Lending a helping hand on MyLot – Spread the cheer and joy around
By Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
French Polynesia
November 13, 2015 9:31pm CST
I feel rewarded now for helping a few people on MyLot today. I spent an hour or more in “No Responses” reading all the posts. I commented on the posts and gave a little advice to a few new writers. I left very sweet comments and gave a few helpful suggestions.
So far a lot of people have thanked me for my help. I was even told by a few people they were going to revise their original post. They said how nice it was that I gave them a few helpful tips.
Here’s what I found in “No Responses” today –
6 - Spam posts – I did report them all
7 - One line posts and no way to comment on them. One just said How are you? – I did report a few of them. Sorry but I had no idea how to help them or what to say to them.
1 - discussion that had a problem and you couldn’t respond to it. They added a link and the linked stopped you from responding to this. I sent them a PM to change it. They said they changed it but they added the link again. You still can’t respond to it. They will change it again.
25 - Posts that were hard to understand or I needed to ask a few questions on. I responded to them and gave some tips and asked some question. So far I have had a lot of these people thanking me and telling me my advice has really helped. I feel so good to help them.
Maybe if one day you feel a little cheer in your heart you can drop by the No Response section and lend a helping hand like I did. If you can’t respond to the post give them a few pointers and ask them if they would like to change a few things around to make it easier to read. People love this and they were so happy for the advice.
Image - Personal image taken in my garden in Tahiti
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28 responses
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
Thank you so much. I know one young one on here who does post a lot. I did give him some advice to his links and always posting links for his work. I told him a few things and he was very thankful for this. I also spoke several times with a new member and explained to her about her post. She had an excellent post but nobody knew what it was or why she did it. I explained a little more details will help so much. She went in and edited it and fixed it up. It was nice she did this one.
I found another one like the example you gave in a post about milestones. I thought it was fantastic and the post was very interesting. But the title wasn't interesting and so it sat there for so long. I told hem to try and revise their title and they thanked me for this one.
Some posts landed there because when you hit response you couldn't leave a response on it. Seems the link blocked it. I sent PM to these people and they fixed them up. In no time they were getting responses on the post. So this one was nice..
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@Tampa_girl7 (51983)
• United States
14 Nov 15
It feels good when we can help others.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
Yes it does. A lot of them were from new people who just joined. I am not sure if they are still here or not. Some of them might of left because nobody was paying attention and they weren't making any money. This could of discouraged them and they left. Hope not but it could happen.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Nov 15
That is good of you to help them like that. I never make it that far. Maybe I will go there now.
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Nov 15
@poehere ....Yeah, I checked it out and responded to a few. I never seem to get there. I need to start there I guess.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Nov 15
You can find a few nice things in there that people have over looked. I have been helping this young women from China and giving her a few tips. In her last post she had improved so much and followed a few of the tips I gave her. That made me feel good. I hope you'll enjoy it like I have been enjoying it.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Nov 15
@celticeagle I sort of jump around a bit now. Answer a few notification, go to people, then go to explorer, after go down the list from top to no responses. Answer a few more notifications and then a lot of time need to run off for a bit. When and if I get a change again I try to answer 3 to 5 in there and spread it around a bit.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Nov 15
People like you should be more in number. And those of us (including me) who do not contribute much to such goodness around should learn a few tips.
The best I can get to is - report the Spam Posts. Ignore the one liner discussions from the OP. I do hope I am able to have some more time around to get back to doing good around.

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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
Thank you. I just sort of figured all the post on suggestion how to write, complaining about it and giving ideas is not helping. So I tried a different approach. I gave them some suggestions on their post. I more than likely will not hear back from half of them I did this too but it couldn't hurt to try. I thought this might help clean up this area and give them a few helpful hints and tips at the same time. I know some of them have a problems expressing themselves in English so it might be nice if we help them a little. So I tried today to do just that.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
14 Nov 15
@poehere We always have had suggestions to the Admin here to make the Help Section more elaborate and explanatory - due to the fact that many here come from different countries and have different levels of understanding. Also, their earlier familiarity with other sites at times was something that they could not get over. But Admin and Team are a busy lot and quite so. So dear @Owlwings and a few other older MyLotters took up the task and Owlwings has a dedicated section on his blog about it. But then, the visibility is limited to only those who visit his profile or the discussion(s) where the links to the blog are shared.
I am glad that you have analyzed the issue, taken a very different approach and I feel proud of you my dear friend. Keep up the good work

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@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
14 Nov 15
I've tried to help a few but also had to report several.
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@AbbyGreenhill (45494)
• United States
14 Nov 15
@poehere It must take a lot of time getting rid of all the 'junk'!
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
@AbbyGreenhill I spent a total of around 2 hours there yesterday. Not all at one time. Here and there when I had a few free minutes I would drop in and try to do one or two or maybe even 3. I had it really cleaned up yesterday. Now that the new posts have been made I see a lot in there again. The ones towards the top aren't bad because they are newer posts that were posed today or last night. The ones at the bottom have been there the longest. That is why I worked from bottom up.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
Yes I did see a few posts in there that had to be reported. I found spam in there and I thought by now it would of been reported. Looks sort of like it slipped through and they didn't report it at all. So I looked again today and it has been deleted.
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@RonElFran (1214)
• Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
14 Nov 15
@poehere, this is great! I'm new to myLot and didn't know about the No Responses category. Now I'll start paying attention to it. Thanks for being helpful to us newbies.
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@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Nov 15
That is such a good thing you did! I will definitely try to do the same, I love being able to help others. =)
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
Thank you so much. I hope an act of kindness will spread throughout this great community here and all will try to pitch in and help.

@else34 (13515)
• New Delhi, India
15 Nov 15
@poehere Yes,there are lots of people whose posts you visit almost everyday,like and leave comments on them,but they seldom visit your posts,leave alone liking and commenting on them.Like you I too don't care.May be they don't have time.May be they have other engagements.As a member of the site I have to interact here as much as possible.That's it.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
15 Nov 15
@else34 No you are right. I have tons of followers and it is basically to get me to help them. But in the end I will work a few times with new people and then forget about them. I will do this a few times with other people. If they don't care about me then in the end I sort of stop commenting. What people or some people don\'t realize is this - they act like this and work like this they aren't taking full advantage of the site so their earning reflect their efforts. Adding a little bit of time and just a little bit of comments to other posts will add a lot to their earning and lot more people will be happy to read and comment on their stuff.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
15 Nov 15
@poehere Absolutely, hope more people stick around. So we have more discussions :D
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
14 Nov 15
What you did was a great thing it says a lot about you and the kind of help and thanks you get for helping others.

@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
15 Nov 15
@poehere I think if you have someone helping like you are it really sends a positive message to those who are made aware of some things that make sense.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
15 Nov 15
Thank you so much. That is very kind of you to say this. I just want to show people that there is someone reading what they have to say. I tried hard to help a few of them understand why nobody commented before. I did get a lot of positive feed back and I am so hoping it will make an impression on them. I also hope they will change some of their ways and that they will start to be noticed and receive a few responses on their work.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
16 Nov 15
@softbabe44 Thank you so much. I do try and tell these people that interacting is the KEY here on this site. But so far I have only seen 1 or 2 of them take this advice. I don't see a lot of them commenting back on what I have done. I will keep trying for a bit longer and see if this improves.
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@Shyamalaa (525)
• Udaipur, India
14 Nov 15
That is a great idea! I am not as knowledgeable though to be of much help.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
I have no idea if I am either. I just started here but I thought I could try.

@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Nov 15
Thank you but personally I don't have a ton of time. I just try to use it wisely when I can get here. I come in and see notification. I do a few then get tired. So I move around and then land on no responses. I try to answer 4 to 5 and then go back to notification. By the time I need to leave I have gotten finished my notification and done at least 10 responses. In the early morning I am such an early bird I have my coffee reading and answering. By 8 I need to prepare and leave most of the time. A lot of times I ma not back until after 8 at night and I spend an hours here and then close and to watch a film to relax.
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@JudyEv (347851)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Nov 15
It is really good that you are taking the trouble to do this. I've visited the 'no response' a few times too. I've suggested to the one-liners that they make their posts at least three sentences and suggested some topics for them to write about. Most only need a little help to get going.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
14 Nov 15
You are so right. Some of them say everything they want in the title and leave nothing for the text body. So I tried to tell them make short title and use the info for their text body.
One person told me this totally long drawn out story and I had no idea. I was totally lost. I asked him what was his point. In a few sentences he told me what it was. I told him wow that is excellent and you should consider to revise this and write just that for your paper. He told me he would keep it in mind.
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@babaraimc (1310)
• Pakistan
15 Nov 15
@poehere and this is a win win situation for everyone
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Nov 15
thats a really great ideal we used to do that on theoold m ylot I will tr y tro see if I can help in anyway.

@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
15 Nov 15
That is very nice of you. I know one person on here who has almost 40 unanswered post and I am at a loss of what to say on all of them. I can't answer them at all so maybe you can help and answer a few. I tried to help her a few times and she did not pay attention to anything I said to her. She continue to do the same things over and over again. Maybe if a few of us tried to explain to her again she might finally listen and try to change. Let us hope a few others will try to help.

@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Nov 15
I did because I felt bad for her because of having the link block her response tab. I wanted to help her to understand why it happened. She now has it fixed and when it was fixed she ended up with a lot of responses on it. It was a great post and the link for some reason wouldn't allow anyone to comment on it. I thought she needed to know.
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@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
15 Nov 15
@poehere I always do that and i even drop a private message for them
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
16 Nov 15
@Missmwngi That is so sweet of you to do this.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
15 Nov 15
its good thing because you are doing good thing which everyone can see so keep it up because we also going from that way and someone also learn us.helping other is show your good nature and big heart.
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
15 Nov 15
Thank you I am just trying to help out a bit and see if I can help a few people improve their posts so they can have a few more comments and create an interesting discussion.
@birjudanak (14320)
• India
15 Nov 15
@poehere yes here interesting discussion required more then just few comments
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@chelseaearnsmore (208)
• United States
23 Nov 15
That's incredibly thoughtful of you, @poehere! I've seen a few of the comments you left and you truly are helpful and seem to care about the newbies here :) I like going through the No Responses myself, as you can find some good things, as you did - maybe just with a bit of tweaking necessary.
@chelseaearnsmore (208)
• United States
24 Nov 15
@poehere Indeed.. too much can be overwhelming and seem pushy.
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