About Paris attacks

Budennovsk, Russian Federation
November 14, 2015 1:54am CST
I am very sorry for innocent victims of those acts of terrorism. If i had had any possibility to prevent it or help people, I would have rushed to do it right now. And now listen to the appropriate Russian fairy tale "Teremok" (Tower). Once upon a time there was a Tower in the field. The Mouse ran past it, saw that nobody was there and started to live there. The Frog ran past it and asked "Who lives in the Tower? Let me live with you" The Mouse allowed to join her. The hare ran past it and asked "Who lives in the Tower? Let me live with you" The Mouse and the Frog allowed to join them. The Fox ran past it and asked "Who lives in the Tower? Let me live with you" The Mouse, the Frog and the Hare allowed to join them. The Bear ran past it and asked "Who lives in the Tower? Let me live with you" "No, you are too big for our Tower" - all the animals answered. "OK, I will live on your roof" - said the Bear. "OK" - the animals agreed. The Bear started climbing the Tower. The Tower went to ruin and all the animals hardly managed to escape and run away. This fairy tale reminds me of situation with refugees in Europe (Forgive me my intolerance, there will be much reasonable and unreasonable intolerance in this post!). Half of users on many russian forums present their condolences to French citizens, but at the same time they think Europe shouldn't have taken so many Islam refugees for the last decade. Excessive tolerance can lead to the break of all moral human principles and birth of fascism. Do you want to read the most popular comments on Yahoo news for French attacks news article? (Visit news.yahoo.com/apocalyptic-scenes-paris-hit-multiple-attacks-020537728.html) Here it is: "This is only the beginning of endless heartache for Europe....and the US if we don't wise up . No civilized nation should ever have allowed a single Muslim immigrant , at no time in history . Moderate Muslims ? Really ! we have seen the mothers , aunts , grandfathers ...whatever , every time an Islamic subhuman commits an unspeakable atrocity...They were all good boys and girls , helping stray kittens and always ready to wash the dishes after dinner ! PLEASEEEEE ! These beasts are at war with us , and chickadees do not give birth to crocodiles !" Another one, that is one of the featured: "The Muslims in Paris have lived in a parallel society that overlaps with mainstream French civilization on a purely as needed basis (i.e. when they need the government to pay for something). They speak a different language and have customs that are completely alien to western Europe. The question has always been this: do these immigrants become European? Do their children think and act like westerners? The answer is NO" I didn't search thoroughly all these comments in comments thread, they were top comments! Besides, the comments weren't written by severe and intolerant Russians. Europe really looks like a pelican that feeds the young with its own blood, speaking about Musliims. I really feel sorry for Europe for its thoughtless and hyper loyal policy to immigrants. I would be happy to see old good Europe with its original culture, traditions, progress, order. Once again, sorry if I hurt somebody's feelings. You can count me mad and paranoiac, but it is only till the moment you become an eyewitness of "peaceful Muslim" terrorism in Your country. I hope Europe will draw some conclusions. I just want to separate the husk from the grain and don't want innocent people die because of somebody's excessive kindness. I would be happy if you have enough arguments to prove me i am wrong. Or you can comment nothing and push "like" to my post and i will understand you. Or just pretend you haven't read the post and give no reaction, but please, keep my message in mind for the future conclusions
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2 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
14 Nov 15
I think what happens is that people are unreasonably afraid of being called racist. But, they forget one thing - Islam is not a race, it's a religion. In fact, it is more than a religion, it is a theocratic religion that demands that the religion is the state. The government must be run by the religion. It is not racism to reject Islam and to recognize the dangers of radical Islam. There are Christians in Syria being killed by ISIS, and there is much less care given to their fates or to helping them than there is in helping mass migrations of Syrian refugees who are Muslim. Why? Because people are convinced that if one does not defend Islam as being mostly peaceful, then one is a racist. While the same people who insist that Islam is a peaceful religion, insist that the God of the Christians is a bloodthirsty, vengeful God and generally express hatred of Christians. But there are Middle Eastern Christians, too. Islam is not a race, it is a set of beliefs. And those who take a literal approach to those beliefs stand against everything that democratic societies hold sacred. So the radical Islamist has only one goal, to destroy Western society. And if people don't stop worrying about appearing liberal and tolerant and start dealing with the real dangers, there won't be any democratic societies left on earth.
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• St. Petersburg, Florida
15 Nov 15
Excellent post! Your insight and assessment are superb.
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@Fleura (31293)
• United Kingdom
14 Nov 15
Certainly these terrorists who commit such atrocities in the name of Islam are not doing anything to help further the cause of other innocent Muslims who could easily have been (and probably are) among the victims along with those of other, or no faith.
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