEARN AND GROW AS A PERSON.
But if my parents will still keep me on a tight leash until I am in my 20's; then I will probably look like a fool that doesn't know anything.
So if you're a teenager who's reading this and experiences the same things I am experiencing right now, then I would like to welcome you to the club!!!!(just kidding though)
And if you're an adult or parent and you seem to have read this post of mine, well you might want to take into consideration on what your child really feels. Is he/she okay with how you treat him/her? Are you keeping them away from the real world or are you exposing them too much? You should probably contemplate on this because in the long run, your decisions now will affect you greatly in the near future.
1 response
@Rationalwriter (1813)
• Lucknow, India
12 Nov 15
They are just too protective!! In their mind, you are still that little kid who used to bump his/her head on the wall or trip while running!! They just want to take care of you
This is how I deal when thy get too protective and then I sit down and explain tm that it is alright