Winter Blues, the winter depression.

November 16, 2015 3:55am CST
I just read an article where they talk about Winter Blues and I found it very interesting. I never consider it, when the days get shorter and a little more gray, the mood often suffers the consequences. Not only there is a lack of interest in doing everything, but you also feel tired and feeble. You don't want to go out, you don't want to cook, to eat, but you only whant to saty in bed all day and relax. Have you ever experienced it?
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6 responses
@gudheart (12659)
16 Nov 15
I have depression and anxiety all year round! But you are right it does tend to get worse when it gets dark and gloomy.
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
16 Nov 15
I came across these "SAD" lamps, lamps that helps to drive away winter blues.. Apparently the Nordic folks use these to extend their day light length and stay happy.
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
16 Nov 15
Lack of light means the brain increases the production of melanin, and that can mean drowsiness, irritability, depression and decreased libido.. its defined as Seasonal Adjustment Disorder (SAD), happens to a lot of people. :D
• Italy
16 Nov 15
Thanks for the explanation :)
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@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
16 Nov 15
@thequestioner tbh don't know how true that is.. but there are lamps to help you fight SAD :D
@allknowing (134435)
• India
17 Nov 15
Some do not even need to have any change in weather to get into depression. We do not have extremes here and so cannot comment whether I would go into depression. I never get into depression. If something unpleasant happens around me I do get depressed but get out of it quickly and move on.
@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
16 Nov 15
Only the wish not to go out in the cold.
@JudyEv (337987)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Nov 15
We rarely have extended periods of bad weather so this type of syndrome isn't very common around here. I have certainly heard about it though.
@funtool (246)
• Sargodha, Pakistan
16 Nov 15
Yes but winter blues can be avoided by some simple tips. 1 spending some time out regularly and 2 by illuminating house by using more powerful lights