Mylot and real life

By sofs
@sofssu (23662)
November 16, 2015 10:08pm CST
Does hours of mylotting take you away from real life? Do you think you should be doing other things instead of sitting before your computer and responding to discussion after discussion and starting some too? I am okay currently with my mix of reality and virtual reality. I am always doing other things while mylotting. Right now I am doing my laundry and cleaning the kitchen counters I will be go away for sometime to tend to my plants and clean house. Then I have sometime to mylot before I do some crafting. How do you bring a balance to your life?
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35 responses
@celticeagle (165223)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Nov 15
I am retired and disabled. I get up when I want to and come on line. I have my emails up, and what ever sites I am going to frequent during my time online in my browser. I will do some interacting on here, write or do research for an article, play a game or two on Facebook as my break. And, then I cycle back around again. I spend most of time in my room and online.
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@celticeagle (165223)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Nov 15
@sofssu ...Sometimes it just comes to a person. Hope it does for you.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@celticeagle I am glad that you have found ways to usefully pass time. I haven't written an article in weeks.. I keep telling myself I need to do it again.
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@cacay1 (83319)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Nov 15
You are a strong lady...
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Nov 15
The first one or two days I spent an extreme amount of time on this site. Then I started to understand how it worked and it was so much easier to work a little here and a little there and it was fine.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@poehere I am here all day but a little here and there.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@poehere I have done that too hung around for hours now I come in and go out in quick breaks.
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@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
17 Nov 15
@sofssu Some people love the site and can pass hours on end. I can see how this can happen. My first week here I did spend quite a bit of time on the site. Then my work takes over and the time is less. I try to do a little bit just before I close for the night. In just a bit I will close and call it quits.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
17 Nov 15
On weekends i do first the chores , cooking then cleaning our bedroom . After that , it's myLot time .
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
17 Nov 15
@sofssu Correct ! Duty first before pleasure as the saying goes .
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@SIMPLYD Hmm sometimes I fail.. But its not like I totally neglect the house.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@SIMPLYD actually that would be the best way to balance our work, get the house work done and out of the way before sitting down to mylot. Otherwise work tends to get stretched out.
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@Juliaacv (50798)
• Canada
17 Nov 15
I treat this as a treat, something to help me relax during my day, so I take it in small doses. It is my way of relaxing, reading and writing, and I think that its better for me then watching television. But I don't let it take over my time.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@Juliaacv Perfect way to handle mylot. I wish I can do this myself with the ease that you seem to convey.
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@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
18 Nov 15
Same here.... I often come on late evening... which is fun...but thatsometimes means I have a later night than I's
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@LadyDuck (469966)
• Switzerland
17 Nov 15
I need to force myself to balance the time I spend online. There are plenty of things that I need to do around the house too.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@LadyDuck Initially it was really bad for me now i can adjust my time around mylotting and doing the chores at home.
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@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
18 Nov 15
MyLot has the advantage that you can do it a little at a time. It is not necessary to spend hours at a time here.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@norcal That is so true.. and that is what I love about mylot.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@DanieGirl80587 It sure is a easy site to work with.
• United States
18 Nov 15
Yeah I love that about this site, Can come and go as I please.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 15
This is the problem of having two worlds, the real world and the cyberworld. I juggle between the two worlds before the 24 hrs is up to accomplish what I should do. But lately I've spend more time here than having to meet my real world commitments.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 15
@sofssu Mylot can be very addictive, I spend endless hours mylotting forgetting all about feeding my dogs.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@zandi458 It is a real problem.. and could easily happen if we weren't watching time and being careful about how much time we spend online. I can relate to that.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@zandi458 I sometimes get so caught up in writing ( not necessarily for mylot) and could that neglect my plants.. I can see that happening.
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@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
17 Nov 15
I do other things besides being in here, but since I am retired and live alone, I don't have anyone to account to, except my dogs. I do things other than mylot, but when I get them done, I come right back in here, as this is where I would rather be than anywhere else, or doing anything else for that matter. Mylot is way to much fun not to be here and give my opinions, while interactiing with others.
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@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
18 Nov 15
@sofssu I definitely will, and I wish the same for you too. I do enjoy mylot a lot and I want to be here as long as I can be, but yet take breaks when I need to, and come back refreshed.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@rosekiss I know taht yuou really love mylot more than anyone else I know. I am glad you enjoy kit so much while still getting your job done. Take care and have fun mylotting.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@rosekiss Here is to another great day of mylotting.. My day is almost done.. I need to sign off for now.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
I tend to sign on, go through my notifications for a while, and then take a break and do the things I need to do, then come back. This is usually through out the day. I can't simply sit at the computer non stop, whether it's mylotting or not.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
@sofssu I just simply can't sit for long periods of time. I tend to get too restless. At times it drives my hubby crazy. I just tend to do things here and there, and in my own time frame. Mylot is no different.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@TexanTornado Unlike you I can sit and work in one place for long.. I stand for hours doing gardening or crafting.. But I hate sitting down for a long time.. I don't really get restless but I hurt all over.. I don't like taking those risks.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@TexanTornado I totally relate to that.. I can't sit for hours because of my back for one.. and I need the exercise.. I do some gardening and other work between the breaks. Keeps me happy and the bank moving all day.
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• United States
17 Nov 15
I don't mylot as much as I used to. When the original mylot was around, that was when I would sit behind the computer for literally hours upon hours. Now I just come on an hour at a time here and there.
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• United States
17 Nov 15
@sofssu Or I am distracted by other hobbies... I am sure the "bug" will bite me eventually and I'll be on here 24/7!
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@ScribbledAdNauseum LOL I have been trying hard to maintain my balance.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@ScribbledAdNauseum I guess you know your limits.
@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
17 Nov 15
I am on myLot first thing in the morning. I drink my coffee and have breakfast. I'm online for anywhere between 2-4 hours. I will then stop and do other things that need to be done. I don't feel guilty for my time online as it's only a few hours every day.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@simone10 Its all about your level of comfort. At the end of the day we should be feeling guilty for not having done more. So I guess you are fine.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
19 Nov 15
@sofssu There are times when I wish I did have more time to be on myLot.
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@sofssu (23662)
19 Nov 15
@simone10 I wish that too.. Like today is one of those days and i have to be running around doing so many things.
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@Freelanzer (10743)
• Canada
17 Nov 15
I don't spend hours on mylot as I run an online business and I do a lot of work from home. I come to Mylot for a break and to interact with my friends, it isn't a job for me.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@Freelanzer That is really wonderful., What kind of online business do if you run if you don;t mind my asking you that?
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@Freelanzer (10743)
• Canada
17 Nov 15
@sofssu I am in the clothing business and I do all the sewing and designing. I"m a one woman operation
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@Freelanzer WOw.. That sounds good. Wish you the very best in your endeavors.
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@cacay1 (83319)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
17 Nov 15
I am here in school teaching and sometimes hitching our faculty computer.
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@cacay1 LOL is that okay with the school authorities?
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@cacay1 Good on you .. so you can catch up with a bit of mylotting when you have a spare moment.
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@cacay1 (83319)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Nov 15
@sofssu yeah as long as one is vacant..
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
17 Nov 15
the site is addictive in very fun way. sometimes it is hard to stop myself from staying in front of my pc and do lottering. but today, i have to set myself, stay away...and do some stuff
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@Lucky15 I guess you can mange that.. I used to spend many hours here.. not so much now.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
17 Nov 15
@sofssu my first day was a struggle :)))
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@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@Lucky15 I am glad that you have it worked out.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
17 Nov 15
Mylot could be addictive so I make it a point to do all my chores before doing mylot and then I have to stop at some point to attend to other things.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
19 Nov 15
@sofssu Yes, mylot is a part only, and there are still more. We have to make our day well balanced to avoid neglecting some duties.
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@sofssu (23662)
19 Nov 15
@salonga I guess you are done with all the duties for the day.. or at least most of them. Good to see you around.. I didn't see you yesterday.. I have been a wee bit busy too.. with some projects.
@sofssu (23662)
17 Nov 15
@/salonga So true... we have a life to live and mylot can be a part of it but can't come in the way.. I am careful of that too.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
I think I balance it pretty good. If I don't feel like being here, I go read or play a game or something. But I like being here because I multi task pretty good, Right now I am doing this as well as on another site, Facebook and watching a movie. When my son is awake though, I am usually playing with him. Or I am at work in the mornings. I usually come on here at night when my son is asleep since my husband works late.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@DanieGirl80587 I am so glad taht you can balance this so well., I find mylot much easier to balance than most other sites online... for example pinterest.. I can get stuck there for hours. Happy mylotting to you.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
@sofssu You as well.
@TheHorse (217067)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Nov 15
I think I have a decent balance. But I admit that I sneak over here to "have a look" when grading papers or practicing my mandolin. OK, I'll leave now. Maybe.
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@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@TheHorse LOL I guess i have been here long enough this morning.. Its time to take a power work break.. I have so many things to do today.,
@TheHorse (217067)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Nov 15
@sofssu Eh, they can wait.
@JustEmm (148)
• United States
17 Nov 15
I do many things listen to healing stuff as I write or am doing chores, it helps me stay focused and mentally positive and drown out neighboring annoying sounds. I am a research person also spend time searching about healing and spiritual sites and groups.
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@sofssu (23662)
19 Nov 15
@JustEmm That is very true.. I totally agree with you.. I like spicy food
@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@JustEmm Good going.. I hate to be stuck on to one place.. I hate being addicted to one site too.. This way you have so many other things to occupy your time.
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@JustEmm (148)
• United States
19 Nov 15
@sofssu Yes, someone once said, "Variety is the spice in life."
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
19 Nov 15
I get online when I have a spare minute. But usually I'm too busy doing other things. My myLot time is usually at night when I'm laying down before bed
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@sofssu (23662)
19 Nov 15
@T_gray Its mylot bedtime stories for you then.. sounds like a good plan. I usually never take any of these gadgets to bed.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
19 Nov 15
@sofssu yeah I've been told it's bad for you. But I'm a rebel, what can I say
• United States
17 Nov 15
I've only just joined MyLot today, but I can already see where it can fill your schedule when you have other tasks to attend to! However, since I do many other online activities as well, I try to balance things out by breaking up more annoying tasks (say, studying for the geography test I must take) with doing more rewarding things, like responding to MyLot discussions! It works out pretty well for me - the risk, though, is getting too absorbed in the discussions to remember (or want to) to go back and do the annoying stuff! :)
@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@chelseaearnsmore That's for sure. Have a great day?night mylotting.
@sofssu (23662)
18 Nov 15
@chelseaearnsmore Welcome to mylot. Yes there is the risk of getting addicted to the sight but I guess if we have our priorities right we can do mylot and so many other things besides this.
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• United States
18 Nov 15
@sofssu Thank you! And indeed, with priorities in order you can accomplish quite a bit.
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